Sensitive to women’s issues

Boy, this just keeps getting better.

Brett ain’t lettin’ up any time soon, it appears.  At some point, you have to wonder if that factors into the equation for Ohio State.


Filed under Georgia Football, Urban Meyer Points and Stares

63 responses to “Sensitive to women’s issues

  1. You think of Urban ‘Liar’ wishes he had not called him a liar in front of a National Audience?

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  2. It’s been absolutely hilarious to watch every single “Fake News” bullshit challenge get thrown his way get shot down because Brett’s got all of the receipts.


  3. I’m liking this Brett McMurphy chap.


  4. AusDawg85

    Urbs is gonna need another PJ’s pizza.


  5. Russ

    Good for Brett. Keep the spotlight on these worms.


  6. DawgPhan

    All of it seems pretty straightforward.

    The proper procedure was done or it wasnt. If it was there is tons of paperwork, emails, text messages and everything else to be clear as to what happened at the time.

    If there isnt the paper trail then they didnt follow the proper procedure that that seems like a big issue.


  7. David Chadwick

    That “independent committee” is pure bullshit. It’s led by Fed tied to the utter white-wash findings by the same kind of group tasked by the NFL to investigate Jerry Richardson. The OSU group has ties to the university that run deep. It was put together to give OSU the outcome it wants. If the wanted the truth they would have hired a law firm not associated at all with OSU to do a full investigation.

    I’m surprised the media isn’t poking holes into that.


  8. Brandon

    Kind of the similar situation to Harvey Weinstein wearing a p***y hat.


  9. Bill Glennon

    Didn’t Shelly Meyer tell Courtney Smith to go to the police and get a civil protection order? Those are the two things you are supposed to recommend to someone who claims domestic violence. The police looked at it and didn’t do anything, and apparently Courtney Smith tweeted she couldn’t get a protective order.

    Maybe Urban lied about not knowing everything, but what was he supposed to do if the coach denied it and the police and courts did nothing to verify the claims?

    Schadenfreude uber alles.


    • Didn’t Shelly Meyer tell Courtney Smith to go to the police and get a civil protection order? Those are the two things you are supposed to recommend to someone who claims domestic violence. The police looked at it and didn’t do anything, and apparently Courtney Smith tweeted she couldn’t get a protective order.


      If the best you’ve got is “Maybe Urban lied about not knowing everything, but…”, you probably don’t have much of an argument right now.


      • Bill Glennon

        The tweets were in 2015. She couldn’t get the protective order then. Your link is to the 2018 PTO after he was fired. I won’t post again about it though. Tribalism is a great salve for the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

        Here’s the 2015 tweets from McMurphy’s twitter:
        Shelley: “I am with you! A lot of women stay hoping it will get better. I don’t blame you! But just want u to be safe. Do you have a restraining order? He scares me”
        Courtney: “Restraining orders don’t do anything in Ohio-I tried to get protection order which is what started this whole investigation. And that should go through soon finally. It’s hard bc you have to prove immediate danger. Legal system is tough. Basically you have to prove he will kill u to get protective order”
        Shelley: “Geesh! Even w the pics? Didn’t law enforcement come to your place ever??”


        • I tried to get protection order which is what started this whole investigation. And that should go through soon finally.

          Wasn’t that from 2015?

          Don’t get the tribalism crack, BTW. Is that what you chalk people disagreeing with you up to?


      • So what is the reason Urban Meyer definitely deserves to be fired ?


    • It’s pretty easy to understand and see through this type of circular dysfunction. Police are involved in an negative incident related to a player or asst. coach and as a courtesy to the program, police inform head coach, so he can handle problem “internally,” but decline to make arrest or make an official report. So none of it becomes public information (and it gets kept out of press).

      However, in the unlikely event that such incident(s) do become public knowledge, head coach just shrugs and says what could I do? “Police didn’t arrest him….So I just assumed nothing to see here. Why would I punish him?!” Around and around it goes.

      Appreciate how the Powell police chief notes that OSU was not “officially” contacted re Zach Smith’s antics. Not officially, huh? No shit. It’s been Meyer’s strategy for many years. Same thing happened in Gainesville re Aaron Hernandez.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So you know there is corruption within the police department to protect the University’s football team ? While it probably wouldn’t be a first, I guess ACC Police just have inherent virtue, seeing as our guys can’t emerge from an alley without everyone in America finding out.


        • Do I know that it happens? Yes. Do I know that it happens in Columbus? Yes, regularly under Tressel and now Meyer. Do I know that it happened in Gainesville, while Meyer was there? Yes. Do I know that it happened in this particular case? No…but I’m not so obtuse as to believe that in this particular situation no unofficial communication occurred between police and OSU.

          Oh, and the police don’t consider it corruption. They consider it a “judgment call” and a “courtesy” to the most powerful man in the state.

          Liked by 1 person

          • If you’re right, then that is awful.

            Assume for a second that the police and prosecutors had valid reasons for not pressing charges. Should Urban Meyer still be fired ? Better question, shouldn’t the media be focusing on an investigation of the police and/or local DA ?


            • By focusing on Meyer and his football program, you’re much more likely to get a full picture of the corruption because that’s the SOURCE of the corruption. Meyer didn’t just stumble upon a town with corrupt cops and take advantage of it. The OSU football program, and Meyer, as its unequivocal leader, is the motivating influence and beneficiary of such corruption.

              I don’t doubt that there are lots of dirty hands: Zach Smith (obviously), local police, Gene Smith, and other Ohio State administrators who, at a minimum failed to adequately investigate a problem that came to their attention. They all deserve investigation and punishment if they were complicit to this failure. And OSU’s failure to even interview Courtney Smith as part of their “investigation” is a FAILURE. However, it seems clear to me that the person in the best situation (in terms of access to information and power) to handle this situation was Urban Meyer. As a consequence for his self-serving behavior in this matter, which includes repeatedly lying in order to diminish his culpability, he should be fired.

              It’s not simply the lies, but rather why he was lying….To protect himself from the scrutiny he is now receiving. Meyer, more than anyone else at OSU and Columbus, knew Zach Smith’s history from his UF days and the first allegation of abuse. And it was Meyer’s decision to hire him at Ohio State again in 2012 and Meyer’s decision to keep him after the 2015 allegations came to his attention.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Tony Barnfart

                you’re making a lot of assumptions. Some commentary I’ve read on “Title IX!” and it’s accompanying state law indicates that a University is opening its door to unforeseen legal problems by “investigating” a situation where the victim is outside the umbrella of the campus community in which those laws are designed to protect. Assuming that’s accurate (not any more dubious than all the NON “experts” who want a scalp), the protocol would be to notify authorities and get out of the way. I just don’t know what the school is supposed to do when the victim is not a student, professor or staff member and the cops already know.

                Think of the cloud over them if they had taken investigatory matters into their own hands AND THEN the charges were dropped. That would look a helluva lot more like your corrupt conspiracy.


                • Oh no…..What’s a school to do?! Fire the alleged abuser…like they just did. Of course, they only did it AFTER the allegations went public and at least three years after they learned of these allegations. If they were so confident that the abuse allegations were baseless, why did they fire his ass so quickly when word got out? I’d love an answer to that one.

                  You know that employers are still allowed to fire employees without a criminal conviction, right? OSU just proved it…a little too late.


                • Tony Barnfart

                  No smart guy, he just NOW got CHARGED for the first time. Big effing difference. So now ALL employers are supposed to fire over a he/said/she/said and when cops have declined to press charges… or it is it just when it’s a big juicy story about a coach you don’t like (look, shiny object !)


                • ChiliDawg

                  The cops do not decide to press charges or drop them. You seem to have a fundamental ignorance of how the system works.


                • Tony Barnfart

                  i was typing on a phone on a msg board. I can assure you i know the system better than you…. by cops, i mean law enforcement (including prosecutors), but way to dodge the point.


                • I don’t know about all employers, but it sure seems like a football coach can be fired at any time for pretty much any reason… or no reason.


                • Get real.

                  So your story is that OSU immediately shitcanned Zach Smith because he was arrested for trespassing and NOT because of the domestic abuse history and allegations? Right.

                  And they didn’t dare fire him for such allegations because either (1) they conducted an investigation (without interviewing Courtney Smith, of course), and found the allegations to be baseless OR (2) they DIDN’T conduct an investigation because (consistent with some commentary you read) might be opening up themselves to future unforeseen law suits for investigating potential bad behavior by employees?

                  So now football coaches are at the mercy of law enforcement for deciding if and when they can fire their assistants–under a strict criminal standard for such bad behavior? Oh dear.

                  Wow, that quite a story you’ve spun in defense of the most corrupt college football coaches in recent memory and his wife-beating protege. Sell it in Columbus. I’m sure they’re buying.


                • Tony Barnfart

                  Never said they didn’t want to keep Zach Smith because he is a good football coach. I understand employment at will, for-cause, not-for cause issues. Had they ever seen the bruises ? (to my knowledge they hadn’t). It’s easy and popular to virtue signal, but you don’t have to fire somebody in a he-said-she-said because it touches on something sensitive. So now every employer has a duty to go interview every spouse and is only righteous if they terminate the male in an fucked up marriage that (without the benefit of hindsight) may or may not have domestic violence involved. Or would the better move be to let the cops sort it out ? I’m not arguing that Ohio State didn’t have every monetary / sports centric reason to keep him. I’m arguing they have done nothing wrong in their timeline.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Nah, I really don’t think you do, and typing on your phone doesn’t lead to typos such as “cops” in place of “prosecutors,” and nobody with even a modicum of experience in criminal justice would conflate the two. Get your weak-ass shit outta the kitchen, bro.


                • Tony Barnfart

                  “Hold my beer” – Jim Comey


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Pedantry for the win! Allow me to quote from Blackstone: “In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important, groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. DOINK! DOINK!”


  10. stoopnagle

    Urban Sucks.


    Liked by 1 person

  11. Texas Dawg

    The thing that has given this story so much credibility is that there are not “unnamed sources”. The sources that have been used have been named AND they have been able to provide text, e-mails etc so there is a paper/electronic trail not just a he-said-she-said.


  12. Spur 21

    Please OSU just fire the turd so we can move on to football.


  13. While it is important to find out if Urbs followed the rules on reporting, for the purposes of his job does it really matter?

    Whether he followed the rules or not, he DEFINITELY knew he had a serial wife beater on his staff who had been beating his wife – consistently – for 9 years, including choking her out against the wall when she was pregnant.

    And he not only keeps the guy on staff, but RE-HIRES him at another program when given the chance, and then keeps him on staff there.

    The very fact he kept hiring this guy and keeping him on staff is reason enough for any sane person to want Urban gone.

    If he was Coaching UGA to threepeat national titles I’d want him gone.

    I hope Brett McMurphy is laying low right now with a couple more bombshells to toss out there when OSU makes the predictably craven and pathetic decision to keep Urbs after a slap on the wrist.


    • Russ

      Spot on. Plus he hired another former coach forced out for allegedly abusing players by playing them while hurt or concussed.

      Meyer is a POS that cares about nothing but winning and will cover up anything that gets in the way. Zach Smith is just the latest example.
