TFW you get to the end of the rainbow and there’s no pot of gold

Speaking of the brilliance of Gordon Gee’s leadership

Schovanec, Texas President Jay Hartzell and West Virginia President E. Gordon Gee formed a three-man committee in the fall of 2020 to study “whether we should consider acting preemptively with regard to our TV contract,” Schovanec said, “or just waiting and going into free agency when that contract is up in 2025.”

The Big 12’s broadcast partners politely told them to fuck off.

“The general result is that, at this time, with so much uncertainty in the media marketplace as well as the landscape for collegiate athletics,” Schovanec said, “our partners, ESPN and FOX, are not interested in acting preemptively with regard to our contract. They recognize the importance of our partnership, but there’s just too much uncertainty, and they do have four years to go.

“So we’ll wait until we get to the right place and time.”

Like it’s your choice, fellas.

These guys all think they’re deal making wizards, until reality smacks them in the face to remind them they’re little more than Jed Clampetts who, through sheer dumb luck, own something of value.



Filed under Big 12 Football, ESPN Is The Devil, Fox Sports Numbs My Brain, It's Just Bidness

5 responses to “TFW you get to the end of the rainbow and there’s no pot of gold

  1. Russ

    These guys really do think they’re the smartest guy in the room at any time.


  2. Tommy Perkins

    Hartzell was my finance prof when I got my MBA at Texas. Definitely not a dummy.
