“I feel like we are going to be more prepared in the fall than we were in the past.”

Today, in duh ($$):

The most overlooked effect of the changes to the offense is the way the transition is affecting the defense.

It’s a pretty simple concept really: For the past decade, Georgia Tech has been running an offense its defense rarely saw during a game on a Saturday in the fall. Georgia Tech’s identity was grounded in the option. So, what did this mean for the defense?

It means two things: 1) The defense probably got really good at defending the option; and 2) It made it somewhat difficult to test the defense against the specific offensive styles it faced most Saturdays…

“You spend all of spring and then half of the fall camp going against the triple-option, which we don’t see normally in the season,” linebacker David Curry said, “but now we are going against offenses that we will see every single week, and the reps add up.”

So, how lacking was the defensive prep work?  This lacking:

According to Tariq Carpenter, by the spring game last season under first-year defensive coordinator Nate Woody, the defense had only four calls in place. The reasoning behind that was that the defense knew it would never see that specific offense outside of the spring, so why try to find multiple ways to stop it if this was only a month-long endeavor?

No wonder the genius kept blaming his defensive coordinators.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football, Strategery And Mechanics

39 responses to ““I feel like we are going to be more prepared in the fall than we were in the past.”

  1. Derek

    No way similar dynamics plague Mike Leach, amirite?


    • Brilliant comparison.

      Ummm… how many teams in the country run some variation of the Air Raid? I’d guess it’s a few more than the number running the TO.


      • Derek

        “Variation” changes everything.

        The zone read bears no resemblance to, nor shares elements with, options 1 & 2 of the triple option. Other than the QB reading the unblocked edge defender and deciding whether to give or keep.

        I think you’re defense suffers practicing against ANY one-dimensional offense. Even if they throw it to all five eligible receivers in practice.

        Reality tends to bear that out. Leach’s empty trophy case is some evidence of that.

        Of course, if there’s one place CPJ and Leach depart dramatically: the trophy case.


        • I get it, man. Leach sucks.

          Really, you can save the bandwidth on the subject going forward.


          • ASEF

            Leach is good for some great sounds bites and 8 wins a year. It’s the former that makes him stand out, not the latter.


            • Wazzou won 11 games last year, but don’t let me interrupt your narrative.


              • Mayor

                Leach’s team is more balanced–runs the ball more than one might think. I have watched a lot of Wazzou football late at night and I think his O is really hard to defend. The real improvement and the reason why the Cougs have won more games lately is on defense. They had the best team in the PAC 12 but got unlucky last season. They won the most games but lost exactly the WRONG game–really screwed up their season. If they beat U Dub they likely would have won the PAC 12 Championship game and might have gotten an invite to the 4 team playoff.


              • Sides

                He also had a good run at Texas Tech. 5-7 wins in Lubbock gets you a NFL head coaching job. Leach did much better than that…


                • Derek

                  It happened once so yeah.

                  Spike Dykes won 9 games twice at TT. No pro gig.

                  Tubs won 8 games one year, 7 another, in 3 seasons. No pro gig.

                  Jim Carlen went 11-1 in Lubbock in 1973 and got to be the coach in Columbia, SC so your truth is apparent:

                  One coach in TT history has been later named a NFL coach.


          • Derek

            Is the point that “Leach sucks” or is the point “inconsistency?”

            Each of these guys have taken a non-traditional offense and had some success. Thus far, CPJ’s success has far exceeded Leach’s. (I do agree that despite this and for reasons that have nothing to do with effectiveness, Leach’s approach has more adherents.)

            But Leach gets far more love around here.

            Does “yech” account for all that differential? If so, fine. That IS a good reason, no doubt about it.


          • Mikey

            Bandwidth does that mean with what WordPress takes from all posting or is with what you post. I know what bandwidth means but is it from all the posting or views on the site. Just wondering


  2. Doug

    I think you’ve been spot-on in your criticism that Paul Johnson’s clear lack of interest in Tech’s defense was a main reason it stunk so bad year to year. Only talking about the defense when you’re pissed about it, combined with equal apathy toward actually recruiting good players to run it, is a great way to ensure your defense is gonna suck no matter what they have to face in practice.

    Honestly, the chance of the Jackets finally learning how to play some D is the only thing I find worrisome about the new regime on the Flats. It’s going to take a few years for the offense to transition out of the triple-option, and potentially just as long for Tech’s recruiting to transition out of the black hole that it was under CPJ. But their defense has a chance to improve much more quickly, especially now that they’re not hamstrung by practicing against an offense nobody actually runs.


    • Classic City Canine

      Tech ranks just ahead of us in the recruiting rankings so I don’t think your assumption is going to hold true. Give it 3 years and I think GT will be a respectable team competing to see who gets squashed by Clemson in the ACC title game.


      • They may very well become a respectable team fighting to get obliterated by Clemson, but methinks citing recruiting rankings in May where volume is all that matters doesn’t really make that strong of a case.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Classic City Canine

          Did Paul Johnson ever have a moment where he was ahead of UGA in recruiting? Of course it won’t hold, but it’s a sign of progress and the average player rating projects them into the top 30 if it holds. That’s way better than finishing #50 like Fish Fry did.


          • Mikey

            And fuck Clemson JS and the Senator would agree cause he knows the history we have had with them. He knows a lot bout the Georgia Vs Clemson rivalry


        • Mikey

          I remember the days we played Clemson and we’d go to Frank Howard Field at Clemson Memorial Stadium. And should mention there’s a memorial to the 484 Clemson service personnel killed while on military duty was dedicated outside Gate 1 on April 22, 2010. Yeah i been there it’s good. I’ve been there I think @ Clemson 11 times I think it’s a nice a beautiful experience. My favorite and Auburn and of Jacksonville th Florida game and Bobby Dodd Stadium for the Tech game


      • Mikey

        Well that fan base is hyped up this year they think going to win the ACC. Good for Tech I hope they do


    • Mikey

      Look The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets have won four national championships across four different decades (1917, 1928, 1952, 1990) and 15 Conference titles or 16 and Bowl record
      25–20–0 Georgia Tech as a huge history of good football I don’t know how anybody can deny that and plus they there history of football goes way back. I’m not supporting the Team but my Dad did go to Tech



    I think GT is going to get better under this new coaching staff. That may be a good thing in the big scheme of things…Kirby wanting to upgrade the schedule and all…just glad the option is gone.


    • Classic City Canine

      Agreed, PTC. I am way more relieved by not playing the TO than worried about playing a better Tech squad.


    • stoopnagle

      Meh. Chan Gailey was there with arguably the best WR in the country and he went 0-6.


  4. FlyingPeakDawg

    But where will DL prospects go now to play against cut-blocking everyday in practice? No one thinks of the children with these changes.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Go Dawgs!

    I really miss Paul Johnson.


  6. Saturdays in November have lost that Friday fish fry feel to them….maybe it’s just me….


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      Waffles and catfish? Hmmmmm….could be a good new tailgate trend. Just need to figure out the condiments. Tartar sauce on waffles? Yech! Honey on fried catfish….hey!


  7. I just have a hard time believing there was no scout team offense to help prep their defense. I also foresee more three and outs on offense and shorter drives so I think their defense is going to be extended long past their prime on the field. I hope its ugly often for them.


  8. Mikey

    “No wonder the genius kept blaming his defensive coordinators.” I over read and missed that Lol classic hey but lookout Tech thinks they have a team to compete in the ACC


  9. Mikey

    I feel like getting off topic just to piss him off hmmm let’s see where I’ll go


  10. Mikey

    Can’t Help Falling In Love – Elvis Presley. It was on my amazon music. Okay now I’m in trouble. I don’t give a damn kiss my ass


  11. Mikey

    Oh yeah Bachman-Turner Overdrive – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet. I’m now n serious trouble. I don’t care I can’t go to sleep I’m having trouble with sleeping it’s a problem I’m having I don’t why but anyway just a fucking military think I guess sorry I just have issues that I’m dealing with and I’m glad I’m able to post on here


  12. Mikey

    I got a house down in Jekyll Island I rent out to a retired couple and the husband went to Florida and my sister who went to fucking Auburn lives in St.Simons sorta weird ain’t it


  13. Mikey

    Okay I’m going off topic Manfred Mann’s Earth Band – Blinded By The Light
    I’m going to get in trouble but I will take whipping or whatever. Just be easy on me I’m having a rough morning here hell I need to fix some coffee


  14. Mikey

    Damn this iPad isn’t charging hell Im losing my mind maybe the
    Lightning cable Is going bad. I’m sorry totally off topic. I apologize again


    • Mikey

      Oh I didn’t haven’t plugged in right lmao it’s charging now geez I swear dumbass sometimes do apologize again I don’t know I keep saying stupid shit but I’ve been drinking I’ve got problems I’m trying to deal with them it has a lot to with the Army and stuff over there no excuses I’m good


  15. Dolly Llama

    Great thread. Would read again.
