Today, in things you probably shouldn’t say three days before the big game

And if you think that went unnoticed, guess again.

THE MODERATOR: Stetson, do you see any advantages that they have?

STETSON BENNETT: That Ohio State has? Yeah, certainly. Yeah. I don’t really want to get into the particulars right now, but obviously they were undefeated until the last game of the season. It’s hard to do that. And we were, too, last year until we lost to Alabama, and then we ended up winning it all. So we certainly are not taking Ohio State lightly. Like they said, they’ve got advantages all over the board. So we’re going to have to go play football.  [Emphasis added.]

Thanks, Jack. That bulletin board needed some new material.


Filed under Big Ten Football, Georgia Football

18 responses to “Today, in things you probably shouldn’t say three days before the big game

  1. I’m starting to wonder if the Buckeyes know what they are getting ready to walk into.

    Liked by 7 people

  2. 81Dog

    it’s ok for him to think that. Probably not too smart for him to say it out loud before the game.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Stetson don’t miss a trick as that was literally said a hour or two before he spoke to reporters. Well, more likely, Kirby didn’t miss an opportunity to let his entire team know how the Suckeyes feel as soon as they said it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. godawgs1701

    I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Buckeyes, Stetson Bennett doesn’t really do his best work when he is underestimated and has a chip on his shoulder.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. MillyDawg

    Like the late great Lewis Grizzard said, “damn brother. I don’t believe I’da told that.”

    Liked by 4 people

  6. akascuba

    Keep telling Bennett he and his team are not good enough please.


  7. Oh, I was hoping one of them would say something like that.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. theotherdoug

    Stetson is the Michael Jordan meme “and I took that personally.”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. cdawg9

    The Buckeyes sound like they’re trying to talk themselves into believing they can compete with Georgia

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Russ

    That’s the kind of bulletin board material I’ve been looking for!


  11. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    thank you sucknuts

    Liked by 1 person

  12. PTC DAWG

    No way we can win it all with THE MAILMAN… GATA


  13. whb209

    if you don’t give yourself another choice than to play well or win, then you don’t have another option and you don’t waste any time looking for that option. You spend all your time looking to win. So that’s kind of how I think about it.
    Mr. Bennett, that is the greatest answer, to a dumb question,
    I have ever heard.
