Envy and jealousy, beyond schadenfreude edition

Spencer Hall finds himself in a place past pity.  Join him there:

The best way to show the size of the giant asskicking pile the Georgia Bulldogs amassed in a 42-7 win over Florida: start with one small point. Jake Fromm, Georgia’s redshirt freshman quarterback, threw seven passes, not in one quarter, not in a half, but for the entire length of one regulation football game against a conference opponent and hated rival.

Unless you are Navy or another triple option team, let me tell you what throwing seven times in a 42-7 win means. It means one team beat the other team’s ass so badly, they didn’t even have to get up off the couch to do it. It means Georgia saw Florida getting Georgia’s last beer out of the fridge, and without really waking up, winged the remote control all the way across the house and into Florida’s temple. The remote control came flying back like the hammer of Thor, of course.

There’s more, so indulge yourself and wallow in it.


Filed under Envy and Jealousy

40 responses to “Envy and jealousy, beyond schadenfreude edition

  1. Normaltown Mike

    Is it putting salt in his wounds to point out that Fromm is a true freshman?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Isn’t Spencer Hall the same guy as Orson? This doesn’t rise to the level of the critique of the 2007 game.


  3. Argondawg

    My god that was full on Dawg porn. It needed a NSFW label. I read penthouse letters in my youth that have nothing on that. I am gonna finish this cigarette and grab a shower. That article can show itself out.


    • 79DawgatWork

      Hah, I turned to my brother in the stands after the first two touchdowns and said, “I’m gonna need a cigarette” – it was that good folks…


  4. Got Cowdog

    ” Last unvandalized mansion”. Not yet…….


  5. Jared S.

    Appreciate his point about Wisconsin. People griping about their schedule miss the point: If they win they go 13-0 (and are necessarily Big10 Champs) then they are in the CFP. Same for Miami. If they go 12-0 and are ACC Champs they’re in.

    That being said, I don’t think either go undefeated in the regular season. And if either or both are conference champs with just one loss, they’ll likely be shut out of the CFP.


    • Not sure I agree, but definitely understand your point of view. If Wisconsin and/or Miami win their conferences with only 1 loss, I would assume they are in because they would have beaten Ohio State and Clemson, respectively, in their championship games. I think the Pac 12 is definitely on the outside looking in at this point and probably the same for the Big 12-2 unless it’s the winner of Bedlam (Saturday is an elimination game for the Sooners and the Pokes).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Otto

        Miami yes if they win the ACC with 1 loss or less they’re in

        A 1 loss Wisconsin Big10 champ would very much depend on what would happen if Atlanta is between undefeated UGA and Bama teams, if ND wins out, and if the ACC champ is a 1 loss team. ND, the ACC champ, UGA and Bama could leave a 1 loss Wisconsin out.


        • dawgtired

          I’m feeling ya Otto. I would think that it would be a no-brainer that any undefeated teams from P5 conferences would be voted into the playoff…but, with the disrespect Wisconsin and Miami are getting, you have to wonder just how the voters are going to vote. They did not hesitate to jump Ohio St. over Wisconsin. When it comes to a log-jam of one-loss teams in the end, you would think they would vote for the teams that lost to the highest ranked teams. As it stands now, Penn St. lost to the #3 team, ND lost to the #2 team, Clemson lost to #16…so on and so forth. If UGA and Bama meet in the championship game undefeated…then one of them will have lost to the #1 or #2 team at the time. It’s fun speculating but a waste of brain power right now as there are many more good match-ups coming. I just have this unsettling feeling the powers-to-be will take any chance they get to leave a team not in the Big10 or Pac12 out of the playoff. For Bama and UGA, it better be a hard fought, close SECC game.


  6. Go Dawgs!

    Thank you, Kirby. Thank you so damn much.


  7. Timphd

    Spencer sees the future of UGA football and is very afriad. How good is that? I’m sure it killed him to have to write that passage.


  8. Timphd

    Spencer sees the future of UGA football and is very afriad. How good is that? I’m sure it killed him to have to write that passage.


  9. I like this guys writing style.

    I knew it could be like this…. Been a long time coming.


  10. BOZ

    “Stay blessed” made me chuckle..


  11. Bulldog Joe

    Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down” playing to an empty Florida section



  12. PTC DAWG

    Looks like Bama/Miss St and UGA/AU are on the CBS 5 day hold….will decide next Monday..either 3:30 CBS or 7 on ESPN….


  13. That was an absolutely glorious game and I watched it again last night. Is it fair to say that was our best performance against Florida in 50 years? I think so.

    That said… I walked away from the second viewing slightly worried about two things. Please someone explain to me why I shouldn’t be worried about these things.

    1) That huge lull from the 7:32 in the 1st quarter to 6:43 in the 3rd quarter. That was basically ~31 minutes of football with no scores from us, and really no sustained drives. What happened?

    2) The drive we stopped them at the goal line: I loved the goal line stand, but man we just let them run all over us. Honestly it was pretty dumb on their part not to just take the FG. Getting your first points is always vital. McElwain did us a huge favor there.

    3) We seemed to have virtually no sustained drives. Either we broke a giant play for a score, or we kinda muddled around. Why was that?

    4) 7 throws. I have 0 problem with that of course. Why throw if you don’t need to. And why expose parts of your game plan you don’t need to expose. I am just nervous about what happens vs Auburn, GaTech, Alabama, etc. if we need to pass more.

    I think #1 and #3 make me the most nervous. Am I just being a worrywort here or is there a problem?


    • slightly worried about two

      Ok 4 things. oops


    • Otto

      It is the curse of growing up with Munson poor mouthing. I’m with you even if I’m trying not to be.


    • PTC DAWG

      You worry too much…


    • paul

      Perhaps. In 1985 Florida entered the game ranked number one, having already beaten three ranked teams and Georgia was on their way to a 7-3-2 season that included loses to Alabama, Auburn and Tech. We steamrolled Florida 24-3 with freshmen running backs Keith Henderson and Tim Worley both rushing for over 100 yards. That was pretty sweet too.


      • Russ

        1982’s 44-0 beatdown of a top 10 Gator team was the most dominant I’ve seen. In fact, that was the most dominant UGA team I’ve seen until now. I hope this one ends better, though.


    • Normaltown Mike

      IN Re #1

      We had a good drive going in the 2nd QTR and at about midfield it’s 3rd and 4 and Fromm tries to squeeze it into a tight spot and it’s incomplete.
      I believe he could’ve dumped it to his RB for a first down. It’s a small thing but this is probably Fromm making pre-snap read and not letting play develop. This takes time but those little moments will be huge in a tight game and that’s where we need to improve.


  14. Gene Simmons

    Calm Down.
    Kirby’s on the mother.


  15. Legatedawg

    A neat turn of phrase, Senator. If Hall is in a place beyond pity, then we all hope that the Dawgs will keep him there by converting Jacksonville into a Town Without Pity for Florida for the rest of all our days.


  16. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    So many good things in that article, and Hall is always a fun read, but this was my favorite:

    “…the truth is that this isn’t UGA’s full potential. This is an intelligent, managed team playing clean, brutal football.

    P.S. I don’t even think this team is much more talented than a lot of the teams they face yet. The bulk of what Georgia could be is still in the mail, growing in the weight room in the form of incoming recruiting classes and underclassmen.” (emphasis added)

    From your computer to God’s ears, Spencer!


  17. Redhotchilidawg

    Salty Gator tears taste delicious!


  18. SF Dog

    Our quarterback is not a red shirt freshman.
