The toughest job in sports

Believe it or not, even I feel a little sorry for Georgia Tech’s assistant coaches right now.

Things were bad enough when they were selling the genius.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football, Recruiting

16 responses to “The toughest job in sports

  1. “It’s easy to sell [Fech].”

    If that’s true, then why did the school hire a coach who runs the triple option when almost every high school in Georgia is running some form of the spread?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anyone remember back when Donnan was fired, and McCollum was kind of a hot coaching name at the time as coach at MTSU? At the time, on the Dawgvent many thought he’d get the job, and the meme was something like, “more and more it’s (looking like)Andy McCollum”.

    I just remembered him wearing those all blue jumpsuit looking thingson the sideline and thinking this better be a cruel hoex.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kdawg

    Nate Woody to DC at UGA. You heard it here first!


  4. Mick Jagger

    I don’t think it will be Ted Roof!


  5. Mick Jagger

    When is Russ Probst headed to the college ranks? Pruitt’s former boss….


  6. Doug

    I wonder how Woody, Riase, Wood et al feel knowing that the coach who hired them a year ago hated the hell out of his job and was looking for a way out.


  7. Texas Dawg

    It worries me that the NATS coaches are still out there recruiting. I figured when Johnson announced his retirement, all of those 5 star recruits going to Tech that we were trying to flip would suddenly……..oh never mind, I must have had too much to drink last night and mixed up GT and tOSU.


  8. Bright Idea

    Those offensive coaches at Tech may have to reinvent themselves at a small school.


  9. Bulldog Joe

    They have to be professional about it now, but escaping Georgia Tech will likely be the best thing to happen in their careers – especially the offensive staff.


  10. Bulldog Joe

    Louisville hired App State’s Satterfield. Looks like the GT job is Whisenhunt’s if he wants it. Mark Bradley (still suffering CPJ separation anxiety) is not pleased.


  11. 69Dawg

    Recruiting to Tech with a lame duck HC who has run the Triple Option. is like being a Travel agent trying to sell tickets to HMS Titanic. It’s going to be ugly. Other than defensive players, RBs and maybe TE’s, the new coach will be ending those dreams as soon as possible.
