Daily Archives: September 17, 2023

Urnge angst

Holy shit!

The VolNation message board game thread for the meteor game has over 257,000 views and over 8,000 comments in less than 24 hours.  Lotsa happy campers there.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

He who kicks butt last…

[Narrator’s voice:  “But they didn’t.”]


Filed under 'Cock Envy

Tick tock

In some ways, I found yesterday’s game profoundly weird.  I’ll break down most of that in tomorrow’s Observations post, but there’s one thing I want to touch on in this post.  Maybe it was the result of being the first game I attended live in almost a year, but I was surprised by how much of an impact the new game clock rules have had.

There were a couple of points in the game when I looked up at the clock and was genuinely shocked to see how much time was left.  The second of those came in the fourth quarter when Beamer elected to go for it on fourth and fifteen on South Carolina’s 46.  My initial reaction to the call was along the lines of “wut?”, but after looking at the clock and realizing, with his team down by two scores, how much time Georgia was likely to burn if the Gamecocks punted there, I could see why he took the gamble.

It is going to be tougher for underdog teams to mount comebacks.  Georgia ran 79 plays to SC’s 58, but that’s not unusual when the Dawgs are having to play chase.  What was somewhat different was a huge discrepancy in time of possession, as Georgia controlled the ball for over 37 minutes.  Running a lot of plays isn’t nearly as big a deal in terms of game results as keeping the ball out of the trailing team’s hands and that was something Georgia managed the better job of yesterday.

One other strategic point that seems significant:  preserving your time outs is a bigger deal now, since the clock doesn’t stop with first downs until the last two minutes of a half.  If you can manuver the other team into burning a time out, that’s a plus.  Beamer managed that with a defensive substitution as the play clock was running down; Smart returned the favor later in the game by rushing the offense up to the line of scrimmage to run a fourth down play (he punted after the time out).

I’m curious — did any of that come through on the broadcast?


Filed under 'Cock Envy, Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

That kind of day… for a while, anyway

This is funny, ’cause it’s true.

Well, that probably isn’t funny to Woodring, who’s got bigger things to worry about.


Filed under Georgia Football

Are we having fun yet?

Tell us it’s been a long day without saying it’s been a long day…

Hoo, boy.


Filed under Nick Saban Rules

How I want every Meteor Game to end.

I’d say stay classy, y’all, but who am I kidding?


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Gators, Gators...