Wednesday morning buffet

Grab a plate.

  • Tracy Rocker sounds pretty no-nonsense about his charges:  “You produce, you stay,” Rocker said. “You don’t produce, next. It’s all about playing with the right combination and to get guys to produce with full-speed effort. That’s the most important thing. That’s what I’m working on up front is effort. Try to eliminate the MA’s (missed assignments) and go forward.”
  • Bill Connelly looks at how the 2013 FBS teams ranked in order of their per-game difference between projection and reality as to offensive and defensive scoring efficiency.  Georgia ranks 116th.  He didn’t speculate how much of that to chalk up to luck, randomness or something else, but perhaps I need to dust off the ol’ “regression to the mean, bitchez!” meme.
  • Another day in paradise on Finebaum.  (Do any of his listeners actually care about basketball?)
  • Athlon ranks the SEC head coaches.  I don’t get how you can put Malzahn ahead of Miles, but that’s just me, I guess.
  • Kirby Smart is coaching defensive backs again, drawing upon his experience at Georgia“He just coaches us at a different level, trying to get us to understand it from his point of view because he played the position and he knows what’s going on…”  They should be awesome in run support this year, if that’s the case.
  • Today, Quayvon Hicks is Georgia’s only healthy scholarship tight end.
  • One reason CAPA is going to Washington “One obstacle in securing some of the protections we want is the NCAA is colluding and excluding opportunities for trust funds. To solidify an antitrust exemption would be to the detriment of player protections.”
  • Malik McDowell has outlasted his momma.
  • I missed this when it came out, but Pete Fiutak’s April Fools’ story about Herschel finding a loophole in the NCAA eligibility rules and announcing a return to Georgia is a fun read.  Richt then joked, “If you can find an extra year of eligibility for Champ Bailey and Richard Seymour, we’d find a spot for them, too. ”


Filed under Georgia Football, Look For The Union Label, Media Punditry/Foibles, PAWWWLLL!!!, Political Wankery, Recruiting, SEC Football, Stats Geek!, Whoa, oh, Alabama

9 responses to “Wednesday morning buffet

  1. 202dawg

    Something tells me the words ‘Coach Rocker’ and ‘thug love’ will never be used together…


  2. Spike

    Boom near the bottom of the list. Priceless..


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Bielema #12, too. After winning 3 B1G titles and 68 games in 7 years at Wisconsin. The SEC is tougher, I guess.


  3. Scorpio Jones, III

    “Last November, Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) introduced legislation in Congress that would require colleges with high-revenue sports teams to provide their athletes with a package of benefits, such as financial aid when an athletic scholarship is removed for reasons other than bad behavior or poor academics. The proposal was shaped around a bill that Huma helped get passed in California to provide athletes with greater protections.”

    I don’t see anything in this that any serious college football fan would object to.

    Obviously, however, this is the United States Congress we are talking about. The bill will probably come to a vote with a subsidy for repeal of the Affordable Care Act tacked on to it, if it ever leaves committee.


  4. 69Dawg

    It been said on here several times that the NCAA fall back position is congress. These CAPA people know this and are going to in the immortal words of that great North Carolina law enforcement officer, “nib it in the bud”.


  5. Macallanlover

    These ranking lists always seem shallow to me, often based on the latest headline. Where do you suppose Malzahn would be had the “lightening strike” play against Georgia not occurred? It was a poor play call, poorly executed, that some degree of divine intervention turned an L into a W. Lose that game and I doubt they beat Bama in the Iron Bowl so they would have lost the last two games and not beaten anyone near the top of the SEC. Think that might have influenced where he would stand amongst his peers?

    I am not saying Malzahn isn’t a good, creative coach at all but I do feel the body of work is not deep enough to put him 3rd in the SEC, or Top 15 nationally. After 4-5 years, he may well end up at the top of the SEC ladder but Athlon is “projecting”, not ranking at this point.


  6. Chuck

    Ranking anyone head coaching only two seasons – no matter how successful they were – ahead of people who have been successful for 100+ games is just ridiculous.


  7. Bulldog Joe

    Still haven’t erased the memory of Kirby Smart and Trey Sipe running several yards behind our opposing receivers.

    Teach on, Kirby!
