“… and everyone knows I’d rather have Mullen on my sideline than Kirby Smart.”

Pat Dooley shows it won’t be easy being a Gator shill in 2021.

This is my favorite part:

I actually know people who truly believe that Will Muschamp was placed at Florida by the Georgia Illuminati to bring down the Florida program.

Seriously, they really believe that. And now he is back at his alma mater as an analyst where he can only help the Bulldogs because the dude does know defense and special teams.

Agent Muschamp lives!


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

57 responses to ““… and everyone knows I’d rather have Mullen on my sideline than Kirby Smart.”

  1. May Mr. 8-4 Dopey Dan stay in Hogtown forever.

    Liked by 7 people

  2. J.R. Clark

    What hack writers won’t do to maintain access…


  3. 81Dog

    This will be an interesting year for Mullen aficionados. Either it ends up being the 1991 Florida season again (OMG WE WON 2 IN A ROW v UGA, OUR COACH IS A GENIUS), or they end up with their own version of 1998 UGA (WHAT HAPPENED? WE SMOKED THEM LAST YEAR, WE HAVE A SUPER TALENTED NEW QB, AND OUR COACH IS AN OFFENSIVE MINDED WHIZ?)

    Considering Jimmy Mac beat us with a scrub qb, it’s no time to get overconfident. But, if the analogy of “Florida is kind of like 1990s UGA: What happened 10 years ago is ancient history, but they haven’t realized it yet” is correct, they’re in for a bumpy ride down in Jortsville. They just don’t see it yet. FTMFs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Down Island Way

    I get friendships and all…booms past comments have and will always stick…

    Liked by 3 people

  5. aucarson

    Thank goodness Will Muschamp only coached at Auburn twice before getting his burn notice.


  6. Scotty King

    Why do some refer to Gainesville as Hogtown?


  7. fisheriesdawg

    Long story, but I got my MS at Florida (UGA undergrad), and when there were rumors of Agent Muschamp getting fired after the 2013 season, I sent the following email to UF President Bernie Machen (below, along with his reply). No comment on whether or not I’m part of the Georgia Illuminati.


    SUBJECT: Please Stay the Course

    President Machen:

    While I know we are all disappointed in the struggles of this year’s Gator football team, I am writing to ask you to stick with our current coaching staff. I have no doubt that Coach Muschamp is the right man to continue leading our football program into the future. Given the injuries our team has suffered this year, I think it is important to remember the great success Coach Muschamp had last season under better circumstances.

    As a loyal alumnus of the University of Florida, I think we can set a great example for the college football world by not making a knee-jerk reaction (e.g. Auburn) at the first sign of adversity. I am confident that in a few years, we’ll be looking back at this season and seeing it as the impetus for the next half-decade of Gator greatness.

    In all kinds of weather,
    MS 2009

    Thanks, [FisheriesDawg]! You are a true Gator! We will do the right thing.


    Liked by 7 people

  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Georgia Illuminati? Is there such a thing?


    • fisheriesdawg

      If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

      Liked by 2 people

    • W Cobb Dawg

      Yes, but more commonly known as the Georgia Intelligentsia or Georgia Cognoscenti.

      Liked by 1 person

    • RangerRuss

      I am unaware of any such activity or organization.. Nor would I be disposed to discuss such an organization if it did in fact exist.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

        If a Georgia illuminati exists, they really do a shit job.

        We haven’t won jack shit in football in over 40 years. We had 20 year and 12 year droughts between football SEC titles.

        And our Olympic sports, for the most part, to include baseball and men’s basketball, have gone to complete shit.

        Fuck the Georgia illuminati which is just another way of saying fuck The Georgia Way.


        • RangerRuss

          “Righteously indignant Corch rant”.
          But have you seen all the cash we have in the rainy day fund?


      • tiredofidsearch

        Tee up the Mission Impossible theme song…..


  9. originaluglydawg

    Oh, I can top that statement easily.
    Here you go!
    “There are people who are stupid enough to truly believe that they know people that truly believe that Will Muschamp was placed at Florida by the Georgia Illuminati to bring down the Florida program. Seriously, they really believe that they know people that really believe that.. And now he is back at his alma mater as an analyst where he can only help the Bulldogs kick the living shit out of our handbag asses because the dude does know defense and special teams.”
    Be alert when your out and about my friends. They walk among us.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    Da fuk is Pat Dooley?


    • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

      Ooohhh… is he like, their Mike Griffith?

      Okay then, that makes sense.

      Liked by 1 person

      • fisheriesdawg

        Dooley can get stupid sometimes, and he’s no doubt a homer (think Dantzler with another 15-20 years), but he’s a lot more thoughtful and objective than that.


  11. stoopnagle

    No lies detected, honestly. He doesn’t have to like Kirby for all of those reasons to be accurate as to why Florida won’t get love this off season. They’re all pretty good reasons the Gators will live up to those expectations.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. gurkhadawg

    The “Georgia Illuminati” Is that you Senator?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I’d rather you have Mullen on your swampy sideline than Kirby too…I can’t stand you jort wearing Hogtown sacks of shit…I hope our GA boys whip the ever loving snot out of FU this season and every season…FTMF

    Liked by 2 people

  14. californiadawg

    He rather have a coach that has gone 1-3 against Smart, who couldn’t score a single TD against us during the Miss State game in ’17, a game that according to most hack pundits we stood no chance? He rather have Dopey Dan’s embarrassing off-field antics and cowardly habit of throwing players under the bus while deflecting blame for any coaching mistake? Homerism is one helluva drug.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. jdawg108

    So the Georgia Illuminati can place a coach at Florida, but can’t get the officials to call the correct calls in a championship game.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Russ

    I don’t like to curse, so I will swap the first letters of each and say “Fuck Florida”.

    Liked by 8 people

  17. biggusrickus

    How do you write a column on why people will be down on Florida without mentioning how shitty their defense was last year?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bulldawg Bill

      “Bulldawg Bill
      May 5, 2021 at 8:24 AM
      …and may his marriage to Grantham endure!!!!!!!

      Liked by 5 people

      What more needs to be said????????
