Daily Archives: September 24, 2023

Condition red

If things still seem a little choppy on offense with these Dawgs, maybe this explains some of it.

(Honestly, you could say the same thing about the defense.  But I digress.)

That said, Georgia’s offense managed almost 600 yards last night, with almost 400 of those coming through the air.  They averaged about 7.6 yards per play.  They were 10-13 on third down and generated 31 first downs.  They went 6 for 6 in the red zone — all six being touchdowns.

In short, if you’re frustrated with Georgia’s offensive coordinator for last night’s showing, you may be suffering from Bobo Derangement Syndrome.  If these symptoms persist for more than three and a half hours (including commercial breaks), you may want to consult with a professional.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

Siri, what is coaching malpractice?


Notre Dame coach Marcus Freeman said he was trying to get a fourth defensive lineman on the field for the final play of the game in Saturday night’s 17-14 loss to Ohio State, but didn’t want to draw a penalty, so he stuck with 10 defenders on the play that allowed the winning touchdown.

Trailing 14-10, Ohio State had the ball on the one-yard line on third down, when Chip Trayanum ran up the middle and scored the winner with one second remaining. Freeman, a former linebacker, was asked after the game if he should have taken the penalty and tried to get the 11th defender onto the field.

“To me it was like, ‘Hey, don’t give them another opportunity to get settled and to try to make a different call,’ right?” said Freeman, who didn’t have any timeouts remaining. “Hey, guys, stay off the field. Let’s not give them a freebie from the half-yard line and let’s try to stop them.

“And I thought maybe they would do the same thing they did the snap before, and then they ended up running the ball,” he said. “So I got to watch the play and see where the ball hit. But, yeah, that’s why that I made that decision.”

Coaches have been shitcanned for less.


Filed under Notre Dame's Faint Echoes

Ready for Prime Time

I give Dan Lanning a lot of credit.  The last time his team had national attention for a regular season game, it laid a massive egg, but that sure wasn’t the case yesterday.  He knew the game would be in the spotlight because of Sanders and they didn’t miss.  He had his team ready to play from the get go.  Lots of people got confirmation that Oregon is a quality program.  If they weren’t in the national conversation before, they are now.

Well played, sir.  You done the Smart coaching tree real proud.


Filed under Pac-12 Football

TFW your coach says what you’re thinking


Tell me you didn’t feel it at some point watching the game last night…


Filed under Georgia Football