As analogies go…

… this one isn’t a bad one.

Obviously, we’ll have to wait and see what fate has in store for Dan Mullen, but it’s fair to say that one game a career doth not make.  Although it does make for a familiar echo from a particular fan base.


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football

20 responses to “As analogies go…

  1. theotherdoug

    While retooling the offense Dan is going to have to lean on the defense, and I’ll be watching for the epic sideline meltdown with Dan and Grantham.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Greg

    Will always be grateful to Donnan for the ‘97 game. UF favored by 20 and Dawgs win by 20.

    Donnan looked like the cat who stole the canary after the game.

    Great ambassador to UGA, love to listen to him break things down.

    Liked by 5 people

    • J.R. Clark

      If only he hadn’t fallen in love with Quincy Carter…I still don’t believe QC was better than Nate Hybl or Daniel Cobb or Michael Ussery (?) or Jon England or Cory Phillips…

      Liked by 4 people

      • His bigger problem was that he couldn’t hire a defensive coordinator who was worth a flip.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Greg

        Quincy had his moments (as did Donnan). LSU was one of them. I believe he broke a record for consecutive completions that game, forget the year.

        Came away with a victory out of Baton Rouge only to lose to UT the following week.

        The 5 INT game against South Carolina was ridiculous. But I blame Donnan more than Quincy.

        But I am picking up what you are laying down….he definitely put all his eggs in one basket, really hated to lose Hybl. Cobb hurt too….hell, they all hurt back then.

        Loyalty is a doubled edge sword, it ended up biting JD in the ass. QC had some issues back then, but hard not to like him.

        Nonetheless, it was time to make a coaching change. The SC game convinced me……but again, the UF game will always be remembered. Hines also deserves a mention too, he had a great game that day. Great team victory.

        Glad we still have Donnan associated with the Dawgs though….and he did elevate the program from where it was.

        Liked by 4 people

        • SoCalDawg

          Hi Greg – 1998 was the year to which you are referring. I had just moved from GA out west and flew back for that full week. High to high and low to low (Gameday initial visit to Athens for UT game shellacking). But @ LSU game w/ QC & Champ was a thing of beauty. Quincy had like 300 yds and Champ was on the field for maybe 100, heck — all the plays. What a night to on the bayou, 28-27.

          Liked by 5 people

      • Kevin Ramsey was a fuck up of epic proportions.


  3. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    I said that last year. He isn’t their Richt, he’s their Donnan.

    I wouldn’t call Kirby our Spurrier, though. He’s missing a few more SEC Titles and something else really important.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Down Island Way

      I wouldn’t call the old ball sack anything but pure 100% ass hole…(despite the obvious)

      Liked by 4 people

      • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

        I mean yeah, he is, but fuck if he wasn’t a great coach. One of the greatest.

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          August Campbell wrote The I-95 song with SOS in mind. I refuse to acknowledge anything but his assholeness. Sniveling bitch and quitter.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Greg

        The Mohammad Ali of college football (coaches). He’d talk…but he also could back it up. Always seemed to get inside people’s heads.

        Didn’t hate him, but I respected him. I thought he was good for college football. Couldn’t help but laugh at some of the stuff he would say.

        He would also give the opposing team and coaches credit when he lost.

        Like him or not, he was a great coach.

        Liked by 2 people

        • One of the posters known as Mark

          Spurrier was a complete prick, but you’re right: his post-game comments in ’97 were magnanimous.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Greg

            “Yeah, we just got beat,” Spurrier said last week. “Georgia outplayed us, outcoached us”


          • RangerRuss

            As opposed to his post-game comments after that 52-20 ass whooping the Dawgs laid on his ass in 2015. That was classic Spud. Whinging, making excuses and attempting to deflect defeat with past success. That’s how I recall that muthafuka.


    • unionjackgin

      I am not sure Kirby is our Spurrier either but since the narrative has cropped up a few times in the offseason … Spurrier didn’t win the National Championship until Year 7.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. SoCalDawg

    May Kirby continue on this current parallel path to become to them what Spurrier became to us, a bane of existence.

    May he keep on building the actual recruiting Death Star while SS Dan keeps dressing up like Darth Vader for Halloween.

    Liked by 6 people

  5. 69Dawg

    97 Florida game. Had the best seats of my life for a Florida game. My friend’s father-in law from Macon was a major contributor but he had had enough of the beat downs on the river. He gave us four tickets on the 45 in the at that time the area you could go inside if you wanted too. We won and the old man never got over not going.

    Liked by 2 people