The spirit of Booch lives on.

An alert reader tipped me to this story.  Clever catchphrase, Vol fans.


The SEC East is a really strange neighborhood these days.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Stylin'

83 responses to “The spirit of Booch lives on.

  1. Anonymous

    We were wearing similar red hats in Chicago in reference to our own program last year, so for once I cannot throw stones at UT.


  2. Spike

    I can abide the hat I suppose.. but that Orange color is just a bridge too far for me.. It makes my retinas bleed.


  3. Ben

    I like using the phrase ironically, like, “Make Sanford Stadium Concessions Great Again,” but this stupid slogan always seemed like a joke to me.

    Also, where’s the dumb rope across the brim?


  4. Bulldog Joe

    HoundDogs of Knoxville

    For another ten bucks (plus tax), pair it with the Vol Foam Hand Sign.


  5. Bulldog Joe

    Also on clearance.


  6. JAX

    UT will never see the days of Fulmer/Manning/1998 ever again, and they were damn lucky to see them in the first place.

    The state’s population is a small 6.7mm, while Georgia is at 10.4 and Florida at 21. Tennessee is closer to South Carolina (5mm) in terms of population and overall resources, although Nashville has become a first tier city, for what that is worth.

    UT’s glory era came at the expense of Georgia losing battles for in state talent. This is well documented. That ain’t happening again folks. Tennessee, South Cack, and Clemson all make a living off of Georgia talent. Everyone raids Florida (pop. 21mm).

    I understand it only takes a roster of 85 to build a champion, however Tennessee has nothing to offer that it’s enemies do not already provide.

    It is highly unlikely that the Vols will ever see a period of sustained success that they experienced in the 90’s. The landscape has forever changed.


    • Bigshot

      They had pretty good success under the General.


      • JAX

        Yes and Tech beat Cumberland 222-0.

        Modern times buddy. Modern times.


      • Legatedawg

        Back in his day, Georgia’s population was at 3.45 million, Tennessee was at 3.31 million, Florida at 2.81 million Those are figures from 1950. The one lesson I would take from their success of 20 years ago is that it depends in great measure on sustained mediocrity in Athens. Such was the case through most of the 1950s as it was during the majority of the 1990s.


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    Hope they give one of those hats to every visiting recruit. Really, just cut the b.s. and go back to white hoods and burning crosses.


  8. 202dawg

    Hot take: this thread will escalate quickly.


  9. Aladawg

    Go mountaineers! We need to bury these peeps by half time.


    • Derek


      Just kidding. The conference loyalty thing is a non-starter with me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 81Dog

        agreed. I guess it’s a silver lining if an SEC team I hate wins against an out of conference opponent, but let’s face it: every time Auburn gets its ass kicked, an angel gets its wings, and also a 40 ounce Guinness. Ditto UT, the Gators, the Chikins, etc. Anyone else see a pattern here? While I enjoy pointing out the toughness of the SEC, I wouldn’t pull for most any of the other members without a substantial and distinct benefit to UGA

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Legatedawg

    I’d like to see one that says “From Brick by Brick to Shit a Brick.” But maybe that fits better on a tee instead.


  11. Bulldog Joe

    This still makes me laugh.


  12. Tennessee: Make Type 2 Diabetes and coded racism great again!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. UGA '97

    Tom Herman ordered a bunch


  14. stoopnagle

    There’s a relatively new pizza joint down the road using “Make Pizza Great Again.” Their pizza sucks.


    • california_dawg

      So does President T- oh never mind.

      Football really needs to get here soon so we can take a break from arguing about political bullshit and instead argue about more important football bullshit.


  15. Charles

    Jeremy Pruitt = stable genius


  16. Gurkha Dawg

    President Trump said it best. Y’all hate him because he is richer than you, smarter than you, and he is President and you’re not.


    • He sure doesn’t write like he’s smarter than me. 🙂


    • Walt

      I don’t like Trump because he’s an incompetent asshole who’s using his office to make himself richer while he fucks over most other people. Well, that and a few other things.


    • ChiliDawg

      Thinking Trump is smart takes an exceptionally stupid person. Of course that’s never been a secret. His base is literally comprised of only poorly educated people. The same kind of rubes who think the character he played on The Apprentice is who he is in real life. You know, wrestling fans that get upset when you tell them it isn’t real.


      • Gurkha Dawg

        Poorly educated? I don’t know how you define “poorly educated” but my education consists of the following: Bachelors degree from UGA, Doctorate from the Medical College of Ga, and 4 years of post doctorate training. You might want to look up the definition of “literally”. I think it is obvious that you are the exceptionally stupid person.


        • Walt

          Jesus Gurkha, you’re a highly educated medical doctor, and the best you can come up with is “Wrong. I already told you why you don’t like President Trump.”. I’ll discuss Trump with a 10 year old if I want that kind of weak ass response.


  17. Gurkha Dawg

    Just fucking with the commies on a slow Friday. My original comment was just a good natured jab at the Trump haters. The Senator responded with a good natured jab of his own. It was you Doug and Chili who started the bullshit flame throwing. Relax and enjoy the gains in your 401k.
