Your 7.3.19 Playpen

Evidently there’s some kind of contest in New Jersey to determine which trial judge is the most boorish.  This year features two strong contenders.  Number one:

On July 30, 2018, Judge Troiano denied the waiver to try the teenager as an adult, arguing that prosecutors had abused their discretion.

Judge Troiano said there was a “distinction” between “a sexual assault and a rape.”

He said “the traditional case of rape” generally involved two or more males using a gun or weapon to corner a victim into an abandoned house, shed or shack, “and just simply taking advantage of the person as well as beating the person, threatening the person.”

It was under those egregious circumstances, he said, that the state would try a juvenile in adult court.

He delved into the facts of the case, questioning “whether or not this young lady was intoxicated to the point that she didn’t understand what was going on.”

He said the boy’s actions were not sophisticated or predatory, and dismissed G.M.C.’s text messages as “just a 16-year-old kid saying stupid crap to his friends.”

That’s strong, but number two is succinct.

In the other case, the appellate division reversed another judge’s decision not to try a 16-year-old boy as an adult after he was accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in 2017.

The second family court judge, Marcia Silva, sitting in Middlesex County, denied a motion to try the teenager as an adult and said that “beyond losing her virginity, the State did not claim that the victim suffered any further injuries, either physical, mental or emotional.”

Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?  She was twelve years old.  (The criminal defendant claimed he broke up with the victim because she was “too little”.)

Judge Silva is female, so at least it’s a relief to know we shouldn’t chalk things up to gender bias.  Clueless stupidity, on the other hand…

Have at it in the comments.  (I should probably start a drinking game on the Betsy Ross flag, but I don’t have the energy.)


Filed under GTP Stuff

177 responses to “Your 7.3.19 Playpen

  1. dawgxian

    I’d like to see the liberals explain how ANTIFA is not that bad and it’s now ok to beat up gay people cuz Trump is a Nazi


    • SpellDawg

      Most rational people don’t need the difference between beating someone up who happens to be gay and beating someone up because they are gay explained to them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ChiliDawg

        Most rational people don’t continually attack the same straw man long after it’s been burned down.


      • Mark

        So are you suggesting that the fact that the guy was gay was irrelevant, and it was the fact that he is a conservative journalist that made it OK for Antifa to beat him up? Or maybe there was some other reason that made it OK…?


        • ChiliDawg

          How long since you stopped beating your wife?


        • SpellDawg

          Yes, No, No. Gay is as relevant as Asian in his attack, but it is funny to see the same folks that draw moral comfort from Diamond and Silk now aghast for the gays. I mean, most of y’all are still opposed to them marrying, adopting, and being gay in-general, but holy shit he was a “GAY journalist” so let’s put that in every line in every story written about the incident.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Mark

            Just did a quick search. The only headlines I saw did not mention his sexual orientation (other than the one reporting on his noting the silence of the LGBTQ community about his assault), but rather his conservative politics. That seems to be the reason he was beaten up. And the reason that liberal-run Portland is doing nothing about it.


          • Napoleon BonerFart


            • SpellDawg

              It’s the same crime regardless of his politics, race, or sexual identity, but there were no police on-hand, the only video proof of his assault we’ve seen just shows the assault (not what proceeded it), and the people who assaulted him were wearing masks. The likely fact that this won’t be prosecuted has everything to do with those issues and little to do with all the other twitter noise.


            • dawgxian

              Stalin and Mao killed more than Hitler, so following your logic, why can’t we assault socialists?


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Antifa are Democratic socialists. If Hitler had been a Democratic Nazi, we would celebrate his birthday.


              • Derek

                Anyone who supports the USA becoming the USSR or Red China or Cuba deserves a good ass whipping.

                If their ideal is more like Norway, then I think the ass whuppin’ isn’t appropriate.

                Likewise, if you really think that Hispanics are fine people who suppress wages and that Americans should be prepared to spend more on everything from fruit to homes, that’s fine. If you think Hispanics are “pests” or “animals” and that you think Hispanics are a problem because they make America less white, you deserve an ass whipping. And I hope both get what’s coming to you. Won’t bother me in the slightest.


                • Smoky Joe Would

                  Question, if all the undocumented immigrants coming across the border were given amnesty and allowed to freely become citizens on the condition that they had to vote Republican would we still be having this discussion?


                • Derek

                  Probably not.

                  If these were Cubans there would be different rules.

                  Shockingly, there are different rules.

                  The dry foot rule is a special rule specifically for Republican leaning group of refugees.

                  I’d prefer consistency absent political considerations but one party thinks they can thrive with everyone’s participation and another that doesn’t.


                • Smoky Joe Would

                  Maybe it is not so shocking that there are different rules. The only thing consistent with American politics is that both sides move the goal posts on a consistent basis.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You think Democrats are hypocritical cynics who are only after power? Fuck you buddy. Democrats are altruistic heroes who are making the world a better place.


                • Derek

                  Not saying it isn’t self-serving but it is true that one side wants to make it easier to vote and one doesn’t really mind the Russians having a say.

                  Maybe that’s a “both sides” thingy, but I don’t think that it is.


                • Smoky Joe Would

                  You don’t think that importing 100,000 people, then giving them the right to vote as non citizens is “having a say” in our elections?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Right. They’re both illegal. But the unproven one is illegal with Russians.

                  Dum dum dum dum dum.


                • Derek

                  To smoky and ONLY Smoky,

                  I have no idea what “importing” or “non-citizen” voting is. As I understand it the fear is the natural born children of the undocumented will vote primarily democratic.

                  I suppose if your bullshit were fact you’d have a point. As it is only citizens can vote and no one has seriously proposed changing that.

                  Much like meeting with Kim without preconditions is ok if it’s Trump should suddenly polling show that undocumented people vote republican they would suddenly decide to change the rules. It’s what they do.

                  None of this addresses the other point which is that our intel and law enforcement agencies, current and past say, Russia intruded on the election. Trump even claimed and then recanted that they helped him get elected:

                  “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

                  Trump on 5.30.19 at 6:57:47.

                  As such he’s an admitted Russian plant. Anything short of resignation is treason.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Good points, Derek. Illegals don’t vote. And requiring voters to provide identification proving citizenship is racist.

                  And if you ignore the lies of Clapper, Comey, and Brennan, then they are truthful. Also, Mueller ignored the proof of Trump’s throwaway comments because the Russians hacked his investigation.



    • Anonymous

      ANTIFA is a team sports for people who are not good at sports. They and the people they are fighting in the street are engaging in mutual combat because they think it is fun.


      • ChiliDawg

        ^ accurate.

        and that description extends to guy who publicized his getting beat up for the purposes of posting a gofundme.


        • SpellDawg

          PT Barnum would be king today, there truly is a sucker born every minute in our society:


        • dawgxian

          Do you mean the gay, Asian, journalist or the old white man? And for all you “it’s ok to beat up Nazis” people, I want nothing to do with the Proud Boys because assaulting ANTIFA is part of their identity. I don’t care if they deny being racist. Violence is enough to DQ them. If you don’t want Hitler, start with not being the Weimar Republic.


          • Derek

            Nothing makes me prouder on the day before the anniversary of the founding of our Nation that someone would say that property damage and violence are off limits as a means to achiev political ends.

            If there had only been some one there to talk Sam Adams and George Washington out of both.

            King George would have fell for the non-violent resistance tactic. You should have been there. You know, to tell the Founders to do it the right way.

            No British tea in the harbor. No dead British soldiers.

            Just peace, love and harmony, man!


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              People just don’t get it. It’s good to beat up white people, folks whose political views are to the right of Noam Chomsky, and people who tell the truth about leftists. Violence against anybody else is bad. Got it retards?


            • Derek

              Ngo so white!

              If you think antifa could only be motivated by racial hatred, that has to be the most clear projection of one’s subjective world view possible.

              Of course you might just be a babbling idiot.


              • Biggus Rickus

                I’m pretty sure Ngo falls into one of his other two groups you ignored.


                • Derek

                  And I’m pretty sure, unlike their opponents, that none of antifa’s motives have a goddamned thing to with targeting a race as suggested by flatulent short dick.


                • Biggus Rickus

                  Given leftist rhetoric on white men (and sometimes women), I think that race plays a role. As for their “opponents”, that would be anyone who espouses views anywhere on the conservative spectrum. It’s cute that you think they really only target Neo-Nazis or other white supremacist groups.


                • Derek

                  It’s cute that your full of shit. Like a teddy bear with constipation.

                  The fact that people who by and large diminish the seriousness of our history on the issue of race are also the ones so quick to pearl clutch that the roles may have been reversed, fills me with joy. No one is more deserving of living in a state of baseless fear that they are being targeted for being white. I hope it keeps every racist up late at night worrying.

                  Fuck all the Confederate monument/flag supporters who say “were not racist, they’re the racists!!” They deserve to be very uncomfortable.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Exactly. Identity politics is the bastion of the right.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Sorry I put white people first in my three examples. I should have known you wouldn’t be able to read all the way to the end of the sentence. I’ll try to use more pictures for your benefit.


        • Argondawg

          You do realize that you offered a spirited defense of Antifa last week? I remember because I found it odd that someone would defend either of the extremes. It seems so counter productive.


      • Derek

        If they’d engage in the American traditional beating of people expressly due to their skin color, sexual orientation or religious creed, I’m sure Antigua would have a lot more support on the right. At least they’d be dismissed as an irrelevant nuisance, right? ‘‘Tis a shame that the tiki torch crowd has to deal with an opponent isn’t it?


      • Derek

        So you’re part of the “blame Portland first crowd?” I mean can’t you people just get over it?


        • Anonymous

          You are extremely bad at mind reading. This is why you think you are in some epic struggle against a hundred million racist Fascists. They exist only in your head. All I said what that people on both sides of the fight are doing it for fun. Politics is secondary to the thrill of feeling like they are fighting for righteousness. That feeling applies to both sides of the street fight.


    • stoopnagle

      It’s totally OK to beat up Nazis. Yes. We should all be on board with that.


      • Derek

        But what if they’re only amateur nazis who haven’t gotten really good at it, yet? Should we beat up nazis in their infancy? Don’t we have to wait until they invade Poland?


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        When everyone is a Nazi, then no one is.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Maybe I’m too cynical anymore. I see the point but I can’t work up any reaction except ‘whaddaya expect’ when I hear about mediocre judges.


  3. Mayor

    I do have the energy to discuss the Betsy Ross flag issue. Who exactly is driving the bus at Nike? A former NFL QB or all those Harvard MBA types who were hired to run the company? So the revolutionary war flag that is the symbol of the founding of this country is now a rascist symbol, eh? Get ready for a sudden drop in sales Nike.


    • Mayor

      *racist—I swear, the damn autocorrect did that.


    • Get ready for a sudden drop in sales Nike.

      I thought that was already supposed to have happened after Nike signed CK as a spokesperson.

      BTW, about that racist symbol thing:

      In the 1900s the flag was co-opted by the American Nazi Party, who displayed it prominently at rallies.

      It’s continued to be embraced by right-wing, white nationalist and anti-diversity groups, meaning it now represents hate, racism and exclusion to many Americans.

      As recently as last year, Ku Klux Klan flyers were distributed in Upstate New York that featured the Betsy Ross flag, CNN reported.

      Those shoes showing up en masse at white nationalist rallies is probably not something Nike’s keen on. Too bad it lacks your marketing insight. I wouldn’t worry, though — some enterprising outfit who sees money in marketing that flag on sneakers to stylish righties is bound to make a killing, amirite?

      Liked by 1 person

      • UGADrake

        I think it has become extremely sad state of affairs in America when we allow symbols that originally meant one thing (at the time of their inception) to be hijacked by extremists (on both sides). CC and Nike should have reclaimed the symbol (if they felt it was indeed hijacked) and made it their own. A symbol that covered all people. Maybe we had some issues at the time of the revolution, but we did get a lot of things right when we fought under that flag. I honor that flag, not because some idiot Nazi (who if they understood Hitler/National Socialism- would know he would most likely hate that flag- but I digress. Nazis and intelligence usually don’t go hand in hand) hijacked it. I fly it to honor those who designed it and what they fought against and fought for.


      • Smoky Joe Would

        So let me get this straight, the Betsy Ross flag that I fly at my house every year for the 4th is now racist and I am racist for flying it? Just because some asshole decides to use something at a racist rally I have to stop using it. What if they start showing up with elongated G’s next year?


        • Nobody is accusing you of being a racist, man. But Nike isn’t in the business of promoting racists. Like it or not, it’s not a risk worth taking.


        • ChiliDawg

          Literally no one is telling you to stop flying your Betsy Ross flag. No one. Not a soul.


          • Smoky Joe Would

            No, but you will be quick to call me a racist idiot if you drive by my house and see it.


            • ChiliDawg

              Why are you guys so bad at logic? No, I wouldn’t call you that if you had that flag out. Most people wouldn’t. Some might, but why should you care? It’s your house, and they aren’t paying your mortgage. YOU HAVE THAT RIGHT.

              Nike is a BUSINESS. A very successful one, which relies exclusively on MARKETING for their success. They make calculations based on what other people think every day. They’re good at it. It’s their choice, and their profits. THEY HAVE THAT RIGHT. How does any of this affect you personally? It doesn’t. You weren’t going to buy the fucking shoe if they had made it, and you’re still going to buy a Nike product the next time you want to get a new UGA shirt. Or not. YOU HAVE THAT RIGHT.


          • doofusdawg

            Just keep it in the basement in the trunk right. Put a sticker of it on your car and get keyed cause you deserve it. Freedom of expression and thought if it’s the right kind of expression and thought.

            For the life of me I continue to be amazed that otherwise very intelligent people continue to be blinded that it is indeed 1984 and some animals are more equal than others.

            But I understand for many it’s payback is a bitch. Just acknowledge it and let’s try to get passed it.


            • Derek

              Tattoo a swastika on your forehead and tell people you’re trying to recapture it’s original meaning.

              No reason for you to be a victim of others misuse of an otherwise innocent symbol, man!

              This aggression will not stand, man!

              And if there remains confusion, at least it’s an ethos.

              Liked by 1 person

      • Chadwick

        It’s a stretch to paint that flag as some kind of oppression symbol. From the WSJ article the people that follow that kind of use for national symbols seemed to think that flag barely raises a blip as far as racist/nationalist symbolism. YMMV.


        • My mileage isn’t the issue here.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Mayor

            Actually your mileage is an issue. You should be shouting from the rooftops that the Betsy Ross flag is NOT a racist symbol. Just because some hate group someplace decided to fly that flag doesn’t make it racist. Capitulation to Nike and it’s racist spokesman’s declarations of what is acceptable accomplishes nothing good.


            • I have managed to go 63 years without being emotionally invested one way or the other in the Betsy Ross flag and with any luck I’ll be able to maintain that lack of concern for the rest of my life.

              We’re talking about a flag being used for commercial promotion. If that’s a hill you want to die on, be my guest. I’m saving my outrage for things that matter.


              • Derek

                Dude if Nike is gonna consider an Air-Jefferson and someone says “Sally Hemings” and Nike says “hey maybe TJ won’t move a lot of product here” and they never make the shoe, you better die in that hill!!

                This is NOT fucktarded outrage!!

                Why? Because and stuff.


          • David Chadwick

            I get your point. The judges in your original post, damn, just damn. I cannot fathom those decisions.


      • TimberRidgeDawg


        Is it your personal opinion that the Betsy Ross flag is symbol of racism? I’ve never it co’opted by the usual white robe groups. Not exactly the Confederate Battle Flag by any stretch of the imagination.

        If we’re going to apply the modern test of the immorality of slave owners from a period 250 years ago when the practice was legal then we might as well lock the Declaration of Independence in dark closet because Thomas Jefferson and some cohorts would be considered a moral stain on society by today’s standards.

        The simple undeniable fact is that the practice was legal and predated the formation of the US and it took bloody civil war less than 100 years later to end it once and for all. Half of the stars on that Betsy Ross flag facilitated the end of the practice. Until the past week, the Betsy Ross flag was considered a enduring symbol of America’s fight for independence from England and now Colin Kaepernick decides it’s racist. That he could make that jump doesn’t surprise me. What does shock me is that Nike didn’t see this as a SMH moment and move on.

        It’s no wonder the NFL doesn’t want to touch him. He got paid for collusion but that’s a small price to pay for a bunch of rich guys just to get him away from their platform.

        Now you have a section of the country going “Poor Colin”, he’s so persecuted for exercising the rights that were given to him that started with a war that was fought under the flag he’s protesting. It’s a bit ironic but at some point there has to be a realization that you can’t view history myopically through the lens of racial equality test. There are contexts and shades of good and bad at any point and the further back in time one travels, the more likely that good will be seen as bad in light of today’s environment.

        I grew up in the 60’s in the deep south. I saw bad as a child. I knew a lot of folks that fought in WWII and then I just missed on Viet Nam via draft myself, you wanted protests and change that was the time. You could actually die. I see a lot of young people today out looking for a cause by tweeting between lattes at Starbucks and finding excuses to be offended. The country is not perfect but there are 327M people living here and unfortunately there are always going to be people who do boneheaded things because our laws give that kind of freedom of thought and expression to do so. The task for the rest of us is to try to minimize that impact of their stupidity on society as a whole. Seems like it would be simple but it isn’t and grandstanding futile gestures opposing some sweeping notion of institutionalized social injustice across the US by correlating random individual actions doesn’t help the situation.

        I hate to be the old guy but there seems to be a complete lack of adult supervision in this country at any level.


        • Senator..

          Is it your personal opinion that the Betsy Ross flag is symbol of racism?

          Nope. Not that it matters to Nike.

          BTW, that would have been an interesting question to ask about the Confederate battle flag… oh, say, 75-100 years ago. Look how that turned out.


          • TimberRidgeDawg

            I agree it matters to Nike and it really isn’t a hill to die on. The act doesn’t interest me as much as the discussions and the logic of the people in the room that made the call. That would be an interesting call to be a fly on the wall.

            When I was a kid, I remember those old roadside Stuckey’s stores on way to Florida and you could buy all kinds of cheap souvenirs with Confederate flags or cartoonish Confederate soldiers with “Hell No, I an’t forgettin” on a car tag. At the time I, nor most kids and adults I knew, thought anything other than it just something funny that was uniquely southern and otherwise harmless and having one didn’t make you a Klansman.

            If not for the hate groups visibly using it as a symbol, I’m not sure it would have become the huge target it became. Georgia popped it on their state flag in 1956 as symbol of defiance. Some will deny it but it was exactly that. Then we had Zell and the battle to get it off the flagpole which eventually turned into the current flag which is based on the 1879 flag design with the Confederate Stars and Bars plus the state seal ironically wrapped in the Betsy Ross 13 stars which was a nod to the colonial past and wouldn’t be as controversial as the Stars and Bars alone in order to pass.

            If we start getting some of the neo-nazi knuckleheads waving the Betsy Ross flag then there will be some eyebrows. The thing with flags is more about the people that are waving them and what they represent. The Nazi swastika is based on a 5000 year old rune associated with good luck and well being. It was used widely in Europe as such in the early 1900s but Hitler and his crew ruined that forever.


      • Trbodawg

        My problem with the shoe is what the hell is an American flag doing on a f*cking shoe??? Aren’t we supposed to NOT let the flag touch the ground? I l like my stars and stripes where they belong – on a bikini top.


        • Got Cowdog

          Trbo you have done us all a solid. Even with all the monkey shit being flung all over the comments today you have managed to distill in one image the true essence of America’s holiday: The American Flag Bikini
          My best friend since childhood had a sister that was 5 years older than us. Her choice of patriotic swimwear was truly salute worthy. Happy 4th buddy.


    • Ricky McDurden

      People are welcome and, obviously, are certain to feel anger and even disgust toward Nike for their actions on this but I’ll believe they see a drop in sales when it happens; let me know when tens of thousands of fans stop buying officially licensed UGA Nike apparel in reaction to this move.


      • Mayor

        That’s the point, Ricky. When fans start doing just that UGA and all those other Nike universities will move to Adidas back to Russell or whomever and THEN Nike will feel it.


        • ChiliDawg

          Good luck to you on that. It’s never going to happen, because turns out the old white curmudgeon Fox-news-watching demographic doesn’t represent a large enough share of Nike’s market to move the needle, but good luck to you.

          Most of us don’t care. Every time you guys start a “boycott Nike” movement, more people will just go out and buy Nike because y’all have reminded us we really like their stuff (their sales spiked upward the last time conservitards “boycotted” over Kaepernick). One could even make the case that the right wing outrage machine is so reliable that Nike has learned to operate it like a slot machine to generate extra sales. So, again, good luck.


    • I don’t get this decision. I bought a pair of New Balance shoes this summer after moving my last pair of Nikes to semi-retirement (I’ve been a Nike guy for 35 years). I haven’t bought any Nike Georgia apparel in a year. While I may have bought this shoe, I would have at least seen it as an act of goodwill.


    • Texas Dawg

      When I read that story yesterday, I was left shaking my head. Kaepernick is really stretching to find things to be offended by now. What was ironic is that he found the flag from the founding of our country to be offensive and felt is should be removed. What he does not seem to find offensive is all those little green pieces of paper $$$ that have Washington, Franklin and other leaders from the era on it. He gladly accepts those.


      • ChiliDawg

        Kaepernick is really stretching to find things to be offended by now.

        Sort of like getting offended that a shoe company made an internal decision to NOT produce a limited edition shoe that they never actually produced?


        • Derek

          Outrage is good for I and bad for thy!!


          • I think this stuff is just as stupid as the left getting its hackles up over Chick-fil-A. Fortunately, the market usually sorts out the real outrage from the faux.


            • Derek

              Me too! I got in an argument over a New Yorker article entitled: “chick-fil-a’s creepy invasion of manhattan”

              Fucking idiocy. It was defended by my liberal opponent on the basis that truett Cathy hadn’t always been gay friendly. I’m like the dude’s nearly 90!!! What do you expect? The food’s good. Service is impeccable. And they’ve changed and adapted their position on this, like every one else has had to!

              The sad thing is that people choose their sides and defend them no matter how stupid it gets. Objectivity is not allowed.

              People need to stop being loyal to a side and being loyal to truth and to principles.

              For example, this isn’t good for America:

              Should be no debate about that, but yet there is.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Where is censorship when we need it? #principles


              • Derek

                If a stupid fuck asks if state tv should be censored by the state is he a fucktard or did his lobotomy go all wrong?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Exactly. Folks who can’t recognize MSNPC as the unbiased bastion of real journalism are fucktards amirite? #RussiaWillGetUs


                • Derek

                  A stupid brain dead loser can’t watch a video of Fox News acting exactly like NK state tv and can’t say anything but “both sides” because of he finds it impossible not to be selling an agenda and just be an objective patriot American for 5 seconds of his life.

                  Q: So your brother killed 17 people and put them in a blender?

                  Fucktard: So? Other people have killed people too!! Nanny boo boo!

                  Is this person worthy of the oxygen required to sustain his life? The powder it would take to blow his ass up?

                  One thing we know for sure. It doesn’t mind being ignored for its stupidity.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  We share the outrage, Derek. MSNPC is acceptable propaganda. Faux News isn’t. That’s why only one side can possibly be bad. Why can’t adults recognize and validate our outrage?


          • Texas Dawg

            Please remember what you just posted the next time you go off on a rant about something that offended you.


            • Derek

              Everyone is welcome to criticize the foundation for any outrage I may express. I wasn’t criticizing ALL outrage. Just stupid outrage, like the Nike company making a business decision.


              • Texas Dawg

                Who are YOU to decide what outrage is stupid? Are you now the arbiter of outrage? Does it have to pass the Derek test and get the Derek seal of approval to be valid?


                • Derek

                  I’m saying that in anyone’s subjective Venn diagram of life there will be outrage that makes sense and some that seems stupid and contrived. I’m not suggesting that I am the arbiter of the nature of those circle graphs for you or anyone else. Just me.

                  You seem to be saying that all who get outraged should accept all outrage as valuable. This is dumb.


        • Paul

          ChiliDawg actually they produced and shipped the shoes. Then they asked retailers to return them. Some had already been sold. They are now reselling for thousands of dollars.


    • ChiliDawg

      “Oh no, please, don’t go….”

      Somehow I imagine they’ll be just fine without you, like they’ve been just fine since the last time the pearl clutching conservative culture warriors thumped their chests about the power of their dollars.


  4. Scott Rollins

    I have a 12 year old daughter. If this had been her involved in this, let’s just say, that kid wouldn’t be raping any more women….


  5. Mick Jagger

    Tommy James and the Shondells were awesome at the Southern Ground Amphitheater in Fayetteville (GA) last Saturday night.

    Great venue and show!


  6. Normaltown Mike

    You have to admire Nike for their ability to embrace woke-capitalism as a distraction from using slave labor for their products. It wasn’t too long ago they were Boogie man #1 (remember the Radiohead video?) so I guess it’s been a wise move.

    Ditto for Apple.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. dawgxian

    Just saw this- “tanks on the Mall. concentration camps. It’s like FDR is president all over again”


    • Derek

      Unfortunately in this version we’re not the ones rescuing democracy from tyranny. We’re demeaning and undercutting democratic institutions and exalting tyrants. Hopefully, in order to stop hiding this fact, he’ll show up in full military regalia tomorrow.


      • Normaltown Mike

        Are the guys at Chapo Traphouse reviewing the Sadat military parade tape for ideas?


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Right. FDR put people in camps to save democracy. Stupid people can’t see the difference between a Republican detaining people and a Democrat detaining people. Fuckers.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Actually, some of those fuckers think the difference is that FDR locked up citizens who had committed no crime while Trump locked up noncitizens who broke immigration law. But that’s just stupid and racist and fuckery.


  8. Union Jack

    All I can say is Conrad Fink wouldn’t have been pleased by the Betsy Ross shoe and if you studied under Fink at UGA you would know why ….


  9. Paul

    To heck with politics. A Jim Beam warehouse filled with 40,000 barrels of bourbon caught fire. This is truly a tragedy. And I don’t even drink Jim Beam.


    • Meh. Sounds like nothing of value has been lost.


      • Paul

        Well, I do like Knob Creek. It’s made by the same distillers as Beam. And Bulleit. Those two are good. Woodford when I’m in the mood for something with a little less bite. I like Rye, though. I enjoy the bite.


  10. Mike Cooley

    The left wing in this country is so full of shit with all of their talk about tolerance and inclusiveness and open mindedness that I for one find this rarest of rare moments that finds them just being honest about what they are and what their goals are as well as their methods as a means of achieving those goals kind of refreshing. They are tolerant of the people they like and think they can use. They are lol for inclusiveness as long as you are part of some group they believe they can dupe into being used to help them. They are open minded as long as what comes out of your mouth is what they want to hear. If you dare even utter a word against what they want they hate you. And if you are part of one of the groups they have branded as their political cattle and don’t follow their directives, they want to destroy you. I don’t worry about these people or their ideology. It is collapsing under the weight of its own stupidity and illogic. These people are weak people and they are terrified of their own shadows. It cracks me up that candy asses like Derek and a chili think that people like them who have never even been in a fist fight are going force us all to live like they tell us to live. These people hasten their demise the more they ratchet up their insanity and I think it’s hilarious. These little bitches aren’t going to do anything other than cry and scream and beat up on people they think are defenseless and it’s goi g to end with a bunch of them being killed most likely. So fuck anybody who supports these turds. And Derek, chili, fuck you two girls in particular. All the internet tough talk in the world doesn’t change what scared little bitches you are. Orange man bad, orange man racist. Lol!


  11. Mike Cooley

    Btw, CC hasn’t hurt Nike’s sales because most people don’t give a shit about him or what he thinks. They like Nikes so they buy them. Most musicians that I listen to are morons. I don’t listen to them because I think they’re smart. I listen to them because they are good at one thing.


    • True ‘dat. That’s why I find controversies like this so stupid. Nobody’s arguing to change minds; it’s all about ginning up outrage to reinforce existing attitudes.


    • Union Jack

      It is clear from your handle that you don’t think much about a musician’s opinion …


      • Mike Cooley

        Heh. I figured somebody would go there. Now I ask you, having read my posts, how do you get to my liking of Mike Cooley’s music being based on his politics? My handle is an example of the point I was making. I think you’re confused.


    • For some reason, you seem to have me confused with somebody who GAS about the Betsy Ross flag.

      I’m not Nike. I don’t care if you are a fan of the flag who’s worried about being called a racist. I don’t care if you’re planning on leading a nationwide boycott of Nike. I don’t care if you plan to burn Kapernick in effigy. All of that is your business and Nike’s. It’s not mine.

      Let me say it again: it’s a flag on a fucking shoe. As far as I’m concerned, the whole thing is stupid. But Nike’s got your attention, so I guess there’s that.

      When you find something truly important to get worked up about, let me know. In the meantime, shove your tizzy in somebody else’s face.


    • Derek

      Why should Nike be made to produce and sell a shoe they’ve decided is not in heir interest to sell? Even if it’s for a bad or stupid reason.

      NOBODY has validated the idea that this flag is ipso facto bad. All anyone is saying is that Nike is in the business of making money.

      What’s wrong with the “free” in “free enterprise?”

      It’s a stupid fucktarded outrage that makes no sense. They just WANT desperately to be victimized and they insist that all see the martyrdom here.

      I don’t. Sorry, not sorry.

      Stupid, idiot, dumb fuck, nazi sympathizer?

      Do you think that Nike would sell shoes with the Union Jack in Galway, Ireland? Is it because they hate, or are hostile to, or are biased against the UK?


  12. whb209

    The original question, “which judge is the most boorish?” Since Judge Troiano stated in his ruling that the young man was from a fine family and therefore that was another reason he should not be treated as an adult, I vote for Judge Troiano and hope he is sent to prison and becomes some ones bitch.


    • Got Cowdog

      Yeah, I’ve been checking in a bit on this post over the day. I don’t think a 16 year old should be tried as an adult in either case, but “He’s from a good family” sure as shit isn’t the reason. Yes I have a daughter, she’s 25 now. I also have a 16 year old son. What concerns me about the two cases was the how the girls were treated by the boys. In the first example, what fucked up parent raises a son to treat a woman of any age that way? Where were the parents at this drunken party? In the second, how did the 12 year old end up with a 16 year old boyfriend? Again, where were the parents? This kind of shit concerns me much more than whatever Colin Kapernick happens to be offended by, but I’ve watched the commentariat be at each others throats all day over it with this in the background.
      Whistling past the graveyard gets thrown around here a lot. I DGAS about Colin Kapernick or Nike. I hurt for what happened to the kids.


  13. Gurkha Dawg

    I got a question. Exactly how far back do we go when labeling something a racist symbol? Anyone who has read the Old Testament knows that plenty of Jews had slaves. Is the Star of David a racist symbol? Is it 250 years, 2500 years or somewhere in between?


    • Derek

      Common sense may apply. Hard for some.

      Not sure that other historical systems of slavery were based upon white supremacy.

      So at most the Star of David may have a history of human rights violations during a time no one thought those existed.

      The reason American slavery is different is because our revolution was promised upon the idea that humans had rights. The way to justify slavery then was to suggest that Africans were less than that.


      • dawgxian

        A number of the founders realized slavery was a problem. The British used it as propaganda against us. That’s why NH abolished slavery during the Revolution and several followed suit. Ironically, the more religious states abolished first.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        This is how geniuses think. Jefferson, et al were bad guys because their experiment in liberty was only a bit ahead of its time. Blacks, women, and transgenders weren’t included like they should have been by the most liberal 21st century standards


    • Athenshomerdawg

      There was a time when slavery legal morally acceptable and essential. Slavery has been around for a thousand years and it is estimated there are some 40 million slaves today.
      This country fought a war over slavery. I don’t need to describe the death,destruction and human misery that resulted from that war. In the end CK was a middling running qb that managed to have 3 decent years before injuring his hip. He translated his genetics into victim status and translated that into a sweet payday. Being black and conscripting “Shafts” hair cut was worth much more than being the priviledged son of white parents. Its why Barry became Barack and Elizabeth became Pochahantas.


    • Mike Cooley

      People like chili will let us know what is ok and what isn’t. Lol.


      • Derek

        And you’ll continue to threaten to whip every ones ass on the internet. We’re all so very impressed. Lmao.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          And Derek will continue cussing them out to prove how superior intellect. His parents love him anyway.


  14. Athenshomerdawg

    ..on another note Kentucky Pillsbury throw boy has passed. I always wll appreciate his duel with Cory Phillips.


  15. Anonymous

    In the conversation above about the Bess Ross Flag Nikes, people raised the question about Washington and Jefferson. Donald Trump did the same in his speech after the incident in Charlottesville where said the following:

    “George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So, will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me — are we going to take down — are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? OK. Good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue? So you know what? It’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture.”

    Well. Charlottesville just announced that they will no longer celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday as a city Holiday. Instead they will now mark Liberation and Freedom Day on March 3, the day U.S. Army forces arrived in the city in 1865.

    So, the answer is yes. When the left gets their way, Washington and Jefferson will lose their status and their statues. I also do not believe it to be a coincidence that the city made this announcement the day before we celebrate Jefferson’s seminal work.

    From 1984:

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”


    • Derek

      Too bad the right didn’t win so they could keep their slaves, amirite?

      Is the city of Charlottesville going to tear down the Jefferson Memorial or the Washington Monument or change the name of the city or the state of Washington?

      No. Calm down.

      Alabama still has state holidays for Lee and Davis. Because Orwell.


      • Anonymous

        As I said above, you are really bad at mind reading. Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that not everyone that say something which which you disagree is a pro-slavery Nazi. Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, there aren’t 100 million pro-slavery Nazis in this country? Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that reality is that you are simply a delusional self-aggrandizing simpleton? All you do on here is shit on actual conversation by accusing other people of having bad intentions while pretending that you are a good person. You don’t ever make an actual argument. Above, you asked if a single city would tear down statues monuments in other states. That is stupid beyond measure.


        • Derek

          I retract all of my quotes about 100 million American nazis. And all of my self-aggrandizing. In fact I feel so guilty about both, I’d like you to show the quotes to me, as punishment.

          Finally and most importantly, if I have ever suggested that I am a good person, I sincerely apologize. Those quotes would be appreciated as well.

          While you’re finding those, kindly gfy. With a lighted Roman candle. Have a happy 4th.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            I can’t believe somebody is picking on Derek. He’s the smartest kid at his middle school. The one full of Nazis. His parents told him so. And they wouldn’t lie. He also curses and insults. You know, like highly intelligent people tend to do so that you know their points are valid.


          • Derek


            The good news is that you’re not #1 fucktard.

            That title is being jealously guarded by gassy tiny pecker.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              I’m your number one fan, Derek. Everybody else is a Russian Nazi traitor fucky fuck. But not us.
