“Those refs — they’s got it in for us, PAWWWLLL.”

I bet Tahde Nation jumps all over this if ‘Bama ever comes up short in a game.

Alabama is 130th out of 130 FBS teams in a statistic called opponent penalties, which means officials are calling the fewest number of penalties against Alabama’s opponents compared to other teams in college football. If you need a trend: Alabama was last in college football in this category in 2016, 102nd in 2015, 123rd in 2014.

It’s gotta be some sort of conspiracy.


Filed under Whoa, oh, Alabama

11 responses to ““Those refs — they’s got it in for us, PAWWWLLL.”

  1. Granthams replacement

    Whomever keeps those stats are blantant bama fans.


  2. Mayor

    When it comes to refs it’s not how many penalties or even how many yards in penalties–it’s when the flag is thrown. Bama gets as many favorable calls and no-calls as any team ever has particularly when playing in the state of Alabama. The refs have plenty of opportunities for make-up calls so the stats appear balanced. That said, the king of that is FU. I have always felt that was one of the reasons FU played so many games in the state of Florida. The Gators got favorable calls even in Tallahassee and Miami not to mention JAX.


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    A few years ago, didn’t they go a whole season without incurring an offensive line holding penalty? A whole season without a single call for something the refs can find on every play?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Macallanlover

      They have been spared holding calls for years. Have to say Bama doesn’t get many PF penalties either, but they deserve those as they play disciplined football. The Tide has as many whiney, insecure fans as any team not named Tennessee during games. They take personally any passing play where holding isn’t called against the opponents team an any pass play where their isn’t a sack. Also, a Bama DB has never committed pass interference, ever.

      We all have “conspiracy” nutcases about refs among our fans, but Bama and TN lead the nation, just visit their in-game posts sometime, you won’t make it very far to get a feel for what they are. I think both have a “designated poster, to bring up the ref’s performance every fifth play. Poor persecuted babies.


      • Cojones

        Glad we aren’t like that.


        • Macallanlover

          See “we all have” for clarification. We have some terrible internet fans, maybe the worst, but this is a weird obsession with them. And it doesn’t matter if they are winning, or losing. At least UGA fans are drunk either way and rarely blame, all but the obvious, on the refs.


  4. Otto

    I would love to see if this changed after the Dance at the WLOCP.


  5. Ellis

    When you get calls like the mystery Texas A&M fumble in the second quarter last week, Bama fan has little need to whine about penalties.


  6. kckd

    It’s because you know going in you can’t beat them if you make mistakes. Drilled into their opponents during practice. When we were putting out low int numbers with some of those BVG defenses, I think the reason for that was the opposition knew if they threw one the chances of winning were slim to none. So you are very careful not to do those kinds of things when you go up against that kind of team.


  7. AusDawg85

    Just proves teams don’t commit very many penalties when down by 30.
