Second random B-M post 

On the other hand, McGarity is probably warming the cockles of his heart with the thought of what he’s about to do with ticket prices and Hartman Fund contributions. 


Filed under Georgia Football

25 responses to “Second random B-M post 

  1. Scorpio Jones, III

    Did we pay Richt his buyout?


  2. Got Cowdog



  3. The other Doug

    2018 schedule ain’t no problem now.


  4. W Cobb Dawg

    I’ve noticed a lot of empty seats at just about every college game I’ve watched this season. UGA, with decades of dashed hopes to be exorcised, is one of a very few exceptions. Unless amazon selects Athens for it’s 2nd HQ I’m not sure this is an environment ripe for price increases.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ChiliDawg

      Since when have the majority of Hartman fund contributions come from Athens residents?


    • Russ

      The price increase will definitely come, but you’re right about the empty seats. The answer, of course is luxury boxes, personal seat licenses and more sponsorship. You know, all the crap that makes the NFL suck.

      I’m enjoying the ride for now, though.



    Get on the Train!


  6. Uglydawg

    I would imagine that sales for UGA logo items will be off the charts. I wonder how much $$ the school gets for royalties on shirts, hats, coolers, cups and glasses, pop-ups, bumper stickers and all the other stuff that is official UGA licensed. It has to be a lot.


  7. Dolly Llama

    I’m sorry, any machinations or ramifications or whatever with regard to the athletic department is the last thing on my mind. That’s what the offseason’s for. Go Dawgs!


  8. Everyone needs to remember that Mullen was likely the AD’s first choice. He didn’t do a darn thing other than take orders from others.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Bulldog Joe

    Say what you want about McGarity, at least he’s not trying to turn a stupid death threat kerfuffle into $13M.

    Time for McElwain to call Huntley Johnson.


  10. 92 grad

    Nope. To hell with the drama. The team looks good, the prospects look good, the future seems bright. Don’t fuck it up.


  11. papadawg

    The price of success…


  12. TMC DAWG

    You keep winning they will come!,


  13. ChiliDawg

    I honestly don’t care if McGarity gets credit for the hire. It was the right thing to do. Y’all can quibble over “the process” all you like. Results are all that matter to me.


  14. Mayor

    Apparently McElwaine capitulated to FU’s threat to fire him for cause and agreed to a much smaller buyout that only nets him about one Mil. I read the morals clause in his contract and that clause is so vague I think a very good argument could be made that it is unenforceable. McElwaine must have been very afraid he would lose on the facts to go from $12.5 Mil to 4 Mil net 1Mil. This makes me believe he entirely made up the death threat thing.


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