The opposite of the Georgia Way

They’re selling alcohol at Texas A&M’s Kyle Field now.  They made good money doing so and fan incidents didn’t rise as a result.  None of which should be a surprise, given the experience at other venues making the same decision.

This, however, is an alien concept in Athens, Georgia:

“The person who sits in the upper deck, the top row, now has the same sort of amenity as the person who has the private suite,” said athletic director Ross Bjork.

Can somebody please help Greg McGarity?  I can hear his coughing spell all the way down here in Atlanta.  Get him a glass of water or something.


Filed under I'll Drink To That

16 responses to “The opposite of the Georgia Way

  1. Athens Dog.

    You’re asking BM to be rational and accept a widely held confirmation that it works.

    Don’t think it will happen anytime soon. #tonedeaf


  2. Bat City Dawg

    My company is the A&M concessions manager. We also manage f&b at the classic center in Athens. The resources are in town to easily make this happen. Upgrading the POS to reduce line times would also be an easy ROI positive move


    • jhorne2000

      I was at the Tennessee game , and I was more than happy to throw $24 at a couple beers , but they could use some of your help speeding it up. My recommendation :

      Less Options (I think they offered 6 or 7) , 3 would probably be enough.

      Instead of cracking and pouring per order, keep them poured up and ready to go.

      Have an ID check point to get in the line , instead of checked by server at point of sale.

      Not genius level stuff here … I hope when UGA finally offers it all over the stadium they can get it right


  3. Dawg1



  4. Reipar

    If it’s anything like vandy no wonder fan incidents did not rise. One quarter to get a beer is making the uga lines look good.


  5. chopdawg

    Will selling a Tropicalia to the guy in the top row of Section 335 at Sanford help recruiting? No. Which is why it probably never happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. FlyingPeakDawg

    If it takes nearly all of the second half in Sanford to get a beer, at least you won’t miss anything our offense does! 😆


  7. jhorne2000

    Yeah , really. This may be the least defensible position ever. Some on this blog would probably say that’s a huge statement.

    Say it out loud Greg, make more money selling beer to all sections of the stadium.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      More money from the plebes, sure. But do those plebes really deserve the same benefits and privileges as Magill Society donors? I think not.

      McGarity would rather have some of us on the outside looking in.


  8. Jay Gemes

    You mean the the non-huge donation donors also have money to spend? Get out!


  9. Sanford222view

    My biggest complaint about the beer distribution to the privileged is it took away the Chick-fil-a that used to be right outside my section. Now it is a wall of red mesh to keep the commoners from seeing what is happening inside the Magill Society area.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. HiAltDawg

    Judging by the postings on this blog, the last thing “Real” “Georgia” “fans” need is another drink. If you bitches and turds want to cry into your beer🍻 because Arrogant, Foulmouthed, Victory Staining Kirby ran it up the middle (in your stupid Run The Damn Ball hats, no less) again, please do it in your little hovel. Those of us that love Merica, Sweet Baby Jesus (in his Hobnail Boot Onsie, listening to his Baby Einstein Munson Calls CD), and the Dawgs can pour our airline bottles of Wild Turkey 101 into our drinks in peace.


  11. Bulldog Joe

    Ross Bjork brought beer to A&M. How long ’til they get strippers and hookers?


  12. Down Island Way

    Line about “The person who sits in the upper deck, the top row, now has the same sort of amenity as the person who has the private suite,” is pure T bullshit…ever been in a private suite, controlled environment, some sort of edibles at your disposal, (usually) large screen to view, adult beverages are just a request away and last but most important….the head is nearer to the suite than the upper deck, related arrests may have not significantly increased…more B.S., they just get booked under a different category to protect the integrity of the general public at large and on $pecial occasion$ a $tripper or 4 should be made available….


  13. Down Island Way

    And that coughing sound Senator, was BM asking the ad to turn his head and cough (no one is checking for a hernia here) while letting the ad know they’ve got him by the balls if he doesn’t make this thing profitable…


  14. Normaltown Mike

    I look forward to the kids from the Apalachee High School JROTC program pouring me a tall Coors Ice.
