Tuesday morning buffet


  • Arkansas threw the ball 40 times in the Alabama game.
  • Speaking of throwing, broke down Hutson Mason’s game against Mizzou.  (Hint:  he likee.)
  • Jimbo Fisher goes all in on Jameis Winston“. . . There is not a victim because there was no crime. . .”
  • And speaking of Winston, hoo boy.
  • Coach Richt, on his evolution at head coach:  “I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t do as much hands-on coaching as I used to. Mike Bobo and Pruitt are doing most of that now. I deal with more things during the game and in the week preceding the game.”
  • Jerry Palm notes that the selection committee will continue the tradition of not taking margin of victory into account.  Idiots.
  • The descent of Jeff Driskel is a thing:  “Right now, Jeff would probably start, but both will play.”  The “probably” is an especially nice touch.
  • Speaking of Boom, this is still a thing, too.
  • Georgia moves up a whopping twelve spots, to ninth, in the latest F/+ rankings.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, Crime and Punishment, Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, SEC Football, Stats Geek!

40 responses to “Tuesday morning buffet

  1. Winston, geez. Putting aside his many moral issues, the major differences between his autograph situation and that of Gurley are (1) Winston lied (again); (2) Jimbo said that’s good enough for him. Makes me respect Gurley and Richt even more.


  2. John Denver is full of shit...

    So, Baylor over TCU = Georgia over Mizzou?



    • uglydawg

      And don’t forget…ND squeeked by a terrible NC team….but it counts as much as if they had won by say…..34.
      (Actually, it counts more. This is just like two years ago with ND)


      • I told my brother-in-law last week that ND would struggle with UNC, and it’s because of BVG. As good as he is at defending against pro style offenses, he’s awful with the hurry up spread offenses. For comparisons sake, UNC and Michigan are reasonably comparable in terms of overall strength this year – in other words, both suck. But look at the difference in how BVG’s defense did against the two. I actually expect ND to show up and play very well against FSU, especially on defense. The FSU offense is much more what BVG likes to face.


    • Will (the other one)

      Say what you will about Baylor’s lack of D, but TCU is a lot better on O than Mizzou so far this season too.


  3. WF dawg

    Cory Brinson really does a nice job with those breakdowns. Thanks for linking, Senator.


    • James Stephenson

      I like how he mentioned that the Mizz Dbs never come and played press. Kept waiting on them to do that with their end rushers and knew we would take the shot over the top. Only to never have that happen. Which explains the 5-7 yard passes all day.


  4. Clearly Fisher does not grasp the difference between “insufficient evidence” and “things that are not true, based on evidence.”

    All in, indeed.


  5. uglydawg

    FSU and most of it’s fans are dillusional about Winston. They are now down to nit-picking the letter of each offense rather than seeing the whole big picture of a sleeeezy, selfish kid playing for a sleeeezy selfish coach. When all is said and done, I hope Jimbo and the AD are fired and FSU has to vacate a whole bunch of victories and give the MNC trophy from 13 to Auburn. And if you know how much I hate Auburn, that is a serious statemern.


    • uglydawg

      I’ll add that Gurley’s stand-up admission and UGA’s handling of it is very refreshing and in stark contrast to FSU’s denial and defense of what is obviously the same (selling autographs) offense. If Winston was doing this last year (and I don’t know when it occured), I hope FSU forfeits their National Title….after all, Georgia has suspended it’s star player to avoid forfeits. And what irony it is that Georgia’s suspension of Gurley could end up being a catalyst that helps transfer the 2013 NC to Auburn.


      • WF dawg

        I could be wrong, but I don’t think the trophy would transfer to Auburn, which would be the most delicious development of all. Just like in 2004, they might well have been the best championship-eligible team in the land and have no MNC to show for it. Awesome.


  6. Those comments by Jimbo make my blood boil. It’s that kind of dismissive attitude towards the victim that makes you understand why women are so hesitant to come forward if they believe they may have been sexually assaulted. Nevermind the fucking lack of self-awareness displayed by Jimbo in his complete inability to distinguish that a botched investigation (and that’s putting it lightly as i would argue TPD purposely obfuscated the investigation to protect Winson) that yields a lack of evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But no – let’s continue with the slut shaming BS because that’s the right response.

    /off my soap box ya’ll – I grew up in a house full of women and know several victims of sexual assault, so this dismissive crap touches home for me. Our women deserve better is all I’m saying.


    • uglydawg

      His dismissing of the autograph scandle is also disgusting…the evidence is pretty damn convincing that he did exactly what Gurley did.
      JF and the AD should be fired today. FSU should forfeit all of the games JW has participated in.


    • Always Someone Else's Fault

      The FSU bubble world on this is startling. All sorts of rumors and half-truths masquerading as FACTS, thrown back and forth through social media often enough that all of it becomes accepted “truth.” And that’s the information cycle Jimbo is attempting to keep happy, not to mention a locker room and the bruised feelings of JW. Speaking of JW, I suspect he’s funneling all of this into a serious persecution complex that will serve him well as he moves forward in his football career (sarcasm alert).

      Go back and read some of those articles written after his introduction at FSU media days prior to last season. I cannot remember a player starting at “Like-Tebow-but-cool-with-much-better-passing” and falling to “eye-roll-him-again?” status so fast.


    • Will (the other one)

      And this also reminds me why I’m glad Mettenberger didn’t stay on the team. Pull some BS like he did, then lie to the coaches about it? We don’t want/need you in Athens.


    • Debby Balcer

      I agree completely!


  7. Arkansas threw the ball 40 times in the Alabama game. That was surprising! So was this: Alabama rushing YPG- 240. Against Arky 66. Alabama passing YPG- 314. Against Arky 161. Glad our special teams are on the rise.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Arkansas threw it 40 times against the Bammers cause they could not run the football. I guess we will find out how our defense stacks up against Bama’s…and Arkansas’ offense.

      Man, Arkansas is huge.


      • They are spending time at the dinner table for sure! It is still shocking to me that Arky held Bamma to a quarter of their average rushing yards (66!!!!) and half the usual passing yards. When was the last time Alabama got less than a 100 yards rushing? Yikes! I hope Bobo has a plan to bring some lightening to go with our thunder.


    • Will (the other one)

      They were passing every down for most of the 4th quarter and…I still can’t figure out why. It almost reminded me of the NATS under Fish Fry when trailing late (and a lot of the passes looked nearly as bad.)


  8. Jimbo Fisher has succeeded in placing himself in a position previously held by only an embattled Paterno…that being one of not only condoning institutional corruption but also actively participating in it. It will not end well.


  9. Coach Richt giving us his farewell early warning.


  10. I don’t like that Gurley is now being spoken of in the same light as Winston if Winston did business with Allen. Now the NCAA has another reason to keep him out. It’s not good for Gurley’s name or for Georgia’s chances of getting him back.


  11. PatinDC

    That UF link was hilarious. Those fans are a crazy bunch. They are worried that UF will win the SEC East and Muschamp won’t be fired. have they been watching their own team?


  12. Cosmic Dawg

    Senator, love your quote of the day – good on AM for framing it that way, and generous of him to put himself in the shoes of his less fortunate former teammates, too.

    I don’t personally want the schools paying the kids (although some pocket money would not hurt anybody) it’s that through their collusion they not only prevent athletes from making money doing the the thing they are best at, but the second, third, fourth etc things they are best at (clerking a movie theater or waiting tables) too.

    That’s awfully meanspirited, to legally be able to prohibit another person from working.


  13. Ausdawg85

    A lot to digest today…

    Hutson haters…where are you? Ahhh…hiding in the dark just waiting for him to have a bad game. Nice. Not a one of you has stepped-up to say that maybe he and the coaches are on the same page after all.

    Jimbo takes the word of a crab-leg thief…but of course.

    Heard on radio interview with one of the sports writers in the mock playoff selection that a lot of arguments went for teams that “looked impressive” even when it was pointed out they lost to the team being compared. Awesome….


  14. Cojones

    The FSU/Jameis scandal will soon be over. If some recall, I mentioned the Student Code of Conduct as the way they would get him: – and they will.

    The dichotomy between School and Coach has just been overreached while testimony is being given to a school Code of Conduct Hearing that can see FSU getting rid of him because he is “unsavory” if they want to. This ain’t no courtroom and the legal proceedings to kick him out have begun. Probably by next week, pending anything earlier happening, the committee will meet and hear testimony from the rape victim, then vote to kick his ass out over the protestations of a coach who’s about to go next.

    It’s the only way the University can save face now.


    • PatinDC

      I am not holding my breath on that happening.


    • Will (the other one)

      I could see them also rigging the timing so Winston only gets booted after the ND game this weekend. After that, there isn’t a regular season game their backup QB couldn’t lead them to a W in .


  15. Jimbo. How embarrassing.

    What I get out of that is, Fisher and the FSU Athletic Department, in conjunction with the Tallahassee Police, have long since determined what the facts of the case should be.

    And all of us are supposed to accept that.
