Today, in stat of the day

Care to guess which SEC team has allowed the fewest quarterback pressures?

Yeah, me, too.

Also, consider that Arkansas and Florida have only played two games this season.  Yikes.


Filed under SEC Football, Stats Geek!

23 responses to “Today, in stat of the day

  1. Jack Burton

    Nice running game you got there, Boom


  2. Go Dawgs!

    That doesn’t seem possible to me… then again, Fromm hasn’t been running for his life out there.

    Could it be that we’ve got a good pass blocking line and they just aren’t as strong in the run game? Chubb and Swift were consistently having to make the first man miss in the backfield against Samford… I know we got our yards on the ground, but as I sit here thinking about it, most of my negativity about the O-Line has to do with the way they block for the run and not as much how they protect the QB.


    • Russ

      Part of it is Chaney’s scheme, getting the ball out of Fromm’s hands quickly. Fromm is also gets rid of it quickly.


      • 81Dog

        Maybe Cheney is doing a better job calling plays then he’s gotten credit for. Don’t put Fromm where D lines can tee off on him, get the ball out fast, minimize mistakes. From that aspect, it seems to be working, if not necessarily aesthetically pleasing.


    • Considering teams are selling out to stop the our run, I’d say they’ve done a good job of run blocking. Teams will continue to do it until we pose a threat in the passing game. If or when we do.


      • Biggus Rickus

        The interior has struggled with pretty good tackles thus far, and MSU brings in at least one tackle who’s better than pretty good. The line has definitely improved, and the tackles have mostly looked solid, but it’s still a work in progress.


  3. Looks like we have one of the best OL in the SEC. Just kidding, I know its more complicated than that. I do think we’ve made tremendous progress and the OL is not the ready made excuse it was last year. Win tomorrow and things are looking pretty good. Start booking those Atlanta hotel rooms.


  4. ChiliDawg

    And yet they continue to bear the brunt of the criticism. Even David Pollack dogged them a bit. I mean, I think it’s fair to say they are the least strong unit on the team, although it’s arguably wide receivers, but to this point they’ve performed adequately. Not getting a push on 4th and one concerns me. But typically pass pro is harder than run blocking so go figure. I’ve seen worse for Georgia, even with units that were expected to be really good.


    • Jack Burton

      I will argue all day about the WRs. We have a very solid WR group. Mecole’s drops don’t bother me. Kid is electric, runs great routes and is always open. The drops will stop very soon. Wims and Godwin are stars. Throw in reliable Ridley and that’s a damn good group of WRs.


      • Biggus Rickus

        Yeah, Georgia’s receivers have developed into a strength this season, as long as everyone is healthy. I don’t want to see Stanley and Chigbu try to catch passes in meaningful moments ever again.


      • ChiliDawg

        It really doesn’t matter how electric he is or how nice his routes are if he drops the ball. You say the drops don’t bother you but they sure as hell ought to when they can be the difference between winning and losing. Making excuses for drops is the same as making excuses for anything else.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Biggus Rickus

    In fairness, if Florida had played their third game against their cupcake, their numbers would probably be more in line with Auburn’s.


  6. ASEF

    And Alabama fans are clamoring that Hurts’s passing woes are a function of spotty line play. I wonder how those stats are calculated. But it does show how much at odds eye test-narratives can be with data.


  7. doofusdawg

    Fromm gets rid of the ball quicker than any quarterback we have ever had. Probably by design. Somebody is going to start pressing our receivers and crowding the line not just the box to stop the run. Vandy will and Florida will for sure. Imagine State will Saturday. Hopefully it opens up some big play opportunities that we can capitalize on.

    Think Mecole and Swift have huge days.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. McTyre

    As with many things in FB (and life) it’s possible for two things to be true. In addition to OL passblocking, the QB – presnap reads, speed and soundness of decision, and connecting on short throws could also be drivers of the stat. RBs and TE picking up rushers and play calling likely figure in there as well. We’ll see how things look after we weather a few weeks of SEC opposition, but looking promising thus far.


  9. kfoge

    I cannot see the Twitter article at work so if my analysis is incorrect due to ignorance of facts please disregard. Fromm hasn’t trown many passes. If the number of pressures is based on total number of times, it could be misleading. For example a QB who throws 30 passes and is pressured 33% of the time he would have 10 pressures. From throwing 16 passes and being pressured 50% would have 8 pressures. His number would be fewer than the other QB but the percentage of times pressured would be more. Of course not being able to pull up the article at work, my entire comment may be moot. 🙂


    • Aubrey E Walker

      Have we played a team that was capable of putting pressure on our QB. Don’t think so we haven’t played s good team this year average at best. Our Receivers will improve with better coaching, why do most of the receivers try catching the ball with their arms and body rather than their hands. It’s all about coaching they do what they are allowed to do. Just my view


  10. Texas Dawg

    One of the things I have not seen mentioned here is that our running backs have been doing a phenomenal job of blocking on pass plays as well. That has probably covered up a few whiffs by the O-line


  11. Southernlawyer11

    Am I the only one that wants to see more back-shoulder designed throws ? We seem to always be trying to perfectly lead receivers and place the ball. Have Nauta and Wims both flexed out and use motion until one of them gets a 1-on-1 and run back shoulders and box out type plays until the defense softens up.


  12. Yurdle

    The Munson in me worries about these numbers: we haven’t seen Fromm play against a strong pressuring team. Might get our chance on Saturday…


  13. SemperFiDawg

    Numbers lie. Run blocking sucks. Pass Blocking sucks. Data may be skewed due to low number of pass plays. Need more back shoulder throws even though our receivers can’t catch and drop any TD catch that comes their way. That said, it doesn’t matter anyway because Fromm constantly overthrows them. Moot point. Can’t wait till Eason gets back. Need a new carcass. These are picked bare. Oh, and Chaney, don’t get me started. He needs to be disemboweled on a bed of embers even if we go undefeated, and outscore every team we play for the next 10 years. He’s a sorry excuse for an OC. For God’s sake, can’t we just go ahead and lose a game so we can all be totally validated. Definition of “The Georgia Way”: The only thing worse than losing is winning.
