Today, in I hope this is snark

Because if it’s not, I wonder what Pete thinks has been going on in college football for at least the last 20 years.


Filed under Academics? Academics., Media Punditry/Foibles, Texas Is Just Better Than You Are.

31 responses to “Today, in I hope this is snark

  1. akascuba

    It’s either snark or Pete is looking for a b10 job.
    Nothing about CFB today is about academics. Unless it fits your narrative of course. Money is driving the ship the rest is BS to hide behind.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. practicaldawg

    Personally I’d be fine seeing Texas’s politics and ego end up in a different conference than the SEC.

    Liked by 5 people

    • There’s a part of me that agrees with that, but I also think the SEC is strong enough that the kind of shit Texas pulled in (both iterations of) the Big XII won’t fly here. Texas could get what it wanted by threatening to leave the B12 because without them, there aren’t a whole lot of other name-brand programs outside of Oklahoma. But a conference that already has marquee programs like Bama, UGA, Florida, etc. isn’t going to panic when the Longhorns decide to go full prima donna again.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Russ

        Yeah, and that’s why it surprises me that Texas would consider moving to the SEC. Or, maybe they are delusional enough to think that stuff WOULD work here.


      • practicaldawg

        I would like to agree with you, but I don’t think the culture at Texas is going to change when they join the SEC. It’s too deeply ingrained, and they will have even more money/power to make them believe they can do whatever they want even if they fake like they are a “team player” to get in. I guarantee you they will cause trouble within a few years of joining. TAMU knows this better than any team in the conference and is probably cringing.


      • David D

        Performance-wise, Texas is a mediocre fish in a small pond. They’ll be an even more mediocre fish in an acid bath soon.

        Liked by 2 people

        • ericstrattonrushchairmandamngladtomeetyou

          Has it ever occurred to you that with SEC cred, plus all the money in the world with NIL, Texas will be able to recruit against Georgia, Bama and LSU and get players away from them. Texas is the richest university in America. We all may be looking up at the Horns before long.


  3. theotherdoug

    This is a good time and place to mention Nebraska was kicked out of the AAU (prestigious academic group) one year after joining the Big10 because of really really poor academics and research funding.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. timberridgedawg

    The B1G’s academic snobbery will eventually get them killed on the football field. The athletes are primarily in the south and California and the northern states are losing population relative to the southern tier. Follow the money. College football and academia are on separate paths with NIL, the NFL in three years, and perhaps pay to play in the not too distant future.

    To quote that eminent tOSU scholar, QB Cardale Jones…
    “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL. We ain’t come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS.”

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Whatever, Pete … you’re one of the worst CFB writers out there, and I don’t even want Texas and Oklahoma in the conference but am resigned to the fact that “It’s all about the Benjamins”.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    Oh! The Association of American Universities! How impressive. Another organization to give people a reason to think they’re smarter and their shit smells better because they went to a TOP school.
    Heaven save us from smart people.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Ran A

    This is “the” laughable line that continues to be circulated. Texas Academics…

    Will give credit where credit is due, they have a massive engineering program and a huge business school. But it is in size that they have scope.

    U.S. News and World Report ranks Texas #42 and Georgia #47. Florida is #30. Public college – they are #13 – Georgia is #15 – hell, UF is #6.

    If you keep saying the same thing over and over in this world, somewhere in there it just becomes fact…

    And one last thought – how many Academic juggernauts are in the Big 12 or the old Southwest Conference..

    Liked by 2 people

  8. W Cobb Dawg

    The ‘academic/research profile’ is why sooo many college football fans pay top dollar to watch Ivy League games. So this makes perfect sense.🤪

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Wait who said anything about academics? What does that have to do with anything important (to administrators) like money and brand?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dawglicious

    To paraphrase the Bear (I think): “One hundred thousand people don’t show up to watch a chemistry test.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • mddawg

      James Caan’s character says something similar in The Program. From

      Regent Chairman: This is not a football vocational school. It’s an institute for higher learning.
      Sam Winters: Yeah, but when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment?


    • Ray S

      I believe that was Coach Winters from “The Program”. I love that movie!!!


  11. ASEF

    When the B1G loses a Math Bowl or Team Jeopardy tournament, do they sneer how much money their football operation makes?


  12. Seems like a good example that it’s difficult to come up with a hot take every day of the year on the same subject.


  13. bucketheridge

    What, exactly, makes the Big 10 a far better fit for Texas?


    • godawgs1701

      Big Ten schools think as much of themselves as Texas thinks of itself. Mutual self-admiration society.

      Liked by 3 people

    • SSB Charley

      With the exception of UGA, UF, Vandy, and TAMU, the remainder of the SEC doesn’t produce near the amount of research that your average Big Ten university does. Even Georgia, which has one of the better graduate schools in the conference, doesn’t produce the research that a Purdue, Illinois, or Minnesota does (in large part due to the absence of a med school and a college of engineering in its infancy). Texas has a pretty massive graduate school which produces a ton in research (again, in large part due to its college of engineering; my recollection is that UT med school is located in Houston, but is probably still considered part of the university for purposes of allocating or accounting for research dollars).

      The Big Ten serves not only as an athletic conference but as a research consortium as well, working together with other universities within the conference on research issues that they apparently don’t do with universities outside the conference. Thus, adding a giant research institution like Texas would be another similar university to the consortium. UT is very different in kind and scope from schools like Auburn, USC, MSU, Ole Miss, and Arkansas, all of which are good schools, but none of which produce research on the scale of a UT (or UF, Vandy, or TAMU).

      As for the Association of American Universities, the repeated citations I see to that over the years by fans shows that it is one of the most misunderstood entities on the planet. It’s essentially a lobbying organization for research universities, most of which focus on the sciences and engineering. Thus, schools like UGA, which have a good program in the sciences, but don’t have a med school or a well-established engineering program, aren’t the type of university that is typically a member. Schools like UF, which has a college of engineering and a medical school, are.

      Liked by 2 people

      • sirjackshea1980

        ah….excuse me, but….


        • Ed Bodenhamer

          That’s nice and all, but Augusta University (formerly Medical College of Georgia and Augusta State prior to merging) is a separate entity from UGA. The partnership is beneficial, but UGA doesn’t have a medical school. MOST state flagships have their own medical school, but several states (Georgia among them) have for a long time had a standalone medical university that served the entire state.

          The University System of Georgia is VERY different than most states. If we were like many of the states in the Big10, Pac12 or Big12, you wouldn’t have schools like Georgia Southern, Valdosta State, North Georgia, Kennesaw State, Augusta University, etc. Instead you’d have UGA-Statesboro, UGA-Valdosta, UGA-Dahlonega, UFA-Kennesaw, and UGA-Augusta.

          The post you’re replying to is 100% correct with regards to the AAU and research dollars a the various institutions. The AAU is mostly for show, it’s not a measurement of academic excellence like some people present it as. UGA is ranked higher than many of the AAU schools, but the research $$$ (while very impressive considering no med or engineering school) isn’t enough to be considered for AAU membership at this time. Also, the AAU has for a long time ignored Southern school. But to be fair, UGA doesn’t really have a need for them, either.

          Liked by 2 people

          • rigger92

            While not being on top of this as you, I would like to add that the Ed. School never got the credit deserved, at least in my time of ‘88-‘92. Terry and Law should be in there too.

            I agree, several friends from that time period transferred and lived in Athens but were medical college of Georgia graduates from those strip mall outposts. In my profession I spend a lot of time at Shands/UF and Vanderbilt Medicine, Missouri college of Medicine, MissySt medicine, not to mention Miami medicine, Emory, Duke, Virginia Commonwealth. UGA kind of missed on that boat.


            • sirjackshea1980

              Just to clarify something about the earlier post…the UGA System made a decision at some point to have one medical school for the who state system, since Georgia is part of the UGA system, does that not mean it does, in fact have a medical school? UGAs medical school is off the Athens campus, as are many other medical schools associated with major universities. Emory’s medical school, for instance, started life as Atlanta College of Medicine, not on the Emory Campus. (Not that this semantic differential has the slightest thing to do with the original post.)
