You know who I’d love to watch this year’s Cocktail Party with?

Hell, I’d buy the beers to listen him rag on the Gators.


Filed under The Evil Genius

42 responses to “You know who I’d love to watch this year’s Cocktail Party with?

  1. iusedtopostasmikecooley

    I couldn’t stand the Old Ball Sack then and I can’t stand him now. He’s one of the worst kinds of people in my opinion. He’s an egomaniac who is all in as long as everything is going his way and he gets to brag and talk shit. But the minute that isn’t there you look around and he has hauled ass. He’s the guy that gets you into a fight because he likes to talk shit and thinks the other guys won’t be hard to whip. Next thing you know, those guys are a lot tougher than they looked, you’re in a hell of a fight and he’s nowhere around.

    Liked by 12 people

  2. Spurrier carved Grantham up at SCU. Have to think he doesn’t have much respect for him now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well when your sitting there with him you might point out that they’ve turned the ball over a lot too. It’s not just one side of the ball causing them problems.

    Liked by 3 people

    • David K

      Yep he’s just continuing the narrative that replacing Grantham is the solution to all of their problems. If he was being honest he’d have a lot more to say about Mullen, recruiting, etc.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. stoopnagle

    Simulcast with Spurrier and Donnan.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. JaxDawg

    Senator- In light of how arrogant we now know Dopey is, that video you posted a long time ago of the Old Ball Sack drawing up plays on Mullen’s white board, and the subsequent disgust creeping out of Mullen’s expression, was prophetic on how Dopey’s FU tenure would play out.

    I bet everything the old ball sack says eats at Mullen’s ego like mange on a dog.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Down Island Way

      There exists medical treatment for mange on a dog…there is no known remedy for the FU hc, maybe a cannon shot towards Pluto, concrete shoes and the St. Johns river, will settle for a complete beat down of FU this saturday….#FTMF

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Gaskilldawg

    I don’t think I could stand being in the same room as Spurrier for 5 seconds, let alone watch a game with him.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. RC

    He’s a national treasure. College football is so much less interesting without him.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m not an OBS fan by any stretch, but if he had been our coach after Dooley and did what he did in Hogtown, he would have never gone to Washington.

    My opinion of him is if he’s on your side, your perspective is he may be a jackass, but he’s our jackass.

    The fact that Knapp never even appeared to interview Spurrier is awful.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Bulldawg Bill

    OBS reminds me of Conrad Dobler, lineman for the old StL Cardinals, known as the “Great Troublemaker” in the Miller Lite commercial. Would instigate a fight in the stands and step back to admire his handiwork!


    • iusedtopostasmikecooley

      Dobler was a mean son of a bitch and the dirtiest player in the game. Spurrier is a chicken shit quitter.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bulldawg Bill

        As I’m sure RangerRuss will agree, “If you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’!” -Army Ranger motto.


        • iusedtopostasmikecooley

          Yeah I’m just a Marine. We were never needed to cheat.

          Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          If you ain’t cheatn’ you ain’t tryn’.
          If you ain’t tryn’ you ain’t gon make it.
          If you get caught cheatn’ you ain’t tryn’ hard enough.


          • RangerRuss

            Alternatively, from my Ranger Handbook dated October 1980, there is Standing Orders, Roger’s Rangers from 1756:
            4. Tell the truth about what you see and what you do.
            There is an Army depending on us for correct
            information. You can lie all you please when you tell
            other folks about the Rangers, but don’t never lie to a
            Ranger or Officer.

            I freely admit to being a bit flexible with that last sentence. As when you bust up the bikers at the old Last Resort and during the egress you scream, “Marine Corp! Oorah!” and beat feet the hell out of Dodge. Then the Old Man asks you Monday morning what you know about it as Athens Finest rousted the Navy School Commander for not controlling his Marines. Do your Sergeant Schultz imitation. “Don’t know nothing about that, sir. We were patrolling in Oconee National Forest.”
            Rangers Lead The Way!


  10. Muttley

    1n 2005 when Fullamerde was imploding (again) they gave Cutcliffe, who was between gigs and angling for his old job back, a post-game radio show on the Vol radio network. Every call sounded like this:

    Caller: Coach Cutcliffe, your glorious wonderfulness, what did you think of that gawdawful performance we just saw?
    Cutcliffe: (significantly) Weeellllllllll…..what did YOOOOOUUU think of it?

    I wish they’d give Spurrier a similar slot for Lieutenant Dan to enjoy.


  11. Ran A

    You know Spurrier is likely the most hated Gator of all. But he also earned respect, by just beating our a$$es. One of the happiest days of my life is when he left UF.

    When his wife was sick, there was a big out pouring from Gator-Nation, you would expect that. But he also got a lot of calls and notes from Dawgnation. Guessing that this surprised him a little.

    There will never be any love losses between us and him. But respect – that’s a different animal.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I really thought the answer to your post header question was “Kate Hudson” but if you want to pop a Coors with Spurrier instead, ok.


    • ericstrattonrushchairmandamngladtomeetyou

      Sharon Stone for me. I’m a little older than you are.


    • rigger92

      Yeah, my answer was RangerRuss.

      Liked by 1 person

      • RangerRuss

        Oh, we gonna have some fun, ol buddy. Got a couple packs of gator tail to fry along with some small catfish I caught out of the creek. About any kind of liquor you care to drink and any type of beer as long you drink Corona. It depends on who attends and how well the Dawgs do if I put the chicken wire barrier in front of the TV.
        Wife isn’t going to J’ville this year so there will be someone to clean up the blood and drag the next sumbitch who says, “The Dawgs suck” outside.
        GO DAWGS!!


  13. classiccitycanine

    If Florida doesn’t miss an extra point, Saban is probably staring three losses in there face. Damn you Florida for helping to keep Nick around.


  14. Tony BarnFart

    No doubt Spurrier was the villain that haunted us for a long time, and sometimes you still would like to smack him down, but for the life of me his old school cockiness is 1000xs more tolerable than the modern day semi-sociopathic bullshit you see from some of these coaches.

    I think most of us probably have a few friends, colleagues or family members just like Steve Spurrier……..I can tell you, I am not friends with people that have the creepy Urban Meyer vibe. So many of today’s arrogant coaches bring in that creepy sociopath vibe. Spurrier, for all his ass hat’edness, was still a good ole boy in a down to earth way.


  15. Scotty King

    Tiffani-Amber Theissan

    Liked by 1 person

  16. RangerRuss

    SOS? Still better than Jane Fonda.
