BREAKING: The foxes like guarding the hen house.

There is a Senate Commerce Committee hearing scheduled today on college athletes and NIL legislation.  SEC commissioner Greg Sankey, Ole Miss athletic director Keith Carter and Ohio State president Michael Drake are among those invited to appear.  The committee chairman, in preparation for the hearing, sent a 20-question letter to officials at 50 NCAA conferences, associations, universities and colleges.

The results are about as unsurprising as you’d expect.

To a question asking if their institutions support modernizing NIL rules, just 40% of respondents agreed. To another question asking school officials to describe how NIL may impact amateurism, 84% of respondents answered that NIL would have a negative impact, with 5% believing there would be a positive effect.

Agents of change, these people aren’t.


UPDATE:  A “strategy worth considering”:

Screenshot_2020-07-01 Steve Berkowitz on Twitter In prepared testimony for today's Senate Commerce Committee hearing on col[...]


UPDATE:  In case you’re interested, you can follow the hearing live here.


Filed under It's Just Bidness, Political Wankery, The NCAA

2 responses to “BREAKING: The foxes like guarding the hen house.

  1. chopdawg

    I agree that there should be federal guidelines in place.


  2. W Cobb Dawg

    Ya know, in today’s climate we aren’t very far from the players (and much of the public) declaring these college reps are “out of touch” and should be replaced.
