Kentucky’s new bitch

With the Wildcats ending their 26-game futility streak against Florida last season — nice job, by the way, Dan — Georgia now owns the longest winning streak against UK.

(Before you ask, yeah, the header is sarcastic.)


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

15 responses to “Kentucky’s new bitch

  1. When you have to go back 10 years to talk about splitting 4 games – you have a problem. I like Stoops and like what he has done; but he is still recruiting at a 3 star level – which makes it awfully tough to beat a team recrutiing at the level of UGA.


  2. The hype for the game last year….ugh.


    • Go Dawgs!

      I’ve been making the Lexington trip every other year since 2008 and absolutely love going up there. I have several really good UK friends and love the city and everything it’s got to offer.

      Last year was the first time that the Friday before the game actually felt adversarial. Everyone I ran into wearing blue was talking trash about the game and it didn’t feel hospitable in the bars and restaurants like it usually does. I did get the sense that the Wildcat faithful were mostly just trying to convince themselves that they had a chance, it came across a little like the false bravado you’ll find on Stingtalk. But it was always a much more friendly atmosphere up there than it was that night. As soon as the game was over it was back to normal and everything was friendly once again, but it was kinda cool how high the stakes got for UK football last year. I hope that Stoops can put together teams like that in the future.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was actually happy for UK. But the media went to silly


      • Russ

        I hope that Stoops continues to put together a team that beats Florida each year. I’d love to see a 3-4 game losing streak for the Gators.

        Liked by 1 person

      • JCDawg83

        I went to a wedding in Louisville two weeks before the game. The UK fans who knew I went to Georgia went full retard in their obnoxiousness. I heard so much about how Snell was going to run all over Georgia and Allen was going to destroy Fromm. I generally responded with “we’ll see” or “well, we’ll know in a couple of weeks”. They all promised to call me after the game.

        I still haven’t gotten a call.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Macallanlover

          Funny, and unusual behavior for one of very favorite fan groups. Shows you how powerful a narcotic CFB can become, even to what are normally rational people. That is not to say they were ever pathetic or hopeless, just kept their expectations in check. It is a lesson all fans can learn from, including many UGA fans. Each season for every program brings about one or two plays that could go either way that changes your feelings of success, or despair. Often these few plays are determined by forces beyond your control. I love winning as much as any fan we have, but try not to go beyond letting it take me to the edge, or stupid level of civility. I also hope Kentucky stays competitive in the East, and would love them to take FU and TN down more often. Like Stoops, and love the Kentucky football fans.


          • stoopnagle

            “normally rational people”

            You apparently haven’t listened in on the squeaky-fouls fans after they lose a hoops game.


      • stoopnagle

        I went in ’16 and they were pretty hype. I got a little bit of hostility, but honestly no more than I’d expect in Columbia or Auburn. Man, we punked them hard that night. Ha.


  3. Pedro

    Stoops deserves a lot of credit for getting them to relevancy. It will be interesting to see how much of a drop off they have without Allen and snell this year. Those guys were two 5 stars that stoops got for 3 star cheapness.


  4. 3rdandGrantham

    What’s more impressive to me is UK’s 5 game winning streak vs SCU. Until last year’s game, SCU continued to convince themselves that they were neck and neck with us and within a hair of becoming the king of the SECE. Yet, the entire time UK was beating them year after year.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Cousin Eddie

    I just assumed you were saying uf was now UK’s Bitch.



    Speaking of our scheduling…I love hitting up Lexington for our game when the ponies are running.
