Daily Archives: September 28, 2023

Is the quest for a three-peat that big a deal?

My question isn’t a facetious one.  You’d think the media would be treating something that hasn’t happened in almost ninety years as a huge story, but it feels as though it comes off as something less than that.  Some of that is the way Coach Prime has sucked the oxygen out of the media tent, but I’d argue Alabama’s shaky start has gotten more attention than has Georgia.  (You could make the argument that Georgia’s offseason issues have eclipsed the three-peat story, as well.)

This is not to say the Dawgs are being completely ignored.  There’s no way the top ranked team in the country won’t be newsworthy.  But I can’t help but wonder how much the attention would be dialed up if, say, it were USC or Notre Dame chasing history this year.  I suspect much more than we’re seeing right now.

Which is not to say that’s a bad thing, at least in my mind.  And I expect Kirby is positively thrilled that the story isn’t on the front burner, possibly distracting the team.  But it’s a little unexpected.

What say you?  Thought I’d try a little reader poll to gauge the reaction.

Comments, of course, are welcome.


UPDATE:  I just discovered that it would cost $25/month to be able to post the results here in real time for everyone to access.  I’ll pass on doing that and instead will just post ’em occasionally with updates.

Currently, “I don’t care” leads with 74 votes (56%), followed by “good thing”, which has all the remaining votes.


Filed under Georgia Football




Does it matter?

If these guys can’t run the ball Saturday, they’re toast.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Stats Geek!, Strategery And Mechanics