“I just hope they resolve it fairly quickly so he can get back to coaching.”

That didn’t take long.

Ohio State fans are planning a major rally for Coach Urban Meyer. They say they want to show him that they’re still behind him during an investigation over what he knew about domestic violence allegations against former coach Zach Smith.

Jeff Hamms, also known as “Tennessee Jeff”, of Myrtle Beach is organizing it and he is on his way to Columbus. He posted a video telling his thousands of Buckeye fans that he wants to hold a rally on campus to support the coach.

“A peaceful rally at Ohio State University for Coach Urban Meyer just because I thought, I was thinking there’s been so much negative press with Coach Meyer,” Hamms said on his Facebook page.

He’s been a longtime, passionate Buckeye fan for decades. Hamms said he got the ok from the university to hold it on campus and all fans are invited.

An okay from the university, eh?  What’s the over/under on the number of days before somebody campaigns for a statue to be erected on campus?


Filed under Urban Meyer Points and Stares

52 responses to ““I just hope they resolve it fairly quickly so he can get back to coaching.”

  1. gastr1

    Gotta get out the real truth out there to “correct” the constant negative lies of the enemy of the people. Will 45 be there to rally the troops?


  2. Doug

    I bet it would be fun to jump on a Buckeye message board and dig back in the archives to the days and weeks after Paterno’s firing. I’m sure one would find all kinds of sanctimony about what clods the pro-Joe Penn State diehards are and how they need to get their priorities straight.


    • Derek

      That to me is not an apt comparison.

      Most domestic violence cases are misdemeanors. Child rape is on par with murder. Penn State should have been shuttered permanently.

      I’m not trying to diminish spousal abuse but I think this attempt to link it to PSU diminishes what happened there.


      • It’s not the underlying crime being compared.

        It’s the control freak head coach pretending he had no clue that’s the point of comparison. And the sad infatuation of fan bases…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          I was replying to Doug’s comment not your post.


          • Doug

            For the record, my comment had nothing to do with parsing whether child molestation or domestic violence is the worse crime. It was about how, even when such serious crimes are at issue, some fan bases are so drunk on Kool-Aid that they’ll view the beloved coach (and not the abused children or battered wife) as the victim.

            I pray that our fans would do a better job of keeping their priorities in order were such a crisis to emerge in Athens, but who really knows…


      • Yes, good comment. I’m dumbfounded Pedo State fans are able to look forward to a football season.


        • Merk

          Yes clearly punishing everyone, even those who had nothing to do with it, is the best way to resolve a situation. The people who were part of the cover-up were fired and faced charges. Why does it make sense to shut down the athletics program once those people are gone?


          • gastr1

            Because you want everyone associated with it to leave, that’s why. No one associated with the old ways is allowed to stick around. When it’s that bad, that’s what you do to ensure a full, complete, from the ground up re-set. Anything less is a half-measure…you’re also trying to send a message that this kind of corruption will equal this kind of result.


          • You really think everyone with Pedo State U that knew or were highly suspect that their creepy ass D coordinator was sodomizing poor teen boys got punished? If so, you are either real gullible or haven’t really thought through it.

            That whole program should have just been shut down at least for several years.

            And, the hurt the ” poor innocent fans” would have felt because they couldn’t cheer on Saturdays anymore is laughable compared to the ruined lives courtesy of Sandusky and his enablers.


      • Dawg1

        Courtney Smith filed nine police reports against Zach Smith, her ex-husband, between January 2012 and July 2018.

        That doesn’t include Gainesville issues.


      • Debby Balcer

        Misdemeanors? Maybe because they plead down because women are afraid to prosecute because of how it will affect their ability to live. Downplaying domestic violence is one of the dumbest things you have posted. Reactions like yours and Urban’s allow perpetrators to continue to abuse without worrying about the consequences.


        • Reipar

          Forget the level of the charge if it makes you feel better but pedo > than dv. Much like killing your wife is > than abusing her. Neither are right but pretty sure better to be punched than dead.


        • Anonymous

          Battery is a misdemeanor unless you leave them dismembered or permanently disfigured. It has nothing to do with “women being afraid to prosecute”. Also, women are the perpetrators of the majority of domestic violence. Derek wasn’t “downplaying” domestic violence issues. He just said that it isn’t as bad as raping children.


          • Trbodawg



            • Anonymous

              Read my reply to Debbie below. I didn’t think that simple points needed to be explained in detail, but I was wrong.


          • Debby Balcer

            https://ncadv.org/statistics Your stats are wrong and downplaying the affects of domestic violence by making this a child versus women thing is idiotic. Children are affected by domestic violence too. Both things are wrong. Neither Penn State or Urban can claim a moral victory about which is worse.


            • Anonymous

              You are the one that was making this a child vs women thing. You are the one that claimed that domestic violence, which in most instances is criminal battery, was a misdemeanor because “women are afraid to prosecute”. YOU were framing domestic violence as an issue where women are victims and men are perpetrators. NOW you are claiming that women and children are both victims. Read the statistics you posted. One in three women AND one in four men will be victims of physical domestic abuse. What your statistics do not show is that women who are abusive of their husband (or lesbian partners) tend to abuse them more frequently than male abusers. There are more women in total that are abused, but the total number of times men are abused outnumber the times that women are abused. Many of these women will routinely batter their husbands because they know they husbands will not hit them back. I am not downplaying domestic violence. I am pointing out that it is a scourge that affects everyone regardless of age or gender.

              I was pointing out that battery is a misdemeanor by definition. Domestic violence is battery unless the victim is dismembered or permanently disfigured, then it is aggravated battery, a felony.

              Derek and I were both claiming that RAPE is worse than BATTERY. Claiming that X is worse than Y is not downplaying Y. It doesn’t allow people to continue doing Y unabated. It is simply a comparison.



    I hope not but I believe the snake is gonna weasel out of it.


  4. This just shows that if you can coach or play a sport and do it well someone will always inable your behavior. CUM is, was, and always has been an enabler of shit bags and a massive douche. He’s proven it again and again everywhere he’s been, but somehow he continues to make millions with no consequences. He’ll be back at work sometime next week and we’ll start waiting for another shoe to drop that no one will end up caring about. Just win baby.


  5. Hogbody Spradlin

    Gag me with a SPOON!


  6. Harvey Updyke would be leading the same type of protest of Bammers if this were Nick Saban and Bama except Updyke would be bringing some tree poison for the President and the AD’s houses if Little Nicky wasn’t on the sidelines for this afternoon’s practice.

    Bama and tOSU are so invested in the success of their football programs nothing else matters.


  7. Pantslesspatdye

    He survives. Paid leave is really just “let’s see if this blows over”. For media purposes, it has


    • You must not be following the same media outlets I am. This story still has legs.


      • Dolly Llama

        Posted on the last CUM thread: “It should be provable if AD Smith reached out to Assistant Coach Smith in 2015. Seems like the whole thing will hinge on that question. If AD Smith never made that call, and can truthfully say he doesn’t know what the fuck Corch is talking about … it’s already a shitshow, but that would be a shitshow squared. If AD Smith did make the call, he’ll be summarily dismissed, and it’ll be back to business for the Bucknuts.


        • ChiliDawg

          Nah, that’s a Rose colored sun glass take, IMO. The only difference Gene Smith’s involvement could mean is the whole AD being cleaned house of on top of the football program. Because at the end of the day, Urban still has known who Zach Smith is since 2009, and he still kept him on staff until two weeks ago.


      • ChiliDawg

        It’s all over but the buyout


        • MooseDawg

          The 5th underwater compartment of the Titanic has been breached and is flooding. End is a foregone conclusion.


    • He’s eventually going to have to answer questions if he wants to return to the sidelines at tOSU or somewhere else.

      Regarding the paid leave, I would bet that Urban has been on the phone or video conference from his home office with the staff regularly to give orders if he’s planning to return to the sideline this fall.



    Who knows he’s mabey trying to influence the investigation.


  9. UGA '97

    Fluster cluck. Someone at Ohio State will have to admit he followed the protocols, but explain why they still allowed Urban to keep Zach. Of course there is a defeaning silence from Jim Delaney, maybe Mark Emmert can get him to get The OSU camp talking. Shorter Ohio State’s next release: “hey they handed this bag of shit” up the chain of command but just so happens nothing was in the bag at each stop.


  10. Roy

    This all sounds alot like Penn State and Paterno. “I reported it to my boss, not my fault they did nothing” and now rallys for am obviously guilty coach.


  11. UGA '97

    Yep. Right now Meyer camp is leveraging for a buyout. Ohio State will publicly state soon, something to the effect of- “…we are aggressively conducting due diligence…” If they find Urb did nothing at all, cause & no pay. If they find Urb did something, but still kept Zach on his team, (b/c his contract states he didnt need the domestic abuse charges actually filed to warrant the firing), then The investigative panel can still use that as Cause against urb. So “Don’t worry about urb” – in that case he still may not get a dime. The final PR statement/justification for “cause” covering his firing will likely mention he failed to follow his #1 and #2 team values on his own locker room plaque. There is too much of a shroud of PR and black clouds around the program to continue forward and Gene Smith just ain’t gonna have anything show hes weaker than urb- just like Tattoogate-Tressel. Sorry Herbstriet, good luck this season


    • Big $$$ lawsuits and NCAA sanctions matter to OSU. PR embarrassment and black clouds don’t mean shit to OSU or their fans. All that matters to a large majority of those fans are WINS, period. Besides, let’s be real, if Meyer keeps his job, how much time do you think ESPN, Fox, or any college sports media outlets are going to devote to this story after the season starts? None.


  12. JCDawg83

    Nothing like an on campus demonstration by several thousand fans with the blessing of the university to help this blow over. I really think if CUM and tOSU had kept their mouths shut for a few more days everything would have blown over and other than a few pink pussy hats and signs showing up outside the first game or two everything would have rocked along like it has been.

    I guess CUM’s ego wouldn’t let him sit quietly and he had to say something. Now, it appears he is about to talk himself into losing his job.


    • Sorry but this ain’t Saban and Jonathan Taylor. If this has been happening since Corch was at UF, he deserves exactly what he’s getting. Come to think of it somebody should ask Foley if he knew this was happening in Gainesville.


      • JCDawg83

        I don’t think anyone has been laboring under the delusion that corch was a good man who ran a program with good kids. Corch is the ultimate win at all cost coach in college football. The suckeye fans know what they have and they are fine with it.


  13. If Meyer is going to be fired….someone has to have the guts to actually fire him. Without the threat of NCAA sanctions or an imminent law suit that can’t be settled by throwing money, moral strength and shame are going to have to do some heavy lifting. The OSU athletic department, administration, alumni, law enforcement, City of Columbus, and local and state politicians, and citizens of Ohio are “ALL IN” on the OSU football program and have been for years. Shame has an uphill battle to say the least.

    Bottom line: If Meyer was coming off a 8-4 season and a middling recruiting class, he’d already be fired. If OSU had lost to Michigan 3 years in a row, he’d already be fired. If OSU didn’t have one of the largest, football crazy fan bases in the country, he’d already be fired. If OSU football weren’t raking in money hand over fist for the school and for the Big Ten, he’s already be fired. Obviously, we are living in a different world.


  14. Macallanlover

    If Ubrie was telling the truth yesterday, after lying last week about the same subject, there will be a report of with Gene Smith, or the Title IX compliance officer. At that point, they would not have a sufficient case to fire him for cause without a nasty lawsuit, the last thing they want as it would keep it in the news for a year or two, and really tick off the crazies throughout that fan base. Expecting a quiet buyout next week, they have had enough time to be close to a number. If Liar doesn’t dig his heels in and show his ass again, he can always start a GoFundMe site, the whackos in that fanbase that paid for the tats and Clarett’s car stereo system will gladly pony up. Has a better chance of raising $40M than Courtney Smith does of raising $10K.


  15. W Cobb Dawg

    If they REALLY want to show support for corch, they should all run on to the field after the first TD of the season!


    • 92 grad

      OMG, it’s way too soon to think this kind of stuff but how cool would it be for us to meet OSU in a playoff game and our team rush the end zone on our first score?


  16. AusDawg85

    Coach wins a nattie, fans get t-shirts, proves he has no moral bounds, fans want to hold a celebration.

    Coach does not win a nattie, fans get no t-shirts, he shows high moral integrity, fans want to run him out of town.



  17. Mayor

    Meyer is 73-8 (90% winning percentage) at Ohio State with one national championship there. He is 177-31 (85% winning percentage) all time with 3 national championships. Meyer is the winningest coach in college football. I don’t like the guy either–he’s a scumbag. But he’s not going anywhere unless he decides to go. That said he may very well decide the heat is too much and negotiate a departure on his terms but tOSU isn’t firing him for this because it doesn’t rise to the level of discharge “for cause” and they’d have to buy out his contract. Forget everything else. It’s NCAA football. It’s all about the money.
