Your 12.26.18 Playpen

So, what did you get for Christmas?


Filed under GTP Stuff

68 responses to “Your 12.26.18 Playpen

  1. Blinding Whiff

    My mother-in-law moved in. I may have to escape back to the promised land.


  2. Daniel Simpson Day

    A bottle of Blanton’s from the Mrs. All is well.


  3. Illini84

    We spent Christmas in Blacksburg remembering our last trip to the Sugar Bowl. Even though the Hokies lost to FSU it was the trip of a lifetime for my father in law. His last Bowl was the Dawgs vs the Hokies in the Peach Bowl. The outcome was the same as the national championship mbut my wife said, it brought him so much joy. I hope that’s the way it is for most Dawg fans. Life is short, enjoy it whether “we’re number one” or not.

    Liked by 1 person


    Some KUHL pants


    • 92 grad

      Only pants I will wear for working. Great stuff. I’m afraid they’re getting too popular though, that when good stuff turns to shit.


  5. J-DawG

    I want Plumlee signed & on campus. He’s smooth and efficient. The Ohio State flip is tall and can run but: He’s clumsy when running, has a funky release when passing and I think SEC defenses will rattle him.


    • Derek

      So you think you’ve got this figured out better than the coaches? If they thought Plumlee was better they wouldn’t be offering a “blue shirt” would they?


    • Russ

      Mathis’ upside seems much greater. If he learns from Fromm for a year or two, he could be special. He also seems to know that he’s not going to supplant Jake next season, so hopefully we avoid any transfer drama next offseason.


      • CEPH

        Russ how do you know he has much more potential, is it because he is taller and much slower!!!!!


        • Russ

          Looks like he has a better arm and (supposedly) is used to Pro style, though the tape didn’t exactly show that.

          But yes, a 6’5″ frame with a couple of years of SEC strength and conditioning could be very nice.


    • CEPH

      I hope we didn’t screw up things with Plumlee by signing Mathis. I am totally unimpressed with him I would take Plumlee over him anytime. All you have to do is watch Plumlee on tape, totally impressive and he can run like a deer..


      • tbia

        My one little thing on Plumlee I was told is this…there is a reason to wait based upon the baseball draft. He counts if he signs, but if he is drafted and signs baseball, we don’t get it back.


        • Mayor

          If Fields leaves (and I believe he will) I think Stetson Bennett will be the backup this season and may very well become the starter when Jake leaves, particularly if Jake leaves after his junior year.


  6. Prosticutor

    Gutter guards and a new job returning me closer to my GTP moniker with fingers crossed that future elections will let me ride this one on to the golden years…..on a boat?


  7. 202dawg

    Apple Watch Series 4


  8. 92 grad

    I got funding for rebuilding the suspension on my E30. Project commences the day after the sugar bowl.


  9. bcdawg97

    Here’s a playpen worthy subject surely to spark a debate among the masses here…

    I got an electric smoker.

    I’ve tried and tried at the low and slow method and just can’t ever be consistent. Hoping this solves that problem.


    • ChiliDawg

      Not much debate to be had. You can’t argue with results, and the results from those are off the chain.


      • bcdawg97

        It does feel like cheating to me – sort of feel like camping with electricity – but I’m certainly not ashamed to admit defeat at the hands of charcoal. I figure there are some purists out there who will insist on that traditional method. I am definitely looking forward to the results.


    • Just keep the temp at 225 to 250 and you should have no problems. Invest in a good meat thermometer too. I’ve gotten into more trouble because of screwy thermometers than anything else. Also make sure to clean the thermometer in your smoker regularly as they get gunked up and begin reading incorrectly.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Mallard-Drake

        I’m a purist, so I won’t make fun of you for cheating! (I keed…kinda). In all seriousness, a good thermometer will make a HUGE difference in how you cook. The guys at Thermoworks ( make great stuff. Competition level. You buy meat that costs a fortune, spend some money on a good thermometer.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hogbody Spradlin

      bcdawg, the wood chips on top of the lava rock give you plenty of smoke. Soak ’em good.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      Hard to beat an electric for long low and slow, like a big pork butt or a brisket. I’m on my fourth and and get a progressively nicer one each time. Clean it after use and keep it out of the weather. My only issue with the electrics is they don’t seem to last very long.
      I am currently infatuated with my Traeger. The local grocery had bottom rounds on sale for a couple of bucks a pound, so I loaded up on them. I’ve made 10 lbs or so of pastrami, and the same of jerky. Cool thing about the Traeger: It has a “smoke” setting and when it’s cold like this it never gets over 125 or so, so it works like a dehydrator/smoker and makes killer cold smoked salmon and beef or venison jerky.

      Liked by 1 person

    • dawgtor

      I did the same thing a couple of years ago because I wasn’t good/attentive enough with temp control on my acorn/knockoff egg. I bought a masterbilt that sideloads and mine needs to be at 240-245 to get enough smoke. It works really well and takes a lot of guesswork out of it Does a great job with 3-2-1 ribs 😀


  10. Russ

    I got a Sugar Bowl shirt. Still trying to convince my bride to go to the game but it appears to be a losing battle. She also got me some artisan pork rinds for the game, so at least I have that going for me.


  11. Harold Miller

    I new robe. Yeah, I really needed one. My kids home safe and sound.


  12. berdawg109

    a wall.


  13. Jared S.

    Converter kit so I can use new 20-volt Lithium Ion batteries with my old 18-volt DeWalt cordless tool set (thank you, in-laws!)

    New Layla matress and pillows (thanks, parents!)

    New Georgia Bulldogs t-shirt (thanks, Dad!)

    Home-made gingerbread cookies (thanks, Mom)

    Four Little Things Studio prints (thanks, Lovely Wife!)

    Some random gift cards….

    And my oldest son (5yo) made me a couple paper airplanes and a 3D “paper man” that looks like a turtle.


  14. ugafidelis

    Trulieve stock.


  15. Does anyone know if I will be able to watch the playoff games on Apple tv? I have Uverse but want to set up a tv outside and was hoping I could get the games using Apple tv along with espn app.


  16. JoshG

    A La-Z-Boy and beer. It was perfect.


  17. This is priceless.

    Matthew Whitaker, the acting U.S. Attorney General, has incorrectly claimed on his résumé and in government documents to have been named an Academic All-American while playing football at the University of Iowa, according to the documents and the organization that awards that honor.

    Mr. Whitaker, who was a tight end on the Iowa team from 1990 to 1992, claimed to have been an Academic All-American in his biography on his former law firm’s website and on a résumé sent in 2014 to the chief executive of a now-closed patent-marketing firm, for which he sat on the advisory board. The résumé was included in documents released last month by the Federal Trade Commission.

    Mr. Whitaker made the same claim in a 2010 application for an Iowa judgeship. A Justice Department press release, issued in 2009 when Mr. Whitaker left his post as U.S. Attorney in Iowa, said he had been “an academic All-American football player.”

    To be considered for Academic All-American, a student-athlete must have at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average and must be a starter or important reserve on his or her team.

    Mr. Whitaker’s name doesn’t appear in the list of Academic All-Americans on the website of the organization that bestows the annual honor, the College Sports Information Directors of America. Another University of Iowa football player is on that list for 1992, the year that Mr. Whitaker has said he received the honor.

    Barb Kowal, a spokeswoman for the awarding organization, also known as CoSIDA, said the group has no record that Mr. Whitaker was ever an Academic All-American.

    George O’Leary got fired at Notre Dame for that.


    • Derek

      Matt Whittaker got hired at DOJ for that.


    • ChiliDawg

      It’s kind of alarming that at this stage, we’ve witnessed so many scandals and displays of corruption out of this administration that this most recent development will barely move the needle. In normal times this would be pretty big news and devastating to the person involved. Now though? The WH will dismiss it out of hand.

      Let’s be honest though – this pales in comparison to the whole reason for Whitaker’s presence in the first place. There hasn’t even been an attempt to hide that he’s a political toady placed in that role without qualifications or merit for no other reason than to protect Trump.


      • Chadwick

        Every single word you typed applies to both parties. Pot, meet kettle.


        • ChiliDawg

          No it doesn’t. Check your “bothsides” at the door please, that bullshit won’t fly anymore.


        • dawgtor

          “Every single word you typed applies to both parties. Pot, meet kettle.”
          Of course corruption exists in both parties to varying extents. That being said, is the fact that this should disqualify him really divided by party lines? If someone has been caught like this, it seems like they should be gone, right? Of course, it needs to be proven and I haven’t heard his response. I guess it may just that just a few politicians lack the skills for getting away with this stuff, but one way or another having it out in the open and ignoring it ushers in a whole other level of grift to be had. Whataboutism implies that the other side would similarly blow off consequences in a similar situation. I may not have been aware of similar circumstances in the past, but am interested in hearing them. If I see something credible, I am likely to agree that it is messed up and the person should be kicked out of office, not defend it by saying two wrongs makes a right.


    • Chadwick

      Sen. Blumenthal shrugs.


    • Mayor

      Not exactly. O’Leary got fired by ND for saying he had lettered in football for 4 years at UNH and also had a Master’s Degree. I suspect that Whitaker was named an Academic All-America by his hometown newspaper or something like that. Just enough to not be an outright lie. Sort of like me pretending to be a scratch golfer on another thread today. 😉


  18. Got Cowdog

    I got a fishing trip for the five of us (wife, kids, and I) aboard the “Huntress” out of Destin with Captain Mike and Carter the deckhand. Motto: “If your back isn’t sore the next day we didn’t do our job.” We got a bluebird weather day and they put us on large, belligerent, and what turned out to be tasty fish all day long. Yes my back is still sore.
    If deep sea fishing is your thing, I cannot recommend these guys strongly enough.


  19. Rampdawg

    18 yr. old Glenmorangie.
    A call girl.
    Some potent antibiotics.


  20. RangerRuss

    I got doe in the grill of my truck Christmas Eve night. DAMMITMAN!


  21. W Cobb Dawg

    I got a change up, but’s I needed a quadraphonic blaupunct.


  22. chainsaw…..grunt….grunt… grunt and not one of those battery powered POS’s
