Easy peasy, on the Plains

Bo Nix, on dealing with Jordan Davis:

“You can’t really prepare for it, because obviously there aren’t many 6-6, 350-pound guys walking around that you can just avoid all the time,” Nix said. “I’ve kind of been there and played those kind of guys, been around and never necessarily had a huge issue with it. Just play my own game, and if they’re in my way, just kind of run around them.

“He’s going to make his plays, and that’s why he’s a good player; he’s going to be a great draft pick for somebody in the future, and obviously there’s no denying that. So we just have to limit the times he is making plays.”



Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

75 responses to “Easy peasy, on the Plains

  1. 81Dog

    Brilliantly simple, and simply brilliant, in concept. Entire nous, Barners, perhaps a bit more difficult in practice. Buckle up, Bo. Apres Jordan, le deluge.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. David D

    Jordan Davis is going to eat NIx alive. By the end of the 3rd quarter, on or about the Auburn 15, there will be some bones, scraps of jersey, a helmet shell and some beads. The faint smell of eye-black will be wafting thru the October evening…

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Bo is really feeling himself, huh?

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Remember the Quincy

    I love it when opposing players run their mouths the week they play us. “I’ll just run around him.” Please. Give our D even more motivation to destroy your “offense.”

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Dawg93

    Kudos for that South Park clip, one of my all-time favorites.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. godawgs1701

    Just run around them! Man, why didn’t anyone else think of that…

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, today I brought my spiritual advisor the honorable Bishop Bullwinkle to weigh in. “Bishop Bullwinkle, will Bo Nix be prepared to “deal” with Mr. Jordan Davis?”

    Bishop… “Hell to the NAW, to the NAW NAW NAW!”

    I didn’t think so…thank you, sir.

    Liked by 10 people

  8. Geezus

    That’s it! He’s so good at avoiding them, he never sees them. That’s why there aren’t many of them around. Three-dimensional chess…


    • chopdawg

      I can see Bo on the Allbarn sideline, under the tent, coming back to his senses slowly, asking his trainer “did I avoid #99”


  9. ugafidelis

    Now why didn’t anyone else think of that?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. biggusrickus

    He’s hard to get on the ground, but completing passes at less than four yards a clip while scrambling for your life is not exactly a recipe for success.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. RangerRuss

    Bo Nix doesn’t get it. The shithead.

    Liked by 7 people

    • iusedtopostasmikecooley

      He will. As KGB Teddy said before that last poker game at the end of Rounders, “Don’t you worry, son. It will all be over soon.” I’m beginning to think this little turd actually believes “fun ball” is going to get him through this. I’ve said it a couple of times already but I think there’s a good chance Bo Nix gets hurt Saturday. I’m not wishing it on him but I believe it probably happens. His coaches had better y’all to him about the middle school stuff or he may get hurt bad.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Salty Dawg

      Not only is he a shithead, he’s a dumbass too!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. originaluglydawg

    Sunday morning headline,
    “Bo Knows Pain”

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Got Cowdog

    Georgia’s D-linemen are large enough that running around one of them would take a little bit if they were standing still. Two of them in a Thach Weave? Get the band-aids and Neosporin ready…

    Liked by 6 people

    • RangerRuss

      That’s right, Uncle Got. ‘Ceptin’ the Dawgs D don’t need those slow ass Wildcat tactics. They’re more akin to Hellcats and Corsairs. Bounce n blast and take advantage of Nix’s thin skin and neutralize his maneuverability.

      Liked by 3 people

      • That battle of midway was one hell of a display of thach weave…my grandfather was on the Yorktown…I still marvel watching WWII in color, that we was on that hornets nest manning a 30 caliber

        Liked by 6 people

        • ciddawg

          Have you visited the Yorktown in Charleston SC? That would be cool to stand where your Granddaddy stood…

          Liked by 1 person

          • charlottedawg

            Didn’t the Yorktown sink after Midway? Albeit after surviving not one but two successful Japanese attacks and being towed back to port. Maybe I’m getting my WW2 carriers mixed up.

            Liked by 2 people

            • rigger92

              There is a Yorktown Aircraft carrier in Charleston, SC but I don’t know if it’s another one that you think we may have lost.

              It is a fabulous vessel and a great air museum inside. I actually spent the night in the racks with a Boy Scout troop, kind of creepy at night.

              Liked by 2 people

              • That is an amazing museum in Charleston…the greatest generation did so much for this country and never complained…I marvel at all the things my grandfather and his brothers did, how they all seemingly could build and repair anything with their hands. People now talk about how they have a “guy” for contracting, landscaping, plumbing, etc…those tough old hickory sons a bitches literally could do it all. Men like that are my heroes, and they cast a long shadow…

                Liked by 5 people

            • Yes, It was sunk by a Japanese sub after our boys broke the back of the Japanese naval fleet at Midway…it was being towed to be repaired when the sub sank her

              Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      Gentlemen, I propose a new drinking game: Anytime the opposing QB gets caught looking the other way it’s considered a Thatch Weave and we must drink.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. uga97

    “And if they’re in my way, just kind of run around them….”

    Oh boy nix Trey Scott & Lanning just posted this quote above the Dlines lockers.

    Liked by 6 people

  15. archiecreek

    That place is not called…
    the East Alabama Reform School for wayward chilren’ at auburn…
    for nuffn’!!

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Skip Land

    Auburn trainers to Bo Nix around 7pm Saturday…… “Can you show us on the doll where the bad Georgia defense touched you?”

    Liked by 7 people

  17. Faltering Memory

    He can dodge most of the time,but he can’t dodge all the time. That’s when he will wake up with a Tennessee fan’s smile.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. PTC DAWG

    As good a plan as any. Seems to know what he’s up against.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. He may be fast enough to get out of JD’s way, but the real question is who will he run into as he tries to escape?

    Liked by 8 people

    • Castleberry

      Right – the blind reverse spin into the awaiting arms of Adam Anderson? Or Carter? Nix made some of the most athletic plays I’ve ever seen in our game last year – to get an incomplete or avoid a sack. The part that gives me a tiny amount of concern is that we’ve seen Auburn succeed before with a “throw it up and pray” scheme. Will be a tough way to make a living this Saturday, though.


  20. armydawg

    I predict a murderously efficient defensive effort to drive their morale into the ground much like the B-52 carpet bombing did during Desert Storm.

    Liked by 4 people

  21. Easy enough, sure. Too bad the NT in this defense is technically the least of your concerns.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Munsoning

    See, that’s what an Auburn education does to you: makes you dumb as an underpants gnome.

    No, Bo, you run FROM Jordan Davis, not AROUND him. Problem is, you’re running FROM Nakobe and Tindall and Adam Anderson and Wyatt and Nolan Smith and Jalen Carter and Trayvon, too, and they’re not all coming toward you from the same direction. So that’s, let me see, one reasonably strong, athletic guy vs. eight much stronger and vastly more athletic guys. But yeah, you’ll be fine.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. practicaldawg

    “Everyone has a plan until Jordan Davis’s paw is on their shoulder”

    Liked by 7 people

  24. Thanks for the bulletin board material, Bo.


  25. whb209

    Bo Nix regarding Mr. Jordan Davis:
    Just play my own game, and if they’re in my way, just kind of run around them.
    Good luck with that. Sounds like a solid plan.. (NOT)


    • practicaldawg

      And around and around and around and around

      Would love to put a FitBit on Bo Nix and compare his step total to actual rushing yards after the game.


      • rigger92

        If AU is near the current tech at CFB analytics, they already have that information. Teams can monitor G’s, MPH, steps, vital signs in real time during games and practices. Kind of freaky. Makes the Fitbit and IPhone obsolete at that high level. Would be nice to know the full extent of the tech they deploy. It’s as much as a top performer metric is as a safety system for concussion protocol. I’ve read things about it, don’t slam me if I misunderstand any of it though, lol.


  26. Jack Klompus

    $$$ Clip. Love it.


  27. Salty Dawg

    LOL! Yeah, ok kid! See ya when you are nothing but a grease spot on the field! NEXT! GO DAWGS!!!


  28. edkilgore

    Y’know, I could see some Jordan-Hare magic happening. Maybe the Dawgs get off to a slow start and trail early, letting the Barner crowd get crazy loud. Then maybe Stetson reverts to the mean, starts telegraphing passes and throwing into tight coverage. He might even get a pass batted down right into an Auburn LB’s hands for a pick-six. Could get weird.

    But when I envision the game I mostly see Bo Nix running for his life over and over and over again. Seems more likely than all the ifs that could make the game competitive.

    Liked by 1 person

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