Gary and Gus

I know everyone’s got their own opinions about Gary Danielson (mine being, he’s a great color analyst, but not so great when he wanders afield).  One thing he’s among the best at is reading situations and formations to anticipate play calls.  With that in mind, here’s a  story he tells about one time he was too good, at least in Gus Malzahn’s mind, when it came to anticipation.  Dial it up to about the 9:45 mark to hear about a jump pass play and Malzahn’s reaction when he heard about Gary’s call.

Personally, I don’t find that to be a big deal — I can’t imagine there are many defensive coordinators watching the SEC on CBS to get playcalling tips — but, then again, I’m not being paid $7 million a year to be paranoid about things like that.


Filed under SEC Football, Strategery And Mechanics

15 responses to “Gary and Gus

  1. Former Fan

    If you listen for bit, Gary spills the beans about how he saw that in a practice that Gus let him attend. And Coach Gus was telling him to be careful not to reveal what he learned in practice. Did I miss something else?


  2. Reverend Whitewall

    I gotta admit, I see Gus’s point on that one, once I listened to it. If Gary talks about something he picked up on game film analysis that he’s done on his own, then all bets are off. But potentially revealing something that he’s only seen at a team’s practice……..yeah that’s a gray area. Not sure how I feel about it. I see Gus’s point, but you could also classify it as Gary doing his job.

    That being said, Gary’s ability to call plays before they happen was unrivaled for a long time until Romo came along. And he’s still hands down the best in the college game in that department.


    • CB

      If you back it up to about 8 minutes Gary basically lays out the case for why Romo is a terrible broadcaster.

      “I probably could call thirty plays a game. Maybe more, but that’s not good tv… if tv had the ability to have the microphone in the huddle and you knew the play I don’t think that would be good tv…. it’s not a good flow to be jumping into your play by play guy and going watch the run here.’”


      • Cynical Dawg

        I don’t know why people are so amazed by Romo. In the 1980s, Hank Stram used to do it all the time when he was on TV or radio, and he was never wrong. Before the snap, he”d tell Jack Buck, “They’re going to run a trap draw left here,” and Buck would call it, “Here’s the draw play going left…”

        Liked by 1 person

  3. 92 grad

    At best, I sort of don’t mind Gary. He sets up himself at the beginning of this radio appearance as being the same as Saban and belichik. Really? His ego just puts me off.


    • MGW

      Gotta remember though; the x’s and o’s, play calling, strategy, etc. is the least of what it takes for coaches to actually win big. There are plenty of guys out there like Danielson who most likely do in fact understand that aspect of things just as well as Belichik and Saban, and can break plays down with the best of them. They can’t run a program and win like those guys, but they understand the technical stuff at a very high level.

      It’s like art. There are thousands and thousands of people with super high quality technical skills, but they ain’t Picasso.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Scorpio Jones, III

        Or Larry Munson


      • Cynical Dawg

        It’s not that difficult. If you’ve watched enough film and videotape in your career, you learn to spot an offensive or defensive “tell”. Maybe the center sets up in a particular way on running plays. Or the WR’s body language betrays him when he’s not the primary receiver.


  4. Cojones

    I think Gary is a good announcer and I like his calls. Sure, sometimes he misses, but not that often and he is fun to follow. He has always stood out among the announcer they were trying out several years ago and only Verne could be better in the modern era. Jus’ my own take…


  5. rugbydawg79

    I really like Brad Nessler… so don’t mind Gary…was also a fan of Uncle Verne. I think Gary having somebody really good with him has allowed himself a bigger playground.


  6. Jack Klompus

    As you mentioned, Senator, I’m always amazed at how Gary is able to call plays. I don’t mind him beyond that…I don’t have the hatred toward him that so many others have. He does have a pretty massive ego though.


  7. Bulldog Joe

    If Gary (or anyone else) does it, he should know he risks not being invited back to practice.


  8. Salty Dawg

    Gag. Gary was a downer listening to him berate the Dawgs and kiss AL and Nick Saben’s butt while calling a UGA home game. He would give a little credit to a couple of really good players, but other than that, he did nothing but run the Dawgs down. That said, I will listen to him over Beth Mowins any day of the week!


  9. Got Cowdog

    I’m a hater. Danielson really used to grate on my nerves, it seemed he couldn’t stop talking about whomever was playing UGA at the time and how well they were playing, even when the Dawgs were ahead. I’m pretty sure I even typed “Fuck you Danielson!” in a couple of gameday threads here. Of course, He may have just been being honest and I didn’t want to hear it.


  10. Biggus Rickus

    My problem with Gary is his narratives that he tries to shoehorn into his commentary whether they fit or not and then proceeds to beat into the ground. But most color guys are awful, and he does at least say interesting things sometimes.
