Your 5.1.19 Playpen

I realize Game of Thrones is sucking the oxygen out of the tent these days (unrelated Pro Tip:  watch “The Long Night” episode on a LG OLED TV in a dark room and you won’t have a problem with the way it was shot with a lack of lighting), but I’ve been way more excited about this upcoming HBO product:

Bullets are about to fly across Deadwood’s muddy thoroughfare. But first, poetry.

It’s a crisp November morning at Melody Ranch, the venerable Santa Clarita studio that’s been home to everything from squeaky-clean Gene Autry Westerns to Django Unchained and Westworld. The picaresque main street has been dressed to recapture the look it had for three years in the mid-2000s, when it was home to one of the greatest TV dramas ever made: HBO’s Deadwood, a gorgeously profane meditation on the American experiment and the painful business of bringing law to a lawless place — the Western frontier of the 1870s. The series was canceled under jarring circumstances that even the principals can’t agree upon a dozen years later, and talk of a sequel movie (two movies, initially) lingered for so long without amounting to anything that Deadwood seemed destined to be remembered as television’s great unfinished masterpiece. Instead, the network has reconstituted the Deadwood community for a surprise coda: a movie set a decade after the events of the series, which will debut on May 31st.

I can’t wait.

By the way, read the entire piece if you’re a Deadwood fan, or even if you’re not.  There’s even a Jason Isbell bonus.

Speaking of Isbell, this is pretty cool.  (Make sure to read the entire chain of Brown’s tweets.)

And this is freakin’ awesome.

In case you can’t tell, I’m pretty pumped.  And you?


Filed under GTP Stuff

139 responses to “Your 5.1.19 Playpen

  1. Biggen

    Never watched Deadwood. I may try it out since I do like some Olyphant.

    That last episode of GoT was a bit dark. I have a calibrated high end Samsung LCD and we still needed all lights off to see it well. I think that was what the cinematographers wanted to convey though: death and darkness. If that was their end goal, then they nailed it.

    However, I do think most of the complaints are coming from the millenials who watch on iPads and phone screens.


    • ChiliDawg

      You realize that millenials are full grown adults with their own TV’s, right? Some of you seem to be confused about what a millennial is. If you think they’re watching GoT on their iPhone, you’re definitely confused.


      • Biggen

        Here, the third paragaph from this link will help you take your foot out of your mouth as far as what they are watching TV on.

        And that quip about those millennials that are full grown. These are the cheap skate young 20 something year olds that pirate shows, want socialization and legal pot? Yeah, fuck em…


        • ChiliDawg

          Elder millenials are in their late 30’s, but don’t let me step on your boomer fantasy, I’d hate to burden you with the realization that each day that passes there are more of us than there are of you.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Exactly. This woman is a millennial and she is strong, independent, and actually doing something to save the planet! #BanCowFarts


          • AthensHomerDawg

            Ahhhh the man with the paper ass again. Demographics shower that in 2015 the 50+ boomers represented 45% of the population. Because of advances in longevity and health, a growing number,
            50+ have a household net worth of 19 trillion
            have an income 26% great than the per capita averge
            own more than 3/4 of the nations wealth
            spend 7 billion online annually
            most affluent of any market segment
            61% of all healthcare spending
            42% of all new cars
            75% of certificates of deposit / money market funds.

            Don’t trip over the trillion in student debt on the way to your global domination. Better hurry you have less than 12 years left to get ‘er done!


        • MDDawg

          All that shows is that you echoed the cinematographer’s assertion that people are watching it on devices other than a television, but neither provides any data to back up the claim.

          You could very well be correct, but right now your argument seems to boil down to “I’m right because someone else said it too.” It could also be, as that article mentions, that people just don’t know hot to adjust the settings on their TV.


        • stoopnagle

          Yeah, no, most of them are 30 or close to it.


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      What in the Sam Hill is this argument about?


      • ChiliDawg

        Biggen doesn’t know what a millennial is and like most crusty old fucks just defines it as every young person that he blames for societal decay brought about by toxic policies enacted by his generation.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Napoleon BonerFart


        • ugafidelis

          Actually he’s probably like most people who don’t give a shit about semantics and consider (like babyboomers who were born in a literal baby boom) millennials to be college(ish) aged kids right now. You know like my son, who was born 18 months after the turn of the millennium? But somehow, he’s not technically a millennial?

          But I must just be a “grumpy old fuck.” Actually I’m only 40 so I’m only 3 years away from being a “millennial.”

          You just want to shout peole down and shut them up when they don’t agree with you. I’ll bet you consider yourself “anti-fascist” too.


          • ChiliDawg

            I’m shutting you down because you’re fucking stupid. “Millennial” doesn’t mean “college-aged.” “College-aged” means college-aged. You’re not just a grumpy old fuck, you’re an ignorant old fuck whose hypersensitive to your dumbassery. Not my problem that you are too stupid to learn words, dipshit.


            • Argondawg

              Is it weird that we have moved past the left/right tag and can hate each other based on which generation we happen to be born in? Maybe that is progress.


            • ugafidelis

              Ok ket me clarify this for you because apparently it flew right over your head. “Millennial” as used by many people is a label used to identify people who were born around the turn of the millennium! aka the current “college aged” people. It might not be technically correct, but it’s a label. You probably already know that but it makes you so mad because you hate people who don’t think like you.
              I’ll give ypu a similarity. It’s kind of like the label of “dumbass.” You personally might not technically be a dumbass; but I’m going to label you one.


              • Greg

                You may want to give him a little time on this


              • ChiliDawg

                Never ceases to amaze me how dipshits like you can run around being so doggedly wrong about something and then take offense to the fact that someone corrected you on it.

                And somehow you think “I know it’s wrong but I choose to say it anyway” makes you sound less like a fucking idiot. But it’s perfectly fitting for your demographic.


              • Anonymous

                Millennial” as used by many people is a label used to identify people who were born around the turn of the millennium!

                No it isn’t. Millennial refers to kids that came into adulthood after the new millennium. It covers people that are going in the 1982 to early 2000s. Current college aged kids are a part of Generation Z or what we like to call “Zoomers”.


                • ugafidelis

                  You’re right brother thanks. My son was born May 1st 2001. Personally… I’d consider him more of a “millennial” than somebody who was born in, say, 19freaking81. Again referencing my example of baby boomers who were BORN during a baby boom, and didn’t “come of age” during a baby boom. But since you personally don’t use the term millennial for folks like like my son I must be wrong. I’m sorry I’m such a idiot. Thanks again Mr Helper.


                • This is a the greatest stupid argument ever. Hey, you know that that long acknowledged thing that I misunderstood? I’m gonna keep on purposefully misusing the term in the way that I like!

                  Why do they call it the 19th century if its the 1800s? That is so dumb it makes much more sense that it would be the 1900s, so I’m gonna keep on referring to the 19th century as 1901-2000.


                • ugafidelis

                  May God have mercy on my soul.


                • ugafidelis

                  The funny thing is that I don’t even use the term. Ignorance is bliss. 😉


  2. MDDawg

    I keep seeing the ads for the movie and thinking “I really need to watch that series”. I believe it was on Amazon Prime last time I checked, and friends have recommended it to me, I’ve just never gotten around to it. I’m a huge fan of Timothy Olyphant from his work on Justified and Santa Clarita Diet, so I really should’ve already watched Deadwood by now. Hopefully I can get my wife hooked on it too.


  3. pantslesspatdye

    I quit watching Deadwood a few season through due to a move, work circumstances and I could never get my wife on board. Will I need to get caught up to watch the movie?


  4. ilini84

    It was too bad True Detective Season 2 was such a stinker, Lera Lynn’s music was really good.


    • Mad Mike

      I didn’t think TD season 2 was that bad. Could it hold a candle to season 1? Hell no, that might be among the best shows ever in my opinion, but season 2 was pretty entertaining as well.


      • ilini84

        Huh, well that shows to go you.I thought 3 was really well done except for a few military things they got wrong.


        • Mad Mike

          Have not had a chance to see season 3 yet, but the previews I saw looked good.

          Yeah it’s annoying how often movies screw up even the smallest military details. Drives me nuts!


          • Texas Dawg

            I have finished the first couple of episodes of season 3, but it has not hooked me the way season 1 did. The chemistry between Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey is hard to reproduce. I will finish season 3 at some point, but so far I have not been on the edge of my seat like season 1. Season 2 was ok, but nothing special. I watched it just to see how it ended.


          • illinidawg

            I just watched episode 3 season e of Bosch and he talked about Ripcord and he had it totally straight.


        • HiAltDawg

          Ilini84: Check out Andy Stumpf’s Cleared Hot Tactical Asshole on YouTube. He reviews Navy SEALs, time stamps the scenes and then hilariously points out the egregiousness.


  5. ilini84

    I wonder if Titus Welliver will be in it. Bosch is awesome.


  6. Mikey

    I had the weirdest dream last night I was on standing on top of Sanford Stadium and was falling with popcorn in my hands and landed right on the 50 yard line and Coach Richt ran out on the field and Matthew Stafford was there. It was very weird dream last night


  7. Dawg93

    great Twitter thread you posted – I especially enjoyed seeing one of my favorites (Jerry Cantrell from Alice in Chains) join that group and then to see Michael McKean post a reply and Brown replies that they played “Big Bottom”. LMAO.


  8. noseanmorono

    Part of me wishes that they’d reboot Justified, but I would hate for it to come back and possibly have lost the wind in its sails. Man, what a great series.


    • When they stuck the landing perfectly at the end? No way they should reboot that.


      • Dawg93

        agreed – now that it’s been a few years, I’m thinking of re-watching the entire series from start to finish.


      • Athens Dog

        Could not agree more. Best ending ever


      • Hogbody Spradlin

        Release Boyd from the pen, he finds out Ava is alive, let it develop from there. I’d really like to try some Limehouse barbeque.


      • MDDawg

        Yeah as much as I’d like to see more of Raylan and Boyd, I wouldn’t trade that ending for anything.


      • 81Dog

        Senator, which season did you like the best of Justified? They were all really good, but I think Mags Bennett and season 2 were slightly better than the rest. I could have watched it for as long as they kept making them, though. The ending was very Elmore-like, hard to think it could have been improved upon.

        also, did you know Boyd/Walton Goggins won an Oscar? Him and a guy I used to hoop with, Ray McKinnon, won it for best short feature several years before Justified. They work together on stuff. Both are from Georgia. Ray played Hugh Freeze in the Blind Side, so I like to tell people I’m one degree of separation from getting slapped on the ass by Sandra Bulloch.


  9. chopdawg

    Never really got into Deadwood, it was just too mean and depressing.


    • Otto

      I tried and based on premise, it is something I’d normally like. Just could not get into the plot and they way Calamity Jane was portrayed was nails on a chalkboard to me.


    • Argondawg

      Deadwood revolutionized the use of fu#k to the point that I feel comfortable using it as an adjective, a noun, a verb. Hell it fits into any sentence anywhere. Caution do not play the Fu#k drinking game while watching you will be near passing out at the 30 minute mark. It was calculated to use fu#k 1.56 time per minute, not per episode but per minute.


  10. Texas Dawg

    I had read that this was going to happen a while back but then saw nothing further about it. I’m glad that it’s now a go. That was a story that need to have the loose ends tied up. One of the best shows in a long time. Even though it is only 1 movie I am ready to break out the cold beer and watch it get a proper ending.


  11. spur21

    Everything looks good on my LG OLED – even Tenn football


  12. Mikey

    Oh I’m a big Deadwood fan I loved that show and Isbell this is good no doubt


  13. Greg

    DEADWOOD!….now, that was a series. Best ever imo….“cocksuckers”

    Looking forward to it.


  14. Mike

    Never watched Deadwood, but sounds like I need to. I have started watching The Sopranos for the first time; I’m 2 episodes into Season 3. Holy shit, less than halfway through the series and it’s parked behind Breaking Bad on my top 3 list. Gandolfino is so good.


  15. Cojones

    “Deadwood” is the term for the Barr fiasco of misleading a nation as to a two-year investigation result. This outlaw illegitimate non-administration has now gone over the top in their coverup of lawbreaking within the highest office in the free world when the highest office of law enforcement in the nation becomes a part of it.

    No American wants to be misrepresented in their own country by a mob-like group clutching onto power by using every divisive ploy to keep people at each other’s throats while they loot our every tradition when politicizing and ridiculing the foundations of our free society under laws. Absurd ignorance of our form of government has become the soup de jour served with a side of sarcasm to cult-like obedient audiences revving up a cacophony of mislead voices mindful of “Mein Fuhrer” voices of the past.

    We will see the results of the Mueller investigation after the stonewalling and obstruction of truth has been bulldozed into the sand. Then we can begin to prosecute Trump and those who have tried to hoodwink an awake American public into giving legitimacy to an outlaw administration led by an individual who used a foreign power to place him into office and who continues to obstruct justice .

    Barr just walked into the Capitol Building, hopefully soon to be followed by Mueller (this week?). The Big Spin begins.


    • RangerRuss

      It’s peculiar that I feel the same way about obama administration and H. Clinton.


      • Cojones

        Yeah, Obama’s academic career and teaching Constitution Law for 7 years was a real bust as the best educated person in history for that office.

        If Trump was present during the Pilgrim’s time, he would have had a weapon named after him – blunderbuss.


        • Chris

          Did Obama know about SPYGATE and when did he know about it?

          Not a smidge of scandal…


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          If history started 10 minutes ago, you’re correct. Wilson was the president of Princeton. So I would say that trumps (heh) “senior lecturer.”


          • RangerRuss

            Cojones, that is a ridiculous statement. Obama was the most unprepared person to occupy the Presidency in my life. We are fortunate to have survived his incompetence and fucktardary.


            • Cojones

              That’s a pretty ignorant statement you favor there. Perhaps you have alternate facts I’m not familiar with.


      • stoopnagle

        Did you know that the Starr Report was publish in full and Congress got it the same time it went public? Oh how times have changed!


    • Mikey

      Oh you had to bring up the Mueller investigation lol I swear Cojones you always want to be political about shit


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Exactly. Mueller found no collusion. But he almost did. How dare Barr simply report the facts to Congress instead of representing the feeling about how hard Mueller tried to get Drumpf! Hopefully the tax returns from the eighties can prove something.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      Cojones, you’ll find this totally unsurprising.

      Barr isn’t disappointing today. He said that trying to shut down the investigation, as Mueller states in the report (twice), isn’t inconsistent with Barr’s statement that Trump was “fully cooperative” with the investigation.

      Same with telling Manafort and Cohen they’ll be “taken care of” if they “stay on the team.” Same with 36 “I don’t recalls” in written answers the report characterized as “inadequate.”

      All of that is “fully cooperating.”

      This all in the name of insulating a political victory Putin sought with the assistance military intelligence operation conducted inside the USA.

      And some call my suggestion that this is all treason (defined as “aid and comfort”) an overstatement?

      If so, it’s probably because you’re giving aid and comfort to the enemy. And you’re a traitor. Full stop.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Good points. If Trump had agreed to be deposed by Mueller, he might have lied. And if he had, he might have been prosecuted for it. But since he didn’t, he must be guilty of the crime of not creating process crimes. And that is high treason.

        Not to mention that he didn’t attend the meeting with Hillary’s Russian lawyer where collusion might have been discussed if he had attended. That’s even higher treason!

        And it goes without saying that being Republican is the highest treason!!1!11!


  16. Mikey

    Yeah I’m doing Netflix trying to find something


    • ChiliDawg

      Frontier is good if you haven’t already done that.


    • stoopnagle

      If you don’t mind subtitles and are in to period pieces, I really enjoyed “Babylon Berlin.” It’s detective/intrigue placed in Weimar Republic Berlin and well done. 18 episodes.


  17. Athens Dog

    Senator, I can not wait. One of my top five series ever. Hated the way it ended. Looking forward to the resolution.


  18. Russ

    I’m just bummed there’s only one more episode of “Into the Badlands” left.


  19. Hogbody Spradlin

    Limey Ian McShane as Swearingen? Whoulda thunk it, but it works.


  20. Morris Day

    Me? Pumped? Heck yes! Wish I had the time to rewatch the entire series before the movie but, alas, I’ll have to depend on my old, failing brain to tie it all together…


  21. Ozam

    I watched GOT this week on the HBO Go app using a 65″ OLED and the picture quality was incredible. Streamed in HDR. Normally I just watch the DirecTV, but for some reason resolution this week was poor.

    The app also had a 45 minute show on how they made this week’s episode. It was fascinating. Highly recommended.


  22. Mikey

    Yay it’s May And I was born on May 12 Mothers Day and it falls on Mother’s Day this year so Mom would proud other than she always said and complained I was a 9 pound baby and it took through hell to push me out


  23. Got Cowdog

    Ah hell. I guess I’m the only person on the planet that hasn’t watched any of these.
    Which one should I binge watch first?


    • 81Dog

      Justified, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Deadwood, True Detective Season 1, but you cant really go in a bad order. Just hit them all.

      Breaking Bad may actually be the best of them all, it was written brilliantly, ended on a cliffhanger weekly, and had as appropriate a final episode as anyone could ask for. I just liked Justified a little better for some reason.


      • Leaving out The Wire? Sacrilege!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ozam

          You beat me to it! The first season of The Wire is incredible.


        • Argondawg

          I’ve also got to say that first season of Westworld was haunting. The second season was meh Then again I have a fascination with AI. I wonder why it gets overlooked.


        • 81Dog

          Hey, the Wire was great. I liked The Shield, too. I could make the list 100 shows long, but time is a finite quality and I already gave him close to 500 hours of programming to chew on. I’d binge the ones I listed before the Wire, but I agree the Wire was excellent and worth the watch, whenever one gets to it. YMMV.


      • Got Cowdog

        I have seen The Sopranos. That’s a fave. The wife and I enjoyed Ray Donovan, it’s a pretty good series actually. Tried Billions, couldn’t stick with it
        I’ll start Deadwood tonight, i think. Hopefully lots of gratuitous violence and mayhem…


      • RangerRuss

        Rome was a good series. I need to watch The Wire.

        Liked by 1 person

    • ugafidelis

      Nosir you’re not. I haven’t and have no plans to.


    • Bay Area Dawg

      This one flies under the radar but I have The Last Kingdom in my top five along with The Wire, Justified, The Sopranos and The West Wing. Haven’t watched GOT yet but plan to in the next few weeks.


    • Russ

      Nah, you’re not alone. I haven’t watched many of these. I finally watched “Breaking Bad” after it was over. It was really good, but if I had been watching during the run (not knowing when it was going to be over), I may have given up on it. It got a little too dark/depressing for me. However, knowing there was a definite ending helped me push through. The final episode was very good.


  24. Russ

    Don’t know how many of you watch “Brockmire” but this season has been pretty good. Last season got pretty depressing, but this season has picked up the tone a bit. Still hilarious.

    Also, for a farce, “What We Do in the Shadows” by Taika Waititi on FX is pretty funny. It’s a “reality” show based on a trio of vampires that share a house in Staten Island. It’s based on the movie of the same name that came out a few years ago.


    • Got Cowdog

      My daughter was watching the “Shadows” thing the other day and howling with laughter, had tears running down her cheeks. Her sense of humor is pretty slapstick (like mine) so I’ll give that one a watch. I’ll admit the trailer looks funny, what’s not funny about a vampire getting his coat caught in a car door and drug down the street?


  25. ilini84

    Watch the Dectorists!


  26. ilini84

    Watch the Dectorists!


  27. Mayor

    If there is a Deadwood movie with the original cast or even part of the original cast I’m paying to see it in a theater.
