Cool customer

Today’s random Jake Fromm stat:

As I recall, Eason was pretty decent in that department himself last season, so maybe this is another area where Jim Chaney isn’t a total screw-up.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

21 responses to “Cool customer

  1. James Stephenson

    I loved the hire of Chaney, but I am an old school run the ball Play action pass kind of guy.


  2. 92 grad

    I’m glad you mention Eason here, he played his heart out last year.


  3. Sanford222view

    But is Eason under pressure more because he holds the ball too long thus padding his “under pressure” stats?!!!!?


    • DawgFlan

      Or was Eason under pressure more because he played behind one of the worst OLs in UGA history thus making every snap an “under pressure” situation?!!!!?

      Liked by 1 person

      • PTC DAWG

        I think Sanford meant to say Fromm…not Eason..


      • Greg

        Or…was the OL bad because he held the ball too long?? Going from #64 in red zone offense to # 1 in the country is good enough performance for me. But if you want to compare QB’s, Fromm is #8 in the country YTD in QBR, while Eason was #75 last year…..we have the right starter, Eason will make a good backup for now:


        • DawgFlan

          Ugh. I’m not arguing starter. If you think the OL was good last year, and the only issue was a QB that held it too long, more power to you.


          • Greg

            It was a BIG issue (not the only)….there is a reason why QB coaches have a timer on their QB’s and preach it. You do know that is a big part of the game, right??……


            • DawgFlan

              Yeah, that’s why our running game sucked, too – the QB didn’t hand it off on time…

              Look, snark aside, getting rid of the ball is an obvious part of the passing game, but so is protecting the QB for enough time to allow the called plays to develop, and calling the right play, and have WRs who catch those balls. Add to that a “do no harm” mentality hammered into him, and getting drilled by a few too many blind-side and up the gut hits, it makes sense to me that the natural end result was a freshman QB that got sloppy with footwork and held on to the ball a split second longer to avoid INTs. And yet, Eason still maintained enough poise to carry the team on multiple occasions for comebacks and/or wins.

              Who knows if Eason would have corrected his bad habits? Football at all levels are littered with QBs that couldn’t overcome being shell-shocked by terrible OLs and bad supporting play/coaching. But some have enough talent to do so: Look at Peyton’s first year with the Colts vs. what happened once he got an OL and supporting cast that was on the same page…

              I don’t care to change your mind. I just choose to see the issue as more complex than you do.


              • Greg

                LOL!…more “complex” than me, how do you know that?? Agree with most what you said up until that part.

                It takes all 11 to make an offense…..but the QB position is the most important one, he is the straw that stirs the drink. He runs the team. Look at the salaries in the NFL if you have doubt. Getting rid of the ball, reading defenses, changing play calls and leading are just a few things that he does. There is a reason why we have gone from #102 in offense to #20 this year. We basically have the same team (personnel)..not saying that Fromm is the reason for that, but he is a HUGE part of our success this year. Who knows, maybe Eason could have done the same….but QB that is leading the Dawgs now is 8 & 0 and deserves some credit. Pleasantly surprised…and thinks he will just gets better. Glad to have both…cause we may need them.


              • Macallanlover

                I think your comments are rational, and we may never know. I do feel Eason has bigger issues than being shell-shocked in the pocket. Slow in the decision process, lack of touch, lack of accuracy, are among my other concerns. Like many guys with guns for an arm, I think he never had grasped the subtle nuances of the position, and chose to always bring the heavy lumber. And then there is the read option edge than Fromm brings.

                I like Eason, he stuck with UGA through the change, he has hustled to recover loose balls, and he took some shot behind a faulty OL, but he doesn’t seem to have the gift of leadership and confidence that Fromm brings. I wouldn’t blame him if he left, he truly has a talent than can be improved, and I would wish him well. But Jake Fromm is our QB and would be my choice if I had to pick. If Eason has the better pro career, I would still think Fromm is the right man for UGA at this time. I am one of the few who felt this way last January, but agreed Eason deserved the start against Appy; this just not surprise me.


                • Greg

                  Can’t argue with any of that. Had a feeling he could be the one when we signed him. Became more convinced Spring training….even more against Appalachian State. Saw enough against Notre Dame to know that he should be the one. I hope the light bulb goes off for Eason, I’m pulling for him. Whether he is at UGA or elsewhere. For now, this is Fromm’s team, there should not be much doubt about that….he will keep getting better imo.


  4. Otto

    Not sure about that Chaney guy what happened to scoring 40+?


  5. AusDawg85

    Ok, Chaney’s a genius. We used to yell about Bobo too (3rd and long draw, balance, etc,) Review, reflection, recruiting should make an OC and DC better, no?


  6. Greg

    Chaney is no smarter than he was a year ago, he has different pieces this year….and they are executing.


  7. I want to see what Fromm and Chaney do when they don’t have it easy and are needed to make plays. World class running game, defense and special teams have had the QB as OC living the high life. Every game isn’t gonna be so easy.


  8. W Cobb Dawg

    Fromm executes like a 5th year senior already. This is just the beginning of a great run for the next 3+ years.


  9. Macallanlover

    I think he is closer to that than a true freshman though. Kid has ice water in his veins, and a spectacular touch, imo.
