What the hell has happened to Jeff Sagarin’s computer?

The machine that has routinely underrated Georgia for years has this season’s bunch currently ranked… fifth?



I think this says more about the 2020 season than it does about Sagarin’s computer.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

23 responses to “What the hell has happened to Jeff Sagarin’s computer?

  1. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    Is it accounting for Daniels, as in, had Daniels played vs. Florida we would’ve won?


  2. KornDawg

    Don’t tell Kanell/Sallee, their heads will explode.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. MGW

    Currently, 5th seems right to me. Florida and before… not so much.


  4. I think he hasn’t updated it in a while and it’s still running Windows XP….

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Greg

    probably schedule rank…..to hell with Notre Dame!


  6. 79dawg

    As you said on twitter, the home field “advantage” factor is .84 – maybe only 3 home games explains it…


  7. Wolfman

    Lol Tech


  8. lvilledawg

    Drugs are a hell of a drug….even for computers.


  9. Greg

    and STILL ranked ahead of Notre Dame (ESPN). Bet the new BCS poll ain’t gonna see it that way….


  10. benco04

    The last sentence, that’s the important part. Every week this season goes by, the more farcical it looks. I like watching my team play. But the rest of it? You’re kidding yourself if there isn’t a Polaris-sized starry asterisk next to anythijg that has to do with the 2020 CFB season.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. stoopnagle

    I think it’s fun to dig up where the old BCS formula would place teams.


  12. ASEF

    There aren’t a ton of interconference data points in a normal year – this year there are zero. I have no idea how the computers handle that.


  13. TN Dawg

    Never trust the computer algorithms.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. originaluglydawg

    Maybe because the Dawgs, without Daniels, handled Tennessee better than the handbags.
    Not really.
    Who knows? It’s either a glitchy mistake, or it’s taking Daniels emergence as huge.


  15. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Well there is this – we may be the only team that has played Alabama with the lead at the end of the first half.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. The only thing I can figure: We haven’t played Vandy yet, so that’s skewing the SOS numbers.

    Liked by 1 person