We’re all amateurs.

The NCAA’s chief legal officer says that when it comes to televised broadcasts of sporting events – you know, the ones the conferences and schools get paid for to allow all those nifty commercials – players are just like fans in the stands “when the camera catches their face in the broadcast.”


Filed under It's Just Bidness, The NCAA

8 responses to “We’re all amateurs.

  1. Bulldawg165

    I think espn essentially implied the same thing when they seemingly had a camera devoted strictly to Katherine Webb for the entire Bama/Oklahoma game. Can’t miss a good reaction!


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Players are just like the fans? Oh yeah, I got my likeness all over NCAA Football 2012; right down to the slightly big waist line. Did ya’ll see me, right there behind Jadeveon?


  3. It’s almost like a late night talk show host with a President they hate, part of you can’t wait for them to lose, but another part wants it to go on forever because the comedy is never ending.


  4. 69Dawg

    So let’s see, if it is truly like a news event then every network can carry it live or at least be granted a live feed from the main carrier. The Alabama Auburn game = the Royal Wedding. Now we see how truly stupid some lawyers can be making crazy arguments that would in effect damage their clients if accepted by the court. This whole case has become the theater of the absurd.


  5. So, does this mean we are all now “in the arena” or are the players no longer “in the arena”? Law is tricky shit.


  6. ARDawg

    And this is precisely why I love lawyers. Who else coulda thought that one up?


  7. Most interesting development isn’t the NCAA arguing that stones are not matter, it’s the plaintiffs suggesting that players are routinely paid under the table. If they’re forced to prove that, there could be all sorts of ramifications, as the NCAA enforcement staff typically only investigate after somebody else uncovers it for them.

    Just about every player knows somebody who received “extra benefits” but there’s no reason to throw a friend’s team under the bus when most players agreed they deserve it (and the dirt goes both ways). If the O’Bannon lawyers are forced to prove that assertion, and can convince, say, 200 players to come forth with their knowledge, we could be looking at the biggest windfall of scandals that the NCAA can botch since ever. Imagine if Ole Miss, Clemson, Florida State, Alabama, Arkansas, LSU, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, USC, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio State, USC, Miami, Texas A&M, and Oregon (ie the schools where the cheating’s been most obvious and rampant) were to be exposed all at once? Think how awesome that would be!
