In the land of the spread, the ground and pound offense is king.

Interesting compliment from the folks at Roll ‘Bama Roll:

The Tide’s lighter defensive front that is now built to stop the spread had a hard time holding up against Georgia’s power running…

Alabama won’t run into any more ground and pound offenses like Georgia’s in the playoffs unless the Dawgs become the first two-loss team to be invited to the party. This should bode well for their chances moving forward.

That mirrors a stance I took years ago about the value of running a pro-style offensive scheme as defenses increasingly geared up to stop the spread.  That was smack dab in the middle of the Richt era, but, if anything, it’s a stronger point now, simply because Smart is doing a much better job of recruiting to the paradigm, particularly as it relates to the offensive line, than Richt did.

As long as Kirby (and Pittman) can keep bringing in the studs, Georgia is going to remain a nightmare matchup for most defensive coordinators.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

41 responses to “In the land of the spread, the ground and pound offense is king.

  1. Uglydawg.

    I’m not saying saying this to piss anyone off, but wasn’t that the philosophy Fish Fry used to justify the triple option?
    Which was flawed because it was really a loss trap for his own teams when they got behind.
    However, the pro-style offers more than the triple. It’s gotten UGA to a top five ranking for the second year in a row and should keep on paying off if Kirby can keep up his recruiting success. Eventually it’ll even break down the wall.
    What Georgia really lacked yesterday was a little more health and experience in the O line…(although it’s very close to be a finished product)..a little stiffer defensive unit…and a little more fairness from the zebras. Three little things to improve on to finish things off.
    (And another help would be to keep your best QB in for every single snap on offense. Georgia gained nothing from the Fields insertions. Let him play when his time has come. Enough has been said about fake punt fisco.)


    • Mayor

      I agree with your post Ug to a point. Even with the limitations and the bonehead decision making, the Dawgs would have won the game if not for biased officiating. Really, the game was lost when the TV ref (if that’s who really did it—I’m suspicious) reversed the fumble into the EZ for a touchback and awarded Bama a TD instead. I promise you, if we recover and if Bama gets no points there then Bama can’t score enough. Kirby probably doesn’t make that bonehead fake punt decision and the Dawgs win. To paraphrase Bill Clinton: It’s the zebras stupid.


      • Dolly Llama

        He recovered that ball, dude. Not saying the refs were great, but he did.

        Liked by 1 person

        • 1smartdude

          I agree. Got the ball, controlled it, TD. Didn’t like it, but the call was correct. Overall I thought it was officiated pretty well. Nothing like last years game. One thing I know for sure, the refs didn’t call a fake punt on 4th and 11. Sometimes you just have to own your own shit. Giving up another 14 point lead and that call says it’s time to do that. Tired of excuses. Tired of losing big games to that team. This team needs to own their shit and put an end to it.


        • Jack Klompus



        • I thought the rule was that a player could not recover his own fumble in the end zone for a TD. I thought the ball was supposed to come back out to the 1 in that case. I may be wrong about that.


        • Mayor

          Dolly, I hope you videoed the game so you can go back and look at it again. The Bama player fumbled, the ball rolled into the EZ. The Bama player touched the ball with both hands trying to pick it up. The ball wiggled in his hands and never stopped moving. Immediately a Georgia player batted the ball out and then recovered in the EZ. The Bama player never had the ball long enough to possess it. The reason it LOOKED like the Bama player had it was because the replay was in super slow motion. If you look at it at full speed he never had it. Having your hands on the ball for a fraction of a second while it is still moving is not possession. But that’s only part of it. The ruling on the field was that Bama fumbled and Georgia recovered in the EZ for a touchback. The only way that is supposed to be reversed is if there is indisputable video evidence that the call on the field was wrong. That replay is NOT indisputable. Sure, if you play it back slo-mo and stop action you can make it look like the Bama player has it. But at full speed—no way! The SEC refs screw the Dawgs at every opportunity (we can talk about why on another thread if you like) plus there is the usual bias in favor of Bama working here too. Personally, I’m sick of it.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Macallanlover

      The difference is Fish Fry had no Plan B if his grind it out offense didn’t keep him in the lead. Get 2 scores down and it takes a quarter and a half to get caught up winless you are gifted some points. Also, only having a handful of variations to your plays make it easier to succeed if you have the technique/reads down pat. Game over.


  2. 86BONE

    We should be playing Clem’s son in Dallas. I can’t fucking believe boomer sooner got in. Give me a damn break….
    See you guys that are interested down in da bayou….Bourbon Orleans, flights and restaurants already booked!
    Seeeee ya…


  3. I have booked the hotel (on points even) for the family to spend New Year’s in the Big Easy. I hope Dawg Nation takes over New Orleans like we have every other time we’ve been in the Sugar Bowl. A pretty damn good consolation prize if you ask me.


    • Jack Klompus

      Or like we did in Oct

      Liked by 1 person

      • Agree, Jack, but this is different than October. I’m worried we’re going to have a fan base that has decided playing in a non-CFP Sugar Bowl is like the Citrus or Outback Bowls in the day. That attitude can’t do anything but run off on the players unfortunately.


        • Rub not run – damn autocorrect


        • illinidawg

          A great way to get people to go is to have them wait another week to see if they got tickets.

          “December 10 – Email notification will be sent by this date confirming whether we were able to fulfill your bowl ticket request.”


          • Given the way the process works now, I’m not terribly hopeful of getting the 2 tickets I requested through the AA. I’m definitely not going to pay scalped prices on the secondary market for the game. If that happens, I’ll be getting my hotel points back and watching from home.

            I went back and looked at the request information. The deadline for a request is tomorrow.


            • Sean

              So that means they didn’t get enough orders to fulfill the allotment and opened it up like last year with the Rose Bowl.

              I didn’t order Rose Bowl tickets on the initial order last year and was nowhere near the announced cutoff. This year, however, I did request all NY6, semifinals and the championship on the post season application in November. I doubt I’ll get priority over a higher donor who puts their application in by tomorrow.

              Now to decide whether to cancel the hotel and flights or hit StubHub.


  4. depth, depth, and more depth


  5. Hey bud, just want to say you have crushed it this year. Most data, most takes, lots of pots.

    Have some Sugar!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is the closet bama fans can come to giving our program any credit.

    They are truly my most hated fanbase at the moment.


    • ASEF

      Most Bama fans, including Saban, were saying Georgia deserved that 4th spot. I haven’t met any Bama fans today who don’t have a lot of respect for what Georgia did yesterday.

      Most hated has to go to UCF. And after LSU derps them yet another Peach Bowl win, it’s going to get so, so much worse.


      • Mayor

        No no no no no no No! Florida has the fan base we should all love to hate the most (revisionist history mother f*ckers). Followed closely by the toothless hordes of UT. UCF isn’t even on the radar.


  7. truck

    If you’re like me and really need something to make you feel better today, you should head over to Stingtalk and watch the Techmites go bonkers over how far they fell in the bowl selection process. Now THAT’S entertainment.


    • Dolly Llama

      Good God almighty. You weren’t kidding.

      Quick Lane Bowl. Detroit. Shittiest ACC-affiliated bowl there is, even though Tech finished in the middle of the pack, I think. But nobody wants them. Nobody.


  8. Russ

    Pittman is key. We had a banged up OL all season and they more than held their own last night. The future is bright.


  9. Faltering Memory

    The way the UGA fan base is traveling, we should mark our green backs with UGA in small, discrete red ink (or our dog face symbol). Let the merchants know who is in town spending money. And this really should have started last year with the Rose Bowl.


  10. Bulldog Joe

    If we had beaten them, they wouldn’t be complimenting us.
