No football for you, either.

Had a feeling this was coming:

Before you ask, Mizzou already has a rescheduled game for December 12, so the only way this gets a second shot would be for December 19, which, again, seems pretty lame.


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football, The Body Is A Temple

48 responses to “No football for you, either.


    Mizzou has no business in the SEC….hell with’em.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. munsonlarryfkajim

    Thanks God. Physically and mentally we need the week off. I know it didn’t do us much good after Alabama but really feels like we need it now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    What does this mean for Daniels? You expect Bennett to be healthy in two weeks, so does that mean play not to lose Kirby continues to do what he does and goes with Bennett, or will it be Daniels?

    We get another week to sit on this loss. Can’t imagine anything worse than that given our situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • californiadawg

      Half the damn team is injured. I can think of quite a few things worse than having another week to heal, practice and regroup.


    • biggusrickus

      The funny thing is that when Georgia’s offense is much better next season, you’ll claim it’s because Smart finally woke up and started playing to win or some such bullshit

      Liked by 1 person

      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        Kirby had two weeks to get Daniels ready between Bama and Kentucky, and made the terrible decision to stick with Bennett, which is such a play not to lose move.

        Kirby has to change. If he doesn’t, his time here will come to an end without having won a national title. If he does change, if he proves he can be adaptable, he will be able to win the title we all desire. It’s up to him.

        And by the way, I’m not the only person in our fanbase or in the media who sees this. Andy Staples said this exact same thing on a podcast on Monday. Kirby has refused to be adaptable, which is stupid, because he learned under Saban who is ultra-adaptable. No better national CFB writer out there. He sees it, too.

        But it’s okay. You told me off on a comment board, so you should feel better about you.


        • biggusrickus

          THE Andy Staples agrees with you? Well, who am I to argue with such a brain trust. Smart adapted, and then the QB situation fell apart. Your kneejerk reaction to this season is dumb.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

            The choice not to hold Kirby Smart responsible for continual poor decision-making is dumb. 🤷🏻‍♂️


            • Grafton

              Of course it all falls on Kirby. No one is arguing that. What hes not responsible for is living up to your expectations.


  4. I’m not surprised at all. At least it’s not a home game we’re losing. I bet JT goes back to running the scout team now as a result.


    • I think this is how it will play out. The SEC will need Missouri to get as many wins as possible for bowl game positioning. Missouri plays Vandy on December 12 as currently scheduled with the hope they get to 6-3 or 5-4, and our game gets cancelled.

      I guess the league could put games in the 12:00 and 3:30 slots on 12/19 leading up to the SEC championship game. The problem is this:
      LSU/Bama and LSU/Florida – there is no spot to play both of these games assuming the Bammers and the Handbags are playing 12/19.
      Vandy/Mizzou and UGA/Mizzou – if I’m Kirby, I say no way am I sending my team to Columbia, Missouri on December 19 (of course, we may not have a choice).

      Right now, I’m betting we have a ton of guys who decide to opt out after 12/5 assuming they weren’t going to play in a bowl game.


      • PTC DAWG

        Agree on going to Mizzou on 12/19..just say we don’t have enough players…


      • ASEF

        No bowl game restrictions this year. A bowl can take a winless team if they want.


        • I’m going off the assumption that a Missouri team with 1 game better record will be more attractive than a 5-5 or 4-6 Missouri team. I don’t think they are going to play on December 19, so one of the LSU and Missouri games each will be cancelled.

          I can’t imagine our guys will be interested in a trip to freeze their collective @$$#3$ off in Columbia, Missouri right before Christmas.


      • 69Dawg

        If ever there was a season to opt out this is it. The Transfer Portal is going to melt too.


  5. Derek

    A week too late…


  6. Be a shame if these cancellations kept mounting and Florida became the 1994 Expos of the SEC East…

    Liked by 5 people

    • 79dawg

      So assuming we get it together next year, we could claim 4 consecutive division championships like the Braves do with their 13??? Most Georgia thing ever I guess…


  7. Castleberry

    McGarity is already inquiring whether we can make this game up at Auburn.

    Liked by 14 people

  8. Im so ok with this. Maybe even a another 1. Got to get out this weekend.


  9. Geezus

    Ah well, looks like a honey-do weekend …


  10. gotthepicture

    I have a strange feeling that UGA will be the only school not to have to cancel a game because of it’s own COVID issues and yet, have nothing to show for that. Anyone else get that feeling?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yep and our coaching staff will be preparing for a meaningless game rather than closing on the early signing period.


    • sniffer

      I’m no prophet but it felt like this season was doomed before it began. Big10 is out then back in. Ditto with the PAC12. How was the CFP committee ever going to legitimately identify four worthy teams? Never made sense to me. I’ve viewed all this as televised entertainment, not my beloved Dawgs playing for glory. The only reason we are discussing games, past and future, is money. They have to be played. The revenue stream has to flow.

      Liked by 1 person

      • chicagodawgfan

        I still don’t understand why they pushed our KY game back a week when both teams were fine to play. You know games will get postponed or cancelled, so you gotta play’em whenever possible. Highly unlikely this game gets made up and wouldn’t be surprised to see another game get postponed before December.


      • Hunkering Hank

        Sniffer you’re a genius I don’t care what anybody else says!


  11. leecodawgfan

    Great! Now Stets got time to get all better.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Greg

    Cool, just looking forward to basketball season… : > )


  13. PTC DAWG

    Remember, it’s for the kids safety.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. godawgs1701

    I personally would not be sad if we don’t get to play Missouri this year and I’d also be just fine if we never played them ever again. They aren’t an SEC program.

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Tim B

    This is pretty much an exhibition season. At this point, the coaches might consider looking at it that way as well.


    • It isn’t an exhibition season. National champions were declared during 2 world wars, and there aren’t asterisks beside them. Coaches’ records are being updated with the results of this year. There will be an SEC champion and a national champion.

      We may have nothing to play for at this point, but calling it an exhibition season because of where we are right now is the nice way of saying 2020 is a throwaway season for Georgia football.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Gaskilldawg

        We can go 8-2 in the conference this season, and finish 9-2 against an all power 5 schedule. Not winning the East would be a disappointment but that record would be good.

        Liked by 1 person

      • sniffer

        Ee, it’s not an exhibition season but it’s illegitimate. The only hope of legitimacy was if all P5 schools played their entire schedule. That’s out the window now and it’s likely that every conference will finish with teams playing different numbers of games. You were early to say you wouldn’t watch if students weren’t allowed on campus. I respected that position and I also took it to mean you didn’t see this season as legit. Throw away season is a different way of saying it’s a joke and let’s get ready for ‘21. Yes, there will be championship games, CFP playoffs and t-shirts printed but that doesn’t mean it has any legitimacy. I don’t think you are arguing that it is legit, correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t see it.


        • All I’m saying is that there will be champions crowned and there won’t be an asterisk. I guarantee you we would be touting that the national championship drought was over if we had won it this year.

          Legitimate is in the eye of the beholder.

          My stance on sitting the season out was specifically about whether fans were going to be welcome to attend and that students would be on campus. It had nothing to do with whether the season was legitimate.


  16. FlyingPeakDawg

    Mr. Sankey? ESPN is on line 1. Something about waning to schedule a 16 team playoff. You in or should I take a message?


  17. Tony BarnFart

    Clemson is off this Saturday…..


  18. ericstrattonrushchairmandamngladtomeetyou

    Well….we’re not going to be playing in the SEC Championship game so why not play Mizzou on Dec. 19? And before you go off half cocked and start calling it a “meaningless” game because It would’t make a difference in Georgia playing or not playing in the championship game, remember that under that standard ALL of Georgia’s remaining games this season would be meaningless. So are you now advocating that the Dawgs just pack it up and cancel the rest of the season? Eh, Bluto?


  19. TN Dawg

    If we were undefeated, everyone here would consider this season as legitimate as it gets.

    Liked by 2 people