Daily Archives: September 21, 2023

UAB and the 800-pound gorilla in the room

I’m a bit surprised this week there’s been so little mention made of Stetson Bennett’s astounding performance line against UAB the last time they were in town:  10-12, 288 yards, 5 TDs, 0 INTs, a 422.43 passer rating.

Perhaps the best highlight from that day:

That was the game when the coaches made a decision in the wake of Daniels’ injury to start Stetson over Beck.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Those are some big shoes to fill, Carson.  No pressure, man.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

“The networks and the conferences understand that you don’t want to make the games unwatchable…”

Stewart Mandel and Seth Emerson ($$) pull out their stopwatches in a effort to answer one of the burning questions of our time:  “If college football games feel longer, is it the commercials’ fault?”  Their answer:

But the new clock rules, aimed at shortening the overall game times, have put the commercial breaks in more focus. Plays in the game have been cut down, but commercial breaks have not gone up — though it may seem that way.

Especially if you watch the SEC on CBS, apparently.

No broadcast takes more commercial breaks than the SEC on CBS. In addition to four breaks of 2:20 each quarter (shorter than the ESPN-SEC games), CBS can insert two additional 1:20 breaks per half. And they sometimes cram in 30-second floaters on top of those.

We logged the 2022 Florida-Georgia broadcast and last Saturday’s South Carolina-Georgia broadcast. The total commercial time for each was approximately 49 minutes, a few minutes more than other networks.

During South Carolina-Georgia last Saturday, CBS only got in three of its four allotted breaks in the first quarter, thanks to long drives by each team. It made up for it by carrying one over to the second quarter, which the SEC permits. It also used the two additional breaks per half in the second quarter, and it snuck in a 30-second break when Georgia called a timeout in the final minute.

So, eight commercial breaks in one quarter — several of them short breaks, but all stoppages of play that not just the fans notice.

“Our coaches have expressed that the game has lost its flow,” said Todd Berry, executive director of the American Football Coaches Association. “Quite honestly, I think it’s something college football needs to look at.”

Hey, next season that’s your problem, Big Ten. Enjoy!


Filed under College Football

“It’s a good song,” he said, “but it has nothing to do with football.”

Who said traditions have to make sense?

There are certain sights and sounds ingrained in a Georgia football Saturday in Sanford Stadium.

Uga chilling out in his sideline doghouse.

A trumpeter playing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” in the upper deck of the Southwest corner.

And curiously 81 seconds of a classic rock song released before Georgia coach Kirby Smart was even born.

It’s from the English band The Who, the last thing the crowd of more than 92,000 hears before shoe hits leather at kickoff for Bulldog home games.

… The Who’s Pete Townshend said he looked out from the stage of Woodstock to draw lyrics for the song.

“’Baba O’Riley’ is about the absolute devastation of teenagers at Woodstock,” he told Guitar Player  “where everybody was smacked out on acid and 20 people, or whatever, had brain damage. The contradiction was that it became a celebration: ‘Teenage wasteland! Yes! We’re all wasted!’”

Then again, I’m sure there are more than a few wasted teenagers in your typical Sanford Stadium crowd…


Filed under Georgia Football

Urban Meyer critical of Georgia and Michigan? Who’da thunk it?



Is there anyone in college football more full of shit than Urban Meyer?


Filed under Urban Meyer Points and Stares