Home away from home

Scenes from a “road” game:

And vice versa.

Dial this one up to the 4:50 mark.

I had the same thought watching.

Dawgnation, you did yourself proud last night.


Filed under Georgia Football

11 responses to “Home away from home

  1. Jack Klompus

    Was amazed seeing that on TV. Crazy how well we traveled.

    Zeus looks a lot like the definition of Havoc. Also, I knew Swift had a great night, but he made 147 yds look really easy. It’s really hard to see any RB better than him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dawgfan1995

    After the Tennessee result today, perhaps we Georgia fans can do the same in Knoxville.


    • Texas Dawg

      If (and probably when) Georgia takes over that hillbilly hell hole like they did at Vanderbilt, then Jeremy and Phat Phil better go ahead and have the U-Haul on standby. By the time the Dawgs roll into town, they should be a robust 1-3 (if they luck out and beat Chattanooga) and well on their way to a last place finish in the East (AGAIN).


    • Anonymous

      From my view, they only had about 75K people in the seats. Did the game not sell out? or did people just not show up? If Tennessee fans don’t want to watch their team get slaughtered and start offloading their tickets on the cheap, I can see a lot of Dawg fans making it a day trip especially if the game somehow ends up being the 4:00 SEC Network game.


      • Macallanlover

        I think that was about the “announced” attendance I saw but some TN writers felt that was generous. If they don’t compete/win against FU, the secondary market price of a ticket for our game will not lead the nation in October. Plus, Nashville is a powerful draw relative to Knoxville.


    • Of course I ordered my tickets just before the lost. Should have waited lol


  3. 50k-60k Dawg fans in Kneeland would be incredible. 4th Quarter Krypton was a sight to behold last night in Nashville.


  4. Cojones

    I knew exactly what the “oooo” in the background was when the fans wanted Zeus. It was liberating to see him run again after he payed such a high price earlier.


  5. Hobnail_Boot

    I see no reason why there can’t be a red and black checkerboard in Knoxville.


  6. sniffer

    Those pics of the crowd don’t tell the whole story. The lines at the beer vendors were ridiculous. Not kidding, one line five minutes before half had 100 people waiting. The steps-stairs were like 285 at 6pm. Unreal.
