“How can you plan a roster or a team when every player is a free agent at the end of the season?”

If this is true…

There is much work to be done and any drastic changes to transfer rules across all NCAA sports are likely a few years away at least. But change is coming, and guiding principles already have been established by the university presidents who make up the NCAA board of directors.

One thing is clear: New transfer rules will be rooted in academics, according to a statement released last week by the Division I Council group working on the topic.

Students with better grades could face fewer restrictions if they want to transfer, and schools may end up with less control over where athletes go…  [Emphasis added.]

… expect the number of Alabama players taking calculus, advanced genetics and nuclear physics classes to increase exponentially.  If there’s one thing Nick Saban knows how to do, it’s work those envelope edges.


Filed under Academics? Academics., The NCAA

4 responses to ““How can you plan a roster or a team when every player is a free agent at the end of the season?”


    To answer your question, you can’t.


  2. AusDawg85

    …expect the number of Alabama players taking calculus, advanced genetics and nuclear physics classes to increase exponentially.

    Funny, but you can’t have them flunking-out either. Nicky will have to be more creative in the course mix and testing procedures to avoid this bullet.


  3. David H.

    Mike Krzyzewski and John Calipari basically do that nowadays. Admittedly, it’s easier in basketball with the smaller roster size. I imagine Saban would find a way, but in the proposed system, scouting and recruiting would then become a far bigger portion of the job than it already is. Not just recruiting high schoolers and JC players, but “recruiting” transfers from other college teams (both disgruntled players from big schools and diamond-in-the-rough types from small schools).


  4. Does Alabama even have those classes?
