Shots fired.

Well, now.  This is an interesting development.

Who follows?  And which governors/attorneys general try to block it?



I guess he thinks he’s doing them a favor.  By November, Vol fans may prefer an excuse not to watch that team play football.


Filed under Political Wankery, SEC Football, The Body Is A Temple

98 responses to “Shots fired.

  1. RangerRuss

    Papers please. I’ll do as ol Merle sings.
    “I think I’ll just stay here and drink.”

    Liked by 6 people

    • amurraycuh

      Which then means more viewers on TV sets and increases the marketability of the games and means more money for the schools. Its a win-win as far as the universities are concerned.

      Liked by 1 person

    • chopdawg

      I’ll do another country song: “Ever see a Cajun when he really got mad…it gets real hot, down in Looziana”

      Liked by 2 people

  2. sirjackshea1980

    Apparently the premise is that kids under 12 wont carry the virus into the stadium….interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Biggen

    Well my governor in Florida won’t allow it so I’m good with that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Castleberry

    I’ve been waiting for this. So – will a 13 year old need ID or just a photocopy of any vax card? I like the idea but seems tough to enforce without ID. And – will ID be required for 15+?

    Running over to the copy machine to make sure I have plenty of backups right now.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. David K

    I wonder how well that will go over with the Magill Society type boosters who are also anti-vax. How do you tell a guy who’s donating tens of thousands of dollars that they can’t get into the game?


  6. practicaldawg

    Death Valley 2021: intoxicated and inoculated

    Liked by 15 people

  7. Although to be fair, LSU should probably have required proof of treatment or vaccination to various diseases a long time ago. Covid just have them the perfect cover.

    Liked by 17 people


    Say this with me. Cluster Fuck…

    Liked by 3 people

  9. fisheriesdawg

    Prediction: Miami will announce it, DeSantis will make a big show about blocking it, and none of it will matter one bit because Miami games are inherently socially distanced.

    Liked by 10 people

  10. sirjackshea1980

    Has it occurred to you yet that the upcoming season is probably going to be way more screwed up because of the Delta thingy, that last year’s season?

    Liked by 3 people

    • sirjackshea1980



      • I love a man with attention to detail. Especially his own. As to your point I sure hope not, and I think we have some hope. Considering how many new Delta infections we are getting, plus – at last check – the 62% of Americans who have received at least the first shot of the vax, those numbers – immunity by infection or by vaccination – have to catch up to each other at some point.


        • sirjackshea1980

          “Hope” is the operative word…I “hoped” the vax rate would be more like 90%, and you can see how that is working out. Even with prior infection and/or vaccination you won’t be “immune” but you might escape a visit to your local hospital (if you could get a room). “Herd immunity” is a myth compounded by a word that does not apply. 🙂


  11. rigger92

    Senator is on point with his entry titles today.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. theotherdoug

    There’s the political side to this that gets a lot of attention, but also the powerful people get what they want and they’re tired of COVID impacting revenue.

    It’s like Nick Saban is ready to tell any booster to GTFO if they don’t want to get vaccinated. Nick wants to win football games and hasn’t got time for some dumbass youtube theory.

    Your free to not get vaxed, but then you will have to show a negative test to get into the game. Get over it and wait until your boss’s boss has a Nick Saban moment.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. uga97

    Calling all Cajun 5 & 10 year olds, get ready for priority 50 yard line seats, booster & mega donors boxes, Bourbon bars & etoufee buffets.

    It’s gonna be all yers on Saturday nights in Baton Rouge this fall!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. W Cobb Dawg

    Maybe Texas doesn’t join the sec after all…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. MGW

    Perhaps if you outright market it as a super spreader event and ban the vaccinated you’ll finally fill that miniature aluminum nascar stadium.


  16. Godawg

    LSU will require all Tiger Stadium guests 21 years of age and older to provide proof of intoxication or a negative sobriety test taken within 72 hours prior to entry.

    There. I fixed it.

    Liked by 8 people

  17. Bulldawg Bill

    Bluto, sounds like we’re talkin’ politics today! How much latitude are you givin’??? Just wonderin’.


  18. uga97

    Btw, does this remind folks when st nick & Bama put the app on students phones to track who left the games early? Bye bye personal privacy.


  19. Didn’t we just announce no proof of vax required?


  20. Getting COVID or being a Vol fan? Honestly not sure which is the more miserable experience at this point.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. PTC DAWG

    Herschel’s running…


  22. Charles Jackson

    Yes sir! No mandates in Sanford in 2021. Time to pack the house. Go Dawgs!


  23. Charles Jackson

    Georgia and Florida following the science.
