SEC Power Poll, Week Twelve


Georgia’s in the SECCG and Tua’s out.  Just your normal week in the Southeastern Conference.

  1. LSU.  Ole Miss gained how many yards against the Tigers’ defense?
  2. Alabama.  If it weren’t for bad injury luck, the Tide wouldn’t have no luck at all.
  3. Georgia.  Per Mark Schlabach, Georgia’s 251 yards of offense against Auburn was the lowest total for a team winning against an AP top-15 foe on the road since LSU had 239 yards in a 9-6 victory in overtime at Alabama in 2011.
  4. Florida.  So near, and yet so far.
  5. Auburn.  Now losers of 14 of their last 20 games against Georgia.
  6. Texas A&M.  Well, if the Aggies are looking for a meaningful regular season win, they’ve still got two shots remaining.
  7. Tennessee.  Recipients of a bye week bump, the Vols are living large in November.
  8. Mississippi State.  There was a warning before this week’s game that the stadium had an infestation problem with rabid bats.  As metaphors go…
  9. Kentucky.  Give the ‘Cats credit.  Somehow they’ve managed to work themselves into decent shape for a bowl game.
  10. Ole Miss.  They aren’t good, but they are entertaining.
  11. Missouri.  The wheels have come off the wagon.
  12. South Carolina.  Does a 4-8 season really merit a vote of confidence from the school president and AD?
  13. Vanderbilt.  Now 128th nationally in scoring offense.
  14. Arkansas.  A bye week bounce for this team?  Get real.


Filed under SEC Football

23 responses to “SEC Power Poll, Week Twelve

  1. RangerRuss

    I generally agree with your top 3. But I’m thinking the Dawgs are a solid #2 based on their D. The O is so close. I have a possibly over optimistic attitude. When the receivers start catching what Fromm is throwing?
    Well, we’ll see.


  2. dawgman3000

    Ole Miss isn’t that good, but at least they have an OC that gets the most out of the talent he has available to him.


    • Mark

      But isn’t that like saying, “The Titanic isn’t watertight, but at least it has a helluva band on deck.” ?


      P.S. How DO you punctuate the end of my sentence, anyway?


    • Greg

      The OC ain’t the one out there dropping balls, running wrong routes and not breaking free from defenders.


      • dawgman3000

        Well it would help them if they had a qb who could throw them open occasionally. Better yet, how about the guru defense reader throw to the open guy rather than the guy with a db draped all over him. Love how some here want to place all of the offensive woes on anyone but the qb, while attributing any success the offense has strictly to the same qb.


      • The Dawg abides

        Or not seeing wide open receivers and being late on outside throws, allowing them to be contested. I agree, it ain’t just the OC.



    UGA has a better D than Bama, and with Tua out, I think our O is better..the national pollster can see it.


  4. Missouri was robbed. They had an int ruled a completion when the game was 13 to 6. It really changed the game.


  5. Russ

    We’re better than Bama. Our defense is nasty, and their defense is too beat up.


  6. Bulldog Joe

    Before the Gurley fiasco, Missouri only needed 119 yards total offense to beat Florida 42-13 on the road. Don’t think Florida was top-15, tho.


  7. Go Dawgs!

    Alabama isn’t the second best team in the conference without Tua. I hate what happened to him.


  8. Jack Klompus

    I think this is the first time under Saban that Bama has been bitten by the injury bug like this.


  9. DawgPhan

    How we have flipped the Auburn series is something pretty amazing. That series as gone from being separated by just a few points to UGA running away with it.


  10. Rusty

    I can’t tell you how much satisfaction I receive from #5. I hate Auburn’s guts and livers.


  11. Rusty

    I can’t tell you how much satisfaction I receive from #5. I hate Auburn’s guts and livers.


  12. Uglydawg

    I’ll harp on this some more.
    Aladambama has played 1…O-N-E team with a pulse. With Tua. At home.
    And Aladambama lost that game.
    And it wasn’t as close as the score.
    This week..Aladambama gets to whip up on another frightful foe..WCU.
    And there will be cheering because Aladambama is still great.
    They should be greatly punished in the polls for that schedule.
    As usual, it’s weaker than a sick kitten. Even Clemson gets more credit.
    (When Georgia and Clemson sought to strengthen their OOC schedules they made a deal to play one another. ‘Bama? Their answer was to find a school with name recognition but now at the bottom of the pile…FSU. What a cheap assed and transparent gimmick)
    At least Clemson plays two SEC schools and it’s not really their fault the ACC has become so awful.
    I’m very conflicted because the Auburn program is so low class, yet the ‘Bama fans are such insufferable honking geese. If and when ‘Bama picks up that next big win against WCU…who in the crap am I going to pull for in the Iron Bowl? That damn meteorite never shows up.
    I hope that some ‘Bama fan hacks the programming of the great video screen at JH and it plays a perpetual GIF of Harvey Updike spraying the Oaks at Toomers. And I hope that it’s sleeting with 75 mph winds during the game and the Eagle gets disoriented and flies off to Athens and lives it’s life out in a tall pine overlooking the Oconee.


  13. Mr schlabach’s stats maybe true….the totals through 3qtrs was 250 yards for the good guys, that is your glaring difference….that a top 4 team in the world could only manage 1 yard here ,a yard there…thanks our stars (defensively for this W)
