Bill Norton, we hardly knew ye.

What do you get when you add a DUI arrest to being buried early on the depth chart?


Filed under Crime and Punishment, Georgia Football

17 responses to “Bill Norton, we hardly knew ye.

  1. spur21

    Kids do stupid shit.


    • DUI is something totally preventable in today’s ride share world especially if you are under age. A safe ride home in Athens is easier than it ever has been.


      • DawgByte

        I completely agree. With Uber and Lyft there is no longer any excuse to get a DUI. Norton will be doing stadium steps until he’s stepping over his scrotum.


  2. Mike Cooley



    • dawgman3000

      I hope not because he’ll be needed next season as a hand full of d-lineman will be departing after this season. IMO, I think he gets in the rotation next season.


  3. W Cobb Dawg

    What is “concentration 0.02G”? Am I misreading this or is that far below the minimum level of alcohol content (which I thought was 0.08). Of course, simply being under 21 and having it in the car is another matter. Frankly, I’m more concerned with him being out at 4:25 am.


  4. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I am unclear. Suspended? Dismissed? Being Redshirted anyway? ‘Hardly knew ye’ makes it sound like he is gone, but I am uncertain if that is the case from the article.


    • The headline made me think “Transfer Portal” which I REALLY hope doesn’t happen, I’m anticipating great things from Mr. Norton


    • Mayor

      I’m betting internal discipline running the stadium plus getting a redshirt he was going to get anyway, plus all the University dui stuff, too (drug checks, classes, etc.). Of course he’ll have the court to deal with also (dui school, community service). Hopefully he’ll learn from this.


  5. Russ2

    That’s a Finebaum level headline . Your better than that.


  6. Transfer portal, here I come.
