Alex, I’ll take “Embarrassments” for $200.

Your contribution dollars at work:

On the bright side, we’ll be able to add Tennessee to that list after this season.


Filed under Georgia Football

50 responses to “Alex, I’ll take “Embarrassments” for $200.

  1. j4k372

    We will always have spikeball.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. truck

    If there’s a more appropriate term than “humiliating” I’m all ears. Just one before I die, that’s all I ask.


  3. 92 grad

    Yeah, we’re still the most tortured fan base. The sec and rose bowl wins from ‘17 really meant a lot to a lot of us.


  4. Mark

    I dunno, isn’t this a bit like Florida football fans who act as though UF football history began when Steve Spurrier became coach? They wear blinders about what parts of Florida’s football history matter. It’s been noted in this blog many times.

    UGA has had national championships in tennis, gymnastics, equestrian, I don’t even know what all. Restricting the discussion to three sports (albeit the big three) and then implying UGA has no impact on the SEC’s trophy case doesn’t sit too well with me.

    Maybe it’s just me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • GruvenDawg

      Baseball..crazy when you think of all the talent out of Atlanta and we haven’t captured a title. Same could be said with Basketball.

      Football…we are getting one in the next 5 years. Hopefully this one.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mayor

        I hate to say it but I think we had our chance at a football natty in 2017 and didn’t get it done. Chances like that don’t come around often. Bama is standing in the way and as I see we we have to beat Bama twice to win it all.


    • I think the point is that these sports are the ones that are high profile. Georgia is never going to win a national championship in basketball (I love what Crean is building, but he isn’t going to out-Kentucky Kentucky). Georgia is going to win a championship in football sooner than later given the trajectory of the program (we can out-Alabama Alabama if we want). The baseball question is the one that drives me nuts … we have every advantage and haven’t gotten over the hump the last couple of years.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Russ

        In regards to basketball, there’s really no reason Crean can’t do it. Look at Billy Donovan at Florida. They were basically the same as Georgia when he got there, and they won 2 titles and have been much better since then. With the recruiting Crean is doing, I can see us making some waves in a couple of years. I’m certainly not counting on it, but I’m also not saying it’s impossible.


        • Tony Barnfart

          I wish our basketball arena was where the Classic Center is.


          • tbia

            Maybe we should talk about the discussions 30 years ago when that was proposed as part of a joint Athens/UGA project and nobody could bother to work it out.


    • Restricting the discussion to three sports (albeit the big three) and then implying UGA has no impact on the SEC’s trophy case doesn’t sit too well with me.

      Maybe it’s just me.

      Let’s put it this way: you’re definitely in the minority of Georgia’s fan base. Hell, my bet is that the majority of UGA fans and major donors only care about football.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mayor

        Well, then why don’t we just fucking disband all the other teams? As a guy who played one of those “other” sports that kind of attitude pisses me off—not that what you said isn’t completely accurate.


    • Smoky Joe Would

      UGA has 27 National Championships in other sports since 2000, 5 for Gymnastic alone. Maybe we should only include Women’s sports, would certainly make us look better.


    • JCDawg83

      Not winning any championships in the big three while being a state that is loaded with talent in all three is what doesn’t sit well with me. It’s time for Georgia fans to have a little humility until we actually win something. I quit telling people how great Georgia was going to be a long time ago.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Greg

        it doesn’t start with the fans…or end for that matter. Nothing to do with it.


        • JCDawg83

          True, but the fans running their mouths and posting about how great Georgia is “going” to be are the reason we have become something of a laughing stock in the college football world. We need to win and then talk instead of doing it the other way around.


  5. Jeff Sanchez

    Add in the Atlanta sports teams and it’s just insane for a (state of) Georgia sports fan. Just crazy

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Macallanlover

    Doesn’t embarrass, nor surprise, me about football. Until we get a real playoff where conference champs are given a seat, it is still a MNC to me. (Of course the arbitrary Final 4 version is a huge improvement over the BCS, and the BCS was much better than random polls chose the winner of the season long beauty contest.)

    All this MNC or bust talk is so exclusionary that it demeans what the CFB sport should be about. Only one team is a winner? All others are failures?
    BS! Why let something so rarely achieved define your enjoyment? The post yesterday about what makes JAX so special also captures, in microcosm, what fans all over the CFB universe feel on every Saturday in the fall. Enjoy, we are among the blue blood elites who get to enjoy CFB at its finest. Can’t imagine being a fan, of any team, in any sport, and having that outlook.

    Liked by 1 person

    • DawgPhan

      Everyone should get a trophy just trying their best, right comrade!


      • Tony Barnfart

        So 2017 was a failure to you ? Is all lost when your baseball team loses in Game 7 or the World Series, because that’s what happened.


      • Macallanlover

        I would respond about how totally stupid, and erroneous, your comment is, but it speaks well enough for itself. You missed the point entirely, and you obviously know nothing about me, or why I feel so strongly in the opposite direction. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


    • Greg

      Big believer in giving conference champs a seat. Under the current format, conference champs should be the only ones invited imo.


      • Mayor

        I agree with you Greg. The Power 5 conference’s should become the Power 4. Let the Big 12 go away and it’s teams get split up among the rest of the top conferences (I say the SEC should grab OU and Okie State) then the first round of the playoffs would be the conference championship games. The 4 winning conference champions then play off for the title.


      • HiAltDawg

        Probably, the only fair solution is to give the SEC Divisional Champs two of the spots and the SEC Champ gets the 1 Seed and the Runner-up gets the 2 Seed and then probably the third best SEC team record-wise should get the 3 Seed and then let the rest of the conferences submit a money bid payable to the SEC to buy the 4 Seed. That’s the only way we’ll ever get a TRUE champion. This bullshit of wanting some “other” “conference” “champion” in the playoffs is why you donkies are getting squeezed out of the sport.


        • Mayor

          You make a good point. Why doesn’t the SEC just split into two conferences? Each new conference could add one team and play a round robin 7 game conference schedule. Auburn would become an OOC game.


    • Bat City Dawg

      agree on mnc or bust.. the funny thing is the people that are the most angry about it not happening (fans) are the people whose lives will be impacted the least by a championship. what do you get out of it? a t shirt?maybe a cool trip if you can shell out? i suppose memories.. but those fade.. the rose bowl is still fairly fresh, but honestly aside from swift’s run vs auburn and maybe the blocked field goal, i can’t recall anything from the ’17 SECCG


  7. Charlottedawg

    But, but, but….our winning percentage!!! We’re thiiis close!!!

    And people say I’m crazy for saying Georgia sports teams are cursed. cursed also includes being perpetually burdened with apathetic and incompetent management as well as the typical shit the bed moments when the rare opportunity to actually accomplish something presents itself.


  8. tbia

    I know math is tough, but you can add Tennessee now.


    • Check your calendar. Tennessee won the national championship in calendar year 1999.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Brandon M

        So 20 years ago was July 2, 1999. I’m pretty sure that means January 4, 1999 was more than 20 years ago



          My whole post is rendered meaningless.


          • Don'tBeAnAsshole

            The sarcasm is a little childish, don’t you think? By any measure (calendar or # of seasons), Tennessee also belongs on the list. No one said the post was meaningless, just inaccurate. And per your earlier post regarding what sports UGA fans REALLY care about, I’d argue that the only list that matters is one that only includes football titles. Because at the end of the day, the vast majority of Georgia fans would trade 10 basketball or baseball titles for a Football Championship.


            • I didn’t write the tweet. The author didn’t include Tennessee and used the bowl date as the reason. If folks have a problem with the math, take it up with him.

              None of which has a damned thing to do with UGA’s drought in the three big sports.

              I really feel childish now.


          • PTC DAWG

            He’s right, you know.


          • Brandon M

            Dramatic much? So the author of the tweet can’t do math. Who cares. Just pointing out that you don’t have to wait at all to add Tennessee to the list. They’re on it now. No this doesn’t change anything about UGA’s struggles.


  9. stoopnagle

    Whatever. It’s coming. We’re certainly closer now than programs that have won those things in the last 20 years – arguably across all three sports.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RandallPinkFloyd

      Kinda how I feel. Still like where our programs are as a collective group, especially football, compared to just about all other programs that have won 1 of the 3 in the last 20 years.


    • Mayor

      The Dawgs had the best team in the country at the end of the season in 2002, 2007 and 2012 and never got to play for the championship. They also had the best team in 2017 and DID play for the championship but got cheated out of winning by bad calls.


  10. Greg

    “Laughing stock”…that is a little strong, don’t you think??

    Hell, most all schools talk shat (fans). Now, if the players start to do it, different story IMO.


  11. UGA '97

    kirby says hold my beer

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  12. The Georgia Way

    Rest assured, we dominated the profitability championships for the early part of this century and this is what is truly important.

