The king of dumb takes

I mean, you attempt to make a living covering college football and offer this as keen insight on your part:

Yes, our nation is united on one thing.  There’s too much college football to watch.  Thanks for sharing that, Danny.


Filed under General Idiocy, Media Punditry/Foibles

31 responses to “The king of dumb takes

  1. When you find yourself paying any attention to Danny Kanell words you really need to reevaluate whats important in your life.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. D as in Dawg

    Turned on football last night for the 1st time since the ACTCG. It’s taken me that long to recover. Would typically have watched a little more, especially games involving the SEC, but it appears to be better not to waste one’s time. Non-CFP bowl games just mean more when you’re playing a SEC team.

    As for too many of a thing, how about too many college football experts. That’s something we can all unite behind.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I’ve found myself thinking “man, there are too many college football pundits” way more times than I’ve found myself thinking “man, there are too many college football games.” ESPN in particular could stand to feature a lot more actual athletic contests and a lot fewer randos like Kanell yakking about them.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Down Island Way

        Like the swirling waters of my toilet, so are the words from that ass wipes face…

        Liked by 4 people

      • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

        Speaking of a plethora of pundits, I am recording the regular broadcast but also the ‘all 22’ version. I think it still has commentators, but they can be muted, and I hope I am right that they won’t have sideline reporters and rules experts and that I can just watch.


  3. Illini84

    I’ve been enjoying them but I always do!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    Yesterday he was having a sublime moment because the SEC is 0-4 in bowl games so far. What happened? Mom take away his Xbox?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. siskey

    A man who makes his living talking about college football wants there to be less college football to talk about. Danny is a special kind.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Illini84

    Boomer Sooner got a win for the Sooners and you would have thought Clemson won it all the way Dabo Pranced around.

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      My Clemson buddy was texting me during their game. You are correct, I84. You’d thought they won it all. He’s a fine fellow and a real gentleman until it comes to Clemson football. Then he’s an obnoxious prick. They have a lot of pride. That’s what makes beating those cocksuckers so sweet. He lurks on this site.
      Clemson sucks.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Down Island Way

      The HD at home went mute for about 10-15 minutes yesterday, after calling tech support concerning this malfunction, I did see the klempzen hc was on the screen, once the microphone was removed from face, to my amazement the volume on my wonderful HD tv resumed, operation back to normal…and I thought that whole Smart TV thing was a line for marketers only…

      Liked by 1 person

    • stoopnagle

      10 win Clemson lost to Georgia in their own backyard. But we suck because we beat everyone else by 30. /s

      Liked by 3 people

  7. W Cobb Dawg

    From a guy who almost certainly would be collecting shopping carts in a Publix parking lot if it weren’t for football.

    If he starts bitching about Christmas movies on Hallmark TV my wife’s family will want blood…

    Liked by 2 people

  8. sniffer

    Yes, our nation is united on one thing

    Actually, two. Our disdain and contempt for DKanell grows each and every year he is gainfully employed.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Kanell is just painful, like so idiotic in his takes that you’re embarrassed for him. On the point of bowls, yeah, they don’t mean what they used to perhaps when you’re watching to 6-6 teams, but from a purely lazy fan perspective, I love having random CFB games on TV during the holidays on in the background or while dozing on the couch, haha. My 9 yo son has become fully obsessed with football, so if it’s on, he’ll watch as well and it’s given me a bigger appreciation of games I would have previously not paid attention to. Regular season Saturdays are dominated by UGA and other marquee matchups, so getting a spotlight on some of these teams (even if there are opt outs) with a captive “home from work or school” set of eyeballs is not a bad thing.

    Liked by 5 people

    • siskey

      Kanell is looking at it long-term and believes that there is room for a Stephen A. Smith kind of shit-stirrer for SEC fans. So far it hasn’t got him back on ESPN but I bet that it eventually does within the next 3-5 years.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. originaluglydawg

    As far as Clemmons huge, huge, huge victory…lady luck was kissing their ass all night long. Every bounce of the ball bought them luck right up to the very last play. They had Pac-10 refs that don’t understand holding (If the Dawgs draw Pac-10 refs for their game, they should note this…holding in pass protection is allowed and expected, and crackbacks and holding on the edges can’t be seen). But the way everything…from Ukelali’s throwing it up for grabs when his ass was being planted (a completion for Clemson) to Iowa State having a ball batted around in a volley ball fashion before landing in a Clemson players hands, to the last play when State was driving to tie or win and the QB ran for a first down and then fumbled the ball backwards, recovered it himself, but now short of the first down.
    Series record…43/18/4 Georgia.
    Below is an OUTSTANDING website on the series.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. uga97

    He’s the kid at the end of hide & seek everyone forgot about. Did someone remind Danny we already lost 5 bowls so far this season due to cancellation?


  12. Russ

    Andy Staples covers this perfectly in his mailbag column. Basically, even the shittiest, lowest bowl games out draw basically every other program not labeled “NFL”, and out draw network content even though they are cable-only. ESPN owns most of them and pay pennies on the dollar for them. The bowls are doing great and there won’t be any reduction in the total number anytime soon (barring COVID cancellations, of course).

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Nil Butron is a Pud

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Whiskey Dawg

    Danny Kanell
    Somebody should invent socks for your hands. My hands get so cold at games.
