Thursday morning buffet

There’s always something to spoon onto your plate.


Filed under Coach O Needs Another Red Bull, ESPN Is The Devil, Georgia Football, It's Not Easy Being A Mid-Major, Notre Dame's Faint Echoes, Political Wankery, Recruiting, Strategery And Mechanics, The Evil Genius, The NCAA, You Can't Put A Price Tag On Joe Paterno's Legacy

10 responses to “Thursday morning buffet

  1. Rival

    Wake up The Echoes! Wait! Not those Echoes!


  2. Russ

    That Orgeron voice mail is hilarious. We need more characters like him in college football.


  3. Scorpio Jones, III

    Auburn spent more than Bama? Just another indication Sauron needs to go.

    And Dook…Dook? spent more than…well, the rest of the SEC? Somehow I find this hard to believe.


  4. Scorpio Jones, III

    If we deflated balls I guess we did not deflate them enough against Tech.


  5. AlphaDawg

    “Old Spurrier” sounds like the name of some cheap ass rot gut whiskey.
