Things you may have missed from the weekend, part one.

Ledes don’t get much better than this one:

A Pittsburgh-area high school teacher who police say confessed to arriving at school high on heroin and passing out in class had only two words for comment-seeking media members today: “Roll Tide.”

And a happy ending, to boot – it looks like he won’t be serving any jail time over it.  (The no comment is kind of disappointing, though.)


Filed under Crime and Punishment, General Idiocy

4 responses to “Things you may have missed from the weekend, part one.

  1. PatinDC

    Gotta luv the Tide family….


  2. Breaking Bad, Alabama style.


  3. Bulldog Joe

    That boy just has too much Bama in him.


  4. Hey, I think I know that guy. He was a substitute teacher with me at Spain Park in B’ham.
