Today, in fine for thee but not for me

The next time you hear a coach talk about commitment, you might want to have him define what he means first.

It’s amazing how these guys expect their bullshit to be taken seriously.



Filed under It's All Just Made Up And Flagellant

21 responses to “Today, in fine for thee but not for me

  1. Dave Marler

    Indeed. After all, a family really needs that extra $2 or $3 million a year after struggling to survive on $3.25 million for the two years in Louisville.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a relief that players don’t have families or careers to consider! That must be a load off their minds.

    Liked by 12 people

  3. mddawg

    Seems like Satterfield forgot the first rule of holes.


  4. godawgs1701

    It’s worth going to that tweet and listening to the actual video that he includes in the next tweet in the thread. It doesn’t come off as badly when you hear it in context in my opinion.


  5. rugbydawg79

    Good Luck in recruiting after making a statement like that.


  6. ASEF

    Kind of funny. 2 years ago, a ton of people were howling over UNC hiring has-been Mack Brown and bypassing the clearly superior choice in Scott Satterfield.

    Now, the university that hired Petrino and stuck by Pitino is ready to file for divorce from Scott. Which, yes, says a lot about the university’s priorities as well.


  7. Damn son, I don’t think I would’ve said that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Down Island Way

      “But when they’re honest, well, doesn’t always go so well. Something to be said for sending the correct messages.” (john lewis quote)…please correct me here, don’t student athletes go to the institutions of higher learning in hopes of acquiring skills/knowledge/relationships that will help them in making career choices/decisions, good coaches will create an environment that will let the student athletes know that to get where they want to go, they will need to be “all in” without having to mention those words…people leave positions in all walks of life attempting to better themselves, while I’m there, I’m “all in”….

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Texas Dawg

    So the years I spent in Athens were a wasted on trying to earn a degree so I could have a career and provide for my future family? Who knew?


  9. bigjohnson1992

    Sound like Satterfield and Kirby took the same online class this year.
    Tone-deaf diarrhea of the mouth 101.


  10. spur21

    I’m trying to come up with a more tone deaf group but coaches have an insurmountable lead.


  11. jdawg108

    If we are talking about a graduate assistant making $8000 per year, he has a point. If we are talking about a person making eight figure salaries, then they aren’t “considering their career“. They are looking for greener pastures.
