Doin’ it for the business model.

Hmmm… I wonder what the decisions of the Big Ten and Pac-12 to pull the plug on the 2020 football season might have in common.  Let’s see.

I think you misspelled “will not” there, Larry, but point taken.

When they tell you it’s about the money, believe them.


Filed under Big Ten Football, It's Just Bidness, Pac-12 Football

18 responses to “Doin’ it for the business model.

  1. Sam Johnson

    I get that the schools cannot impose a bubble on the players, but can they not provide a bubble opportunity and let the players decide whether to comply or not? From the comments of Saban and Courson, it sounds like those players are in a de facto bubble now. The players are not stupid; they realize if there is an outbreak, especially now, they will not have a season. They have a strong incentive to wear masks and maintain social distancing. UGA already provides a basket of online classes to all students. Why not allow the players to take sufficient classes online this fall (as long as same is offered to all students)?

    Once classes and rush start, we may well have a spike, so maybe this is hopeless. I also know it is optimistic for a bunch of 18-22 year olds plus staff to voluntarlily self isolate for four months, but isn’t it worth trying?


    • Of course they can impose a bubble. That’s what Georgia’s been doing with the team since the players reported back.

      They choose not to once students return, because they’ve decided that upholding the amateurism model is their top priority.


      • atticus34

        You really are on a crusade. I do admire that and you are an intelligent guy. We all agree there is a lot of work that needs to be done to improve the equity in collegiate athletics. You’ve firmly established that. But just ask Nick Chubb or Tim Worley who had it best. Just ask Fridge or Trevor who has more of everything. Ask the violinist in the music program if they would like what football players have. Can you please answer my question:

        Young men play football in high school. When they graduate they have choices. Get a job. Go to college. Go to college and compete in athletics and get the very best of everything paid for including a monthly stipend. Skip college and train for 3 years. Or live off parents. They have a choice. Personal responsibility. Where am I missing your point.

        How is making a voluntary choice being exploited?


  2. Scotty King

    I would say for the vast majority of players, a free education from an esteemed institute of higher learning (and/or Florida) , would be sufficient. As a Mercer alum, I know how expensive tuition is. BTW, we almost scored a field goal on Bama.!

    The stars are a different situation entirely. I certainly don’t know the solution. College football and basketball have been doing a slow suicide for a while now. Please refer to the NASCAR model. Greed is NOT good.
