You’re gonna miss him when he’s gone.

Ah, the good times with Dan Mullen

Two weeks later after a 38-14 bounce-back win at home over Tennessee, UF lost the lead and fell behind in the third quarter at Kentucky when a field-goal attempt was blocked and returned 76 yards for a touchdown. The Gators dominated the stats for total yards (382-224), first downs (21-13) and time of possession (36:18-23:42), but 15 penalties for 115 yards, including eight flags for false-start calls, allowed UK to capture a 20-13 win.

Then in a 49-42 loss at LSU, Florida was -4 in turnover margin and the Tigers ran for 321 yards on 45 rushing attempts. LSU would finish the season ranked 13th out of 14 SEC teams in rushing yards, but Dan Mullen still didn’t fire defensive coordinator Todd Grantham after this atrocious performance.

In fact, Mullen didn’t pull the trigger on a pink slip for Grantham until after 40-17 loss at South Carolina as a 20.5-point road ‘chalk.’ By then, it was Mullen’s future that was in serious doubt. Even if the Gators had won out in their three remaining games, it still might not have been enough for him to see a fifth season.

The defense was even worse the following week in a 70-52 win over Samford. When Florida lost 24-23 to Missouri in overtime one week later, Mullen was gone before lunch the next day. The Gators beat FSU 24-21 in the regular-season finale, but they lost 29-17 to Central Florida at the Gasparilla Bowl.

UCF and South Carolina were the only UF opponents who had more total yards than the Gators, but penalties galore and a -9 turnover margin led to four one-possession losses.

Florida was +1,235 in net yardage for the season.

That, my friends, is hard to do.  And Billy Napier ought to be eternally grateful for the low bar set by the Portal Master™.  How many wins this season will it take for your Daily Gator to proclaim “Florida is back, baby!”?  I’m setting the over/under at nine.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

24 responses to “You’re gonna miss him when he’s gone.

  1. JoeDashDawg

    tap tap tap… ahem…


    Liked by 2 people

    • setzer613

      Florida goes 7-5.

      6-6 if Napier can’t rally them after the A&M game

      Loses to Utah, UT, LSU, UGA, A&M. South Carolina is also a possibility.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Dopey/Goofy’s pitch for his next job … if players will just hold on to the ball, I’m a genius.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Biggen

      Unfortunately, we have to see Goofy’s face all season long on the ESPN desk. He was already there last weekend. I had to turn it off.


  3. It was the Darth Vader helmet that did him in. Or the sideline melee. Or the proclamations of moral victories. Or the ass-whupping we put on him. There was so much more to it.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. RangerRuss

    This once again proves my theory that Dan Mullen is a shithead.

    Liked by 15 people

    • Down Island Way

      What theory, corch wannabe is a proven commodity in the true factoid world of shithead stardom…#FTMF


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    Give Grantham a break. Todd was too busy angling for another raise to notice his defense sucked.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. theoriginalspike

    Great Play Caller! Offensive Genius! Quarterback Whisperer! Three New Years Bowl Games!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. ugafidelis

    Hell, let them slip up and beat Utah and Kentucky and they’ll be declaring themselves National Champions.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Russ

    That tells me with a little discipline Florida is still the second best team in the East.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Down Island Way

      A disciplined 3rd and grantham would have shortened the wake board playoff season and you know, corch wannabe didn’t have time for that really hard crootin’ shit at FU…#FTMF

      Liked by 1 person

  9. 81Dog

    They ain’t going to be claiming they’re back after week 1. Utah is going to thump them.

    Liked by 2 people

    • And at their house…the only solace may be that those Mormon boys will say please and thank you as they stomp the ditch lizards into belts and boots…try to envision what it would be like if Canada invaded a rundown, shitty Sandals resort

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Terry McCullers

    Them sons a bitches think they are back? I think not!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. practicaldawg

    That Kentucky loss was really an achievement. Didn’t they have like 8 or 12 downs with goal to go to win and couldn’t find the end zone?


  12. Nil Butron is a Pud

    I know it was the year before, but this will never NOT be funny…

    Liked by 4 people

    • Texas Dawg

      Seeing a ditch lizard make a fool of himself (and cost his team a game) never gets old. 25 years from now it will still put a big smile on my face

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Comin' Down The Track

    One can make a solid argument for 7-5 FU as being “BACK BABY” because historically 7-5 is actually who they are.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Texas Dawg

    IF (and it’s highly unlikely) that they beat Utah, they will be proclaiming that they’re back Saturday night.


  15. uga97

    Those other teams USChickens, UK & UTknox are all better than last year, all have better more experienced QBs & settled coaching staffs & rosters than FLA. Mulligan year for Billy.


  16. David Chadwick

    Gasparilla Bowl. Hehe.
