A matter of convenience

Somebody asked Smart yesterday about pounding the in state rival, and here is what he said in response:

“It’s awesome. It’s great for the kids. There’s so many guys from Atlanta. I think it’s good for recruiting. Our recruits, they text and say, ‘man, look at all the Georgia fans that have taken over the stadium.’ A lot of my friends are like, it’s convenient, you know? They live in Atlanta. They get to come to the game and watch the Dawgs play in Atlanta and I know that atmosphere was great. Seemed like the weather was great.”

How does that not apply in spades to our fans in south Georgia and the Cocktail Party game in Jacksonville?


Filed under Georgia Football

41 responses to “A matter of convenience

  1. Gaskilldawg

    That consideration is the deciding reason to me why to keep the cocktail party in the shithole called Jacksonville.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. stillthatguy

    Anyone who considers, for even a moment, moving the WLOCP OUT of Jacksonville should be dragged and shot, and not necessarily in that order. There is nothing finer in the land, than watching sad FU fans leaving the stadium. There, I said it.

    Liked by 11 people

  3. David K

    Because the game in Jax takes away a home game every other year?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. David K

    If it’s so great we should maybe have some more neutral site games. Let’s play South Carolina in Greenville. Maybe move the Auburn game to Columbus. Chattanooga could hose the Tennessee game. It will be so great to watch the visiting fans leave early! Plus gives fans from all across the state a chance to travel less to attend a game!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gaskilldawg

      If you can Google Greenville and find an 80,000 seat stadium them our athletic director can contact the Greenville mayor to see how many millions in taxpayer money it will pay to USC and UGA so we can consider it.

      Georgia played Auburn in Columbus through 1958. The schools went home and home because both finally had stadiums large enough to be more profitable to leave Columbus.

      Liked by 3 people

    • PTC DAWG

      What you propose is nothing like this vvvvvv

      It is one of the most prominent rivalry games in college football, and it has been held in Jacksonville, Florida since 1933, with only two exceptions, making it one of the few remaining neutral-site rivalries in college football.

      Liked by 4 people

  5. Texas Dawg

    I think that those Atlanta kids seeing Grant Field turned red is as good of a recruiting tool as there is. You have basically turned that game into an away game for GT.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dawglicious

      Amen, TX. Add to that the Techies’ hurt fee-fees from seeing one of our stud linebackers majoring in Mechanical Engineering, I can hear their angry sad buzzing even now.

      Liked by 4 people

  6. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Because it’s a home and home series that allows for recruiting, while the other isn’t and doesn’t?

    If you’re going to play it in Jacksonville, why not play it in Atlanta every other year? Or bring it to campus. There is nothing inherently special about playing Jacksonville, which is a shithole city that allows the more well-off Georgia fans a four day vacation in the Golden Islands. That’s it. That’s what this is

    This whole, “Let’s do it for the South Georgia Bulldog fans,” argument is the same argument that ADs, Coaches, and the NCAA give when they say, “Let’s do it for the kids,” meaning it’s b.s. It’s not for the South Georgia Bulldog fans, it’s for the Bulldog fans with enough Hartman points to get tickets and enough money to pay for the rentals or those that own their own vacation homes down there. That’s who it’s for, so let’s just be honest about that, okay? I’d much rather prefer the, “Let’s do Athens a solid and not take away a home game every other year that local businesses could really use,” argument, which is far more palatable than the “South Georgia fans,” argument.

    With a 9-game SEC Schedule incoming, keeping this game in Jacksonville becomes less tenable. Having the Cocktail Party played on campus wouldn’t suddenly make beating the ‘turds any less fun or great. It didn’t hurt the Iron Bowl when they moved it from Birmingham. They play Tosu-Michigan on campus.

    That’s all reasons to move the game to on-campus or splitting it with Atlanta. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, and it probably never will as long as money talks, but can we dispense with the, “Let’s do it for the kids,” er, I mean, the “Let’s do it for South Georgia fans,” argument?

    Liked by 4 people

    • Texas Dawg

      We have to move the game! It’s absolutely destroyed our ability to recruit.

      TX and OU have a neutral site game every year. I have yet to hear a single person out here say they need to move it. Tradition is as big a part of college football as anything. We’ve already lost enough.

      Liked by 4 people

      • TX-OU don’t play another neutral site game either like UGA. UGA played in Jax and Charlotte this year and this is not the first time they have done that. Move the game or don’t play another neutral site game.


        • Texas Dawg

          No, but they leave the home confines to play big OOC games on the road while still maintaining the neutral site game. TX goes on the road in ’23 to play Alabama and at Ohio State in ’25(and still the OU/TX at the Cotton Bowl). OU goes on the road in ’22 to Nebraska, ’23 to UGA and at Tennesse in ’24 (schedule subject to change if they come into the SEC before 25), at Michigan in ’26 (and still the OU/TX at the Cotton Bowl)
          Is us playing Clemson in Charlotte and any different than playing them in Clemson or us going to Oklahoma. We play Oregon in Atlanta next year. How is that any different from us going to Norman the next year as it relates to the neutral site games. Your argument holds not water.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Russ

          I’m fine never playing a regular season game in Charlotte or the Benz.


          • Texas Dawg

            I would rather have big home and homes rather than neutral site games (other than GA/FL-tradition should not be messed with). It would give us the opportunity to take over other stadiums like the ND game.

            Liked by 1 person

    • Bulldawg Bill

      Corch, the argument for a Benz/Jax split is logical. Having said that, Atlanta’s just not nearly as much fun.Let’s not let logic kill a perfectly good Buzz….Oh, wait!!!!!!!


      • Remember the Quincy

        Somebody yesterday accused Corch of being an unhappy person. This tantrum just further proves it.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

          LOL, sure, arguing a point without the use of a single exclamation mark now qualifies as a “tantrum” and proof of my happiness or lack thereof.

          Some of y’all’s assumptions are off the charts with the unintentional hilarity. Go on, if you must.


          • Remember the Quincy

            No, the fact that it’s a childish rant makes it a tantrum. There’s rarely a subject on here that you aren’t the expert at, so by all means, please guide us and don’t let any of us stop you.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

              You could try to argue against the points I made, just a thought. That you and others continue to attack me as a person instead of the points I made, there’s a phrase for that, what it is again? On the tip of my tongue. Hmm.

              Anyway… please, if you have a problem with something I’ve said, then do your best to refute my argument instead of inane insults and wrong insinuations about my happiness or lack thereof or anything else about my person. It’s really not that difficult, person on the internet I’ve never met. Dazzle me with your intellect. Or don’t. Whatever.


    • You sound like somebody who never goes to the game.

      UGA could start recruiting there any time it wants to cut a deal with UF to do so.

      You don’t have to be any more well off to attend that game than you do as an out of town fan who has to rent a room to go to Athens for a weekend.

      My responsibility as a fan isn’t to support Athens businesses.

      Splitting with Atlanta is the dumbest suggestion of all. Home and home would be much better. You can’t tailgate in Atlanta and you aren’t supporting Athens businesses. You’re just choosing that option because you can’t stand Jax.

      All of your arguments are moot, because they’re not moving the game as long as it pays better. Sorry if that sucks for you, but these arguments have been made repeatedly, to no effect.

      Liked by 5 people

      • mg4life0331

        Yeap, as long as it pays, not because they care about fans.


      • siskey

        I hope they never move it. I haven’t attended since 2000 but I plan on attending next year and will sandwich around a trip for the kids. I love having the game there and this is someone who lives within 10 minutes of Sanford and who attended the game here in 1995. Go Dawgs!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Gaskilldawg

      I am not so naive as to think that the UGA AA makes any decision based upon loyalty to the fans. I know from experience. 40 years ago when I was no longer a student then a new alum with access to student tickets I started contributing to the fund no called the Hartman Fund. Back then my priority was based on not only the amount of money I gave, but I also got priority points for each of my degrees from UGA and then started getting priority points for longevity in the fund. A while back the UGA AA eliminated every priority factor except money contributed. The reorganization took away the priority I and other grads received for being alums.

      Now, if Kim Jong-un sold a few nukes on the open market, got $50,000,000.00 for them, then decided to give it all to the various funds and societies he would instantly push a lot of Magill Fund contributors to buying tickets on StubHub because so many UGA tickets were routed to a Pyongyang email address.
      I get it that UGA AA isn’t making any decisions for the South Georgia fans.

      HOWEVER, I have the perogative to want the South Georgia fans who have loyally supported the program to continue have a game convenient to them.
      It is for that reason that I would like it to stay, recognizing that UGA AA doesn’t give a shit about them except for the Silver Socieyt or Hedegs Society of upper tier Magill members.

      Shit, if I hit the powerball and get a quarterbillion I may call up the UGA AA and tell them how much it would get it if they kept the game convenience to the south Georgia folks and also rearrange ticket priority based upon years in the Hartman Fund. It would be an interesting conversation.


      Liked by 3 people

  7. W Cobb Dawg

    I have no idea what espn will do, but CBS treats the Jax game as a mid season bowl game. If the people in Jax had any brains they’d do more to promote the game. It’s damn near all they got going for them as a major sporting event.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Tony BarnFart

    I went to a UGA-Tech game in Atlanta years before i went to one in Athens.


    • Texas Dawg

      Me too. It was a cold one and I froze my ass off. I think I was 10 or12, Sometime in the mid 70’s. My first UGA game ever was UGA-Pittsburgh. They had some young running back that day….a Tony Dorsett (did he ever amount to much later?). Ended in a 7-7 sister kiss (loooong before OT’s). My dad took me too quite a few GA/FL games in the 70’s (was there for Appleby to Washington). Sat behind Don Gaffney’s uncle while he sat there and mixed drinks from his portable bar. Things were pretty lax back in those days. It was a lot closer for us living in South East Georgia to go to Jax instead of Athens. Saw Herschel run wild on the TURDS when I was in college. It was a road trip circled on the calendar the first day we got back to Athens even before classes started. Got to see them break the streak in ’97 in the new stadium (not quite the same). I fell in love with it then and still love it now. Nothing like it. The sound of that old metal stadium when everyone was jumping up and down? I was like Larry. I was sure the damn thing was going to fall down at any minute. Living in TX it is hard to get back to JAX on a regular basis, but I feel the pull every year. I hope it never leaves.

      Liked by 1 person

      • RangerRuss

        And THAT is tradition. It means more than money.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Gaskilldawg

        That freezing cold Tech game in Atlanta was 1977. I was there, too. It was Dooley’s only losing season. We had QBs droppig like flies that season. Chris Welton was a freshman and our 6th string QB. The 5th string got injured and Welton went in at QB. Played a few plays and then he got injured, too. The last scout team QB on the roster finished it out. I think it was Davy Sawyer, although I could be wrong and Sawyer may have been ahead of Welton on the depth chart.
        Tech was coached by Pepper Rogers and he ran that wishbone offense that just kept the ball away from us all day. We were in the upper east stands and the cold wind was brutal.


  9. godawgs1701

    I’m on the record as a proud supporter of the game being in Jacksonville forever and ever.

    With that said, it isn’t like the school doesn’t throw the south Georgia fans the biggest of bones by happily volunteering to play at noon any time that ESPN needs someone in the time slot so the south Georgia folks can be up in time for church on Sunday morning.


  10. Godawg

    I just like the fact that Kirbs said it seemed the weather was great. Like he wasn’t positive, but thought it was…gotta love his focus on the game.
