All bad things must come to an end.

I had a lot of folks reach out yesterday after Virginia finally ended a fifteen-year (!) losing streak to its hated in-state rival, which was damned nice, considering.  Some asked me how the win felt in comparison to Georgia winning.

All I can tell you is I felt the same way watching this play unfold…

… as I did seeing Robert Edwards’ clinching touchdown run against Florida in 1997.

Matt Hinton put it well yesterday.

It’s not that you wouldn’t trade years of losing for something better.  Of course you would.  But there is something about being in the moment when your team finally overcomes that heavy weight of futility that is worth cherishing.

Sports are great sometimes, yeah?


Filed under ACC Football, Georgia Football

11 responses to “All bad things must come to an end.

  1. Illini84

    I married into a Hokie family and my late Father-in-law was as diehard of a fan as I’ve ever known. He took the entire family to the National Championship against FSU. I don’t have the visceral hatred for UVA that they do but it was fun watching them beat their rivals like that for so long!


  2. dawgxian

    And 9/7/20?


  3. I hope today is game 3 at Mark Richt Field @ Vince Dooley Stadium of a similar 15-year win streak.


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    The end zone TD reminds strongly of David Pollack against SC in 02.
    I never grow tired of seeing Hines Ward take out three guys on the Edwards run.


    • lakedawg

      Believe Hines is about toughest dude pound for pound to ever suit for Dawgs.


      • CEPH

        I think KIrby missed the boat by not adding him to the staff. It damn sure couldn’t have hurt especially since he wanted on so badly. Kirby might have been intimidated by him a little bit especially since he had such a great career. Food for thought anyway!!!!


  5. McNease

    2000 UT is in this same conversation.


  6. Bulldog Joe

    Knoxville, today?


  7. FlyingPeakDawg

    Every college kid should have the chance to rush the field once during their tenure. It’s why CFB > NFL forever and ever.


  8. I was on the 2000 team that beat Tennessee for the first time in a decade. When Tim Wansley picked that pass off in the 4th to seal it, the emotions were indelible and yet indescribable. The fans went bananas, rushing the field before the time expired. Our coaches yelled at us to strap up because it was about to be become very dangerous for us. And it did. Fans clawed at my helmet, someone stole my mouthpiece from out of my face mask. People yanked at towels, at jerseys… it was pandemonium- a student was trampled.

    It was bizzare, it was frightening, it was exhilarating.

    Outside of the injuries to students, I wouldn’t trade that moment for having beaten them every year I was there. I’ll hold onto that one forever.
