Requiem for a cowbell

This time, I’ll let Mike Leach have the final word.

Leach was asked after the game about how his program can catch up to Georgia’s.

“First of all,” he said, “I think I’ll ask every other team in the nation that’s below them what their thoughts are.”


UPDATE:  By the way, if there’s ever been a fly on the wall moment this season, this has to be it,


Filed under Georgia Football

44 responses to “Requiem for a cowbell

  1. Russ

    Yeah, nobody else has figured it out so far this year. Why should the Pirate be any different?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Isn’t that the point of gimmick offenses? To be honest with themselves about having less tools and be different enough to keep pace with the big boys anyways?

      Liked by 4 people

      • godawgs1701

        A good friend here went to law school at UGA and is a Dawg, but he got his undergrad at Tulane so I went by his house on Saturday to drink some beers and watch the Green Wave play UCF before Georgia-Miss State, and speaking of gimmick offense, it was an unpleasant blast from the past to have to sit there and watch Gus Malzahn’s gimmick trick play misdirection coward offense for three hours, I can assure you. But when you’re up against a team that is similarly talented or even perhaps less talented, it works. I was so frustrated watching Tulane’s guys chasing UCF’s guys haplessly around the field, just thinking that if they even had our second string for just a quarter they’d knock those dudes back into the stone age. I think ol’ Gus has found his level, and it’s Orlando. At least until they level up to the Big 12, that is.

        Liked by 4 people

        • siskey

          Gus may be ok in the Big 12. The gimmick takes at least a season or two to adapt to and that conference is pretty topsy turvy.
          What will be interesting is if in 3-4 years UCF has demonstrably better players than almost everyone in that conference due to Texas and OU leaving.
          I’m excited for the new Big 12 just to see the variety of schools.

          Liked by 3 people

          • godawgs1701

            That’s a good point, UCF will probably be able to recruit better players in the coming years and there’s certainly going to be a vacuum there when UT and OU move on. The Big 12 will be fun to watch, it’s certainly been a lot of fun to watch this year with both the Sooners and Longhorns doing their best impression of middle of the road teams.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Down Island Way

            In the darkness of their water closet, do the powers at the prettiest little cesspool regret cutting the gus bus loose, does anybody here really GAS…GO DAWGS!

            Liked by 1 person

        • jim1886

          Ryss Plumlee was recruited by us. Hell of an athlete

          Liked by 3 people

  2. whb209

    It takes money, people working in the same direction and a perfect coach to come along at just the right time. So, no every other team can not do it.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. D.N. Nation

    All things considered this has been a crummy year in Starkvegas. They’ll likely finish 7-5, excellent by historical State standards, but Leach had a super senior-laden team that (one assumes) had bought into his BS and the results have been….mixed.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. originaluglydawg

    Maybe the Pirate was offering SB a coaching position next year.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Hey Stet can you talk to your people and see if they can make one of those sweet “Call me” hoodies in maroon?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m sure it was a fascinating conversation to be honest. Real talk with some humor mixed in.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. bmacdawg87

    I have a feeling this was like one of those awkward exchanges you have at work with the guy down the hall that won’t shut up but you don’t want to be rude and just dip mid-conversation. Watch the end. Stet saw his shot and got the hell out of there lol.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. The Truth

    “Just how old are you, Stet? Are you certain you don’t have another year of eligibility? Portal on down to Starkvegas.”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Whatever it is was that Mike Leach and Stetson Bennett were talking about, I guarantee it’s something that Bennett won’t soon forget.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. RangerRuss

    Leach was talking about the relationship, if any between Blackshear, Ga and Blackbeard Island north of Sapelo and how in three years when they’re both unemployed they can look for Teach’s buried treasure and produce a show for the History Channel.
    “Hey! It worked for those grifters on The Curse of Oak Island. See you in three years, Coach. Gotta go!.( Whew! What an asshole).”

    Liked by 3 people

  11. ciddawg

    I’m no Doctor….but Mike Leach does not look like he is in good health…

    Liked by 3 people

  12. spur21

    Wonder if he mentioned fat girlfriends…………

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Stetson played at Jones County Junior College after leaving UGA the first time. It’s under 3 hours from Starkville. I’m willing to bet Leach recruited him a bit while he was there.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. csmoore2021

    Stetson asked Coach Leech if his cell phone ring was a cowbell. Coach replied that his ringer is set to “Come Sail Away” by Styx. Bennett then said that the first concert he ever went to was when his dad took him to Styx, and he thought he was at a D&D convention. Coach then said he had to run because he had some World of Warcraft games lined up after the presser. Bennett then shouted “Leroy Jennnnnnnkins!” and split. Neither of them acknowledged that they just played a football game.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. cowetadawg

    Maybe sharing some LSU weaknesses he observed. “Do what we did in the 1st half of that game. Not the second half – forget that. Just continue being explosive. Tell Kirby to fold up sideline chairs if he has to. ” “Sure, Coach – sounds good . . .”

    Liked by 1 person

  16. southgadawg1

    I don’t like Leach but I bet he could make you laugh standing there talking in a setting like that. I bet he can be pretty funny when he wants to be.


  17. godawgs1701

    Senator, I’m sure everyone here joins me in offering prayers and thoughts of comfort to the University of Virginia community. I can’t imagine the feeling not only of having college students shot at and killed on your campus, but for them to be athletes that you feel like you know and have some sort of connection with. It’s a terrible tragedy.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. moe pritchett

    I hop this link works.
    Best pic of the night

    Liked by 2 people

  19. uga97

    Stetson: “Mike, thanks for hosting us and allowing us to kick yer ass….you got any game film & qb tips I can borrow for the LSU defense?”


  20. ciddawg

    Leach “I see what you mean about Robinson…
    I’ll talk about it in the Presser but won’t mention you”…
    Stet- Uh, sure what ev…


  21. I’d bet they were talking about Leach’s former QB at Valdosta State and Stetson’s HS coach Sean Pender.

    Liked by 1 person