
Based on what I see in Tony Barnhart’s piece on SEC Media Days, this year’s model looks to be dull as dishwater, especially compared to last year’s:  no Junior and no media frenzy over which coach left the GPOOE™ off of the first team All SEC preseason team (gasp!).  Oh, and let’s not forget this great moment in journalism.

Too bad David Hale is changing gigs.  Otherwise I’d suggest he ask Spurrier why he left Tebow’s name off the All SEC ballot this year.  After all, folks, the GPOOE™ is forever.


UPDATE: I guess there will be something to discuss after all.  If accurate, that’s a bit of a shock, to say the least.  I hope it’s not health related.


UPDATE #2: Sounds like Spurrier’s ready for my question.


Filed under SEC Football

11 responses to “Boring.

  1. Zdawg

    Unfortunately, more reason the bulls*%t ‘Richt on the hotseat” will continue to have legs until something more interesting happens. Maybe you should poll readers to give a top ten list of things that could make media days more interesting. Like the Laner returning in a batman costume to accuse Meyer of recruiting violations.


  2. Go Dawgs!

    Maybe someone should ask Derek Dooley if he’s a virgin or something.


  3. hassan

    Any fire to the smoke that Bobby Johnson taking the AD job at UGA?


  4. JC in Powder Springs

    For a minute there I thought Vandy might announce they were joining the big 10.


    • Macallanlover

      Certainly would be fitting, both Vandy and the Big 10+2 are left to talk about their academics to cover up the lack of quality football. Of course Vandy plays a much better schedule….


  5. WarD Eagle

    Your Tebow-Humping might be a clinical issue.

    I would have that checked out.
